What are the basic reasons for studying marketing?

The Department of Marketing is committed to providing an inspiring marketing education and co-curricular experience to all of its students.

We equip you with the skills and knowledge to gain a competitive edge in the industry. We also help you build the confidence to operate in a global environment.

The impact that marketing decisions have on the net worth of a business cannot be understated. Today's employers expect graduates to analyse, reason and solve problems from multiple perspectives. Completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree in marketing, develops those professional attributes. Employers demand these skills of graduates who aspire to senior executive marketing and management roles early in their career.

Marketing career opportunities

Graduates who specialise in marketing will be well qualified to apply for a range of jobs across industry sectors, including healthcare, banking and finance, philanthropy, advertising, infrastructure, retail, sport, market research, law, tourism and education, as well as not-for-profit organisations and all levels of government.

Jobs advertised typically include Digital Strategist, Market Researcher, Brand/Product Manager, Social Media Manager, Marketing Communications Manager, Research and Campaign Analyst, Sponsorship Manager, Sales/Advertising Manager, Events Manager, Media Planner/Buyer and Client Services Manager.

We leverage our industry connections to enhance learning outcomes and employment opportunities for students and graduates. Students can gain exposure to industry through international study programs and work experience as interns or student consultants.

  • Marketing internships
  • Global Study Program in Marketing (Europe or China)
  • Student consulting
  • Honours degree
  • Study abroad.

Recognising success and achievement

We celebrate the success of our many excellent students through a range of annual awards.

Global networks

Our international reputation, global partnerships and extensive business networks means that students graduate knowing that their degree is recognised by employers around the world.

Professional recognition

By James (Jiaqi) Wang, 1 Mar 2021 


In today's world, marketing is everywhere. For example, Kendall Jenner posted a photo of herself wearing Adidas tracksuit on her Instagram, and that post garnered tens of thousands of likes and brought huge exposure to Adidas. Or the Coca-Cola Billboard in Kings Cross, Sydney: this billboard has been established here for many years, invisibly deepening the awareness of the Coca-Cola brand for generations of people.

Here at IMC, we offer many different levels of courses related to Marketing. These courses will not only provide you with the most cutting-edge academic knowledge in the field of marketing, but will also make you more competitive in your future career.

Here are the 4 reasons why students need to study marketing:

#1 Marketing is an integral part of many businesses, local and abroad

As management guru Peter Drucker once mentioned, “Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two -- and only these two -- basic functions: marketing and innovation.” For a company, whether it provides physical products or services, whether it is B2C or B2B, marketing is inseparable. Marketing helps companies showcase their products or services, creating a bridge between the company and the consumer.

Source: Forbes

#2 With the rapid development of the Internet, marketing is also changing

The concept of marketing has changed dramatically in the last few decades. From the beginning of roadside billboards, to radio commercials, and then to TV commercials. Now, with the rise of the Internet, digital marketing is becoming increasingly important. And the field of digital marketing needs many people to conduct related research, and there is also an urgent need for talent in this field.

#3 Studying Marketing can help boost your career prospects

For many people, when choosing a major in higher education, in addition to their own interests, they also consider the job prospects after attending the major. As mentioned above, marketing is indispensable in all kinds of business activities, so the employment prospect of marketing majors is very wide. In addition, marketing-related jobs pay very well, according to the well-known website Glassdoor, the average annual salary of Marketing Specialist is around 80,000 AUDdollars*.

*Source: Glassdoor

Disclaimer: While we make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent all figures and potential income, it should be noted that the salary figures are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the salary differs for each individual.

#4 The discipline of marketing is always evolving and easy to get started

Among the many business-related disciplines, there are many that require strong background knowledge. Actuarial science, for example, requires a strong mathematical background, and big data analytics requires a lot of IT knowledge. The discipline of marketing, on the other hand, does not require much background knowledge. If you have no previous exposure to business-related education, marketing is a good choice. In addition, the discipline of marketing also covers a number of different areas and can provide you with a lot of interesting knowledge. Consumer behavior, for example, is related to psychology.

Looking to kickstart your career in Marketing? Find out more with our latest ‘Master Success’ offer at IMC:

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What are the reasons for studying marketing?

Five reasons to study Marketing.
Marketeers are in demand. Marketing in many businesses is a vital component. ... .
Diverse career choice. It's also a diverse field to work in. ... .
Combine courses. A degree in Marketing doesn't have to be solely based on just one area. ... .
Year in industry. ... .
Potential earning power..

What are three of the most important reasons for studying marketing?

Here are her five reasons why studying marketing is important for any field:.
Understand the Customer..
Take Stock of Your Brand Equity..
Experience the Global Marketplace Firsthand..
Enhance the Omnichannel Experience..
Go Behind the Perceptions..

Why is it important to study marketing management?

Marketing management is a great career path to choose because it will help you understand the way customers think and react when they buy a product or service. You will learn how their actions will benefit a business and how you can persuade them into buying from your business.

What do you study in marketing?

A marketing major studies the branding and promotion of products and services to the public, which is targeted through specific demographics. Marketing touches many areas of study, so students will be well-versed in advertising, communications, consumer behavior, public relations, and marketing strategy and research.


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