What causes an organism to react?

A signal known as stimuli, causes an organism to react in a certain way. This reaction is known as:

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The correct option is B


A stimuli is a detectable change in the internal or external environment. The ability of an organism or organ to react to the stimuli is known as a response.

A change in an organism’s surroundings that causes the organism to react is called a stimulus (plural stimuli). An organism reacts to a stimulus with a response- an action or change in behavior. Another example is if you are cold you shiver. The cold is the stimulus while the shivering is the response.

How do organisms react to their environment?

Organisms need to detect and respond to changes in their internal and external environment. … Cells called receptors which detect stimuli (changes in the environment). The coordination centre such as the brain spinal cord or pancreas which receives and processes information from receptors around the body.

What do all organisms react to?

All living things are able to respond to stimuli in the external environment. For example living things respond to changes in light heat sound and chemical and mechanical contact. To detect stimuli organisms have means for receiving information such as eyes ears and taste buds.

How does an organism react to a stimulus?

An organism will respond to a stimulus by modifying its behavior or what it’s doing. Stimuli can be broken into either good or bad. If something is good a living thing will behave in a way that increases the stimulus. If something is bad a living thing will behave in a way that decreases the stimulus.

What makes an organism react to something because it is associated with something else?

Simply put a conditioned stimulus makes an organism react to something because it is associated with something else.

What are 2 internal factors that organisms respond to?

what are two internal factors that organisms respond to? body temperature and hormone levels.

How do plants and animals respond to changes in their environment?

When some animals (and plants) encounter the impacts of climate change in their environment they respond by changing behavior and moving to a cooler area modifying their physical bodies to better deal with the heat or altering the timing of certain activities to match changes in the seasons.

Do all organisms reproduce?

All living things are capable of reproduction. Reproduction is the process by which living things give rise to offspring. Reproduction may be as simple as a single cell dividing into two cells. … Nonetheless whether a living thing is a human being or a bacterium it is normally capable of reproduction.

What do organisms do?

An organism refers to a living thing that has an organized structure can react to stimuli reproduce grow adapt and maintain homeostasis. An organism would therefore be any animal plant fungus protist bacterium or archaeon on earth. These organisms may be classified in various ways.

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Why do living organisms show adaptations?

Living organisms show adaptation because when it comes to a new place it needs to search for the 3 basic needs namely Food Shelter and Water.So in order to move around it needs to adapt to its immediate environment for its survival.

What is a change in an organism’s environment that causes the organism to react?

A change in an organism’s surroundings that causes the organism to. react is called a stimulus. An external stimulus comes from outside the organism while an internal stimulus comes from inside the organism. An organism reacts to a stimulus with a response an action or change in behavior.

Does a stimulus causes change or response in an organism?

A stimulus causes a change or response in an organism. The shape of a cell may tell you something about the job the cell does. The cell theory is the result of the hypothesis and observation of one person. Both plants and animals are made up of cells.

How does a one celled organism grow?

Single-celled organisms reproduce by a process called In binary fission material from one cell is broken apart into two cells. The genetic material of the original cell doubles so that each daughter cell has an exact copy of the DNA of the original cell. You might say that single-celled organisms multiply by dividing.

Why do animals respond more quickly than plants?

When compared plants and animals the animals responds to the stimuli more faster as compared to the plants due to the presence of nerve cells. … Whereas when talk about plants there are no nerve cells in the plant body so they cannot respond to the outer stimuli so quickly.

Are any changes in an environment that cause organisms to respond?

A change in an organism’s surroundings that causes the organism to react is called a stimulus (plural stimuli).

What occurs when an organism responds to external or internal stimuli?

Animal Responses to External Stimuli

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Animals must react to changes in their external environment in order to survive. If a reaction is immediate and involuntary the response is called a reflex reaction. Blinking the eyes in response to sunlight is an example of a reflex reaction.

What are three environmental factors that organisms respond to?

Study Guide for Biology Test 1 BJU

What are some environmental factors (stimuli) that organisms respond to? Air weather temp water organisms in the area
Organisms must also respond to _____________ factors in order to stay healthy and survive. irritability

What is an organism and what does it do?

An organism is an individual form of life that is capable of growing and reproducing and have one or more cells. … All of these cells come from pre-existing cells and multi-cellular organisms have specific cells for different functions. Inside the body organelles or organs work together to sustain life.

Why are living things called organisms?

Cells are made up of components that help living things to eat respire excrete wastes and perform all of the necessary functions of life. The components are organized which means that they fit and work together. For this reason living things are called organisms.

How do organisms respond to environmental changes behaviorally and physiologically?

Organisms respond to changes in their environment through behavioral and physiological mechanisms. of matter and free energy. Biological systems are affected by disruptions to their dynamic homeostasis. … Timing and coordination of physiological events are regulated by multiple mechanisms.

Why do you think that if an organism Cannot adapt to the changes in the environment will lead to species extinction?

When conditions change some species possess adaptations that allow them to survive and reproduce while others do not. … If conditions change more quickly than a species can evolve however and if members of that species lack the traits they need to survive in the new environment the likely result will be extinction.

How do organisms develop adaptations?

Adaptations are the result of evolution. Evolution is a change in a species over long periods of time. Adaptations usually occur because a gene mutates or changes by accident! Some mutations can help an animal or plant survive better than others in the species without the mutation.

Why is fire not considered alive?

The reason fire is non-living is because it does not have the eight characteristics of life. Also fire is not made of cells. All living organisms is made of cells. Although fire needs oxygen to burn this does not mean it is living.

Can organism live by itself explain?

Explanation: Yes A single cell live independently on its own. THIS can be explained by an example. … Amoeba is a single celled organism That can perform everything a living organism needs to.It can take its own food respire reproduce etc.

Can a single cell be an organism?

Unicellular organisms are made up of only one cell that carries out all of the functions needed by the organism while multicellular organisms use many different cells to function. Unicellular organisms include bacteria protists and yeast.

Are humans organisms yes or no?

In most biological respects humans are like other living organisms. … Humans are indeed a single species. Furthermore as great as cultural differences between groups of people seem to be their complex languages technologies and arts distinguish them from any other species.

Are animals organisms?

Animals are a major group of organisms classified as the kingdom Animalia or Metazoa. In general they are multicellular capable of locomotion and responsive to their environment and feed by consuming other organisms. Animals have several characteristics that set them apart from other living things.

What is organism ecology?

Organismal ecology focuses on the morphological physiological and behavioral adaptations that let an organism survive in a specific habitat. Population ecology studies the number of individuals in an area as well as how and why their population size changes over time.

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Why do some animals change their habitat?

A habitat change occurs due to: Natural calamities: Flood hurricanes storms drought forest fires landslides earthquakes. Environmental changes: Changes in temperature availability of water and food safety for organisms to raise their young ones.

What happens if a habitat is disturbed or destroyed?

The effects of habitat destruction are basically the loss of species and resources. Every type of habitat destruction results in a loss of species. Destruction causes instant harm to habitats and kills many species in the process. Fragmentation results in the loss of resources such as food and mates.

What will happen if only plants and humans are left on earth as living organism or biotic component?

if only plants and humans are left on earth as living organisms or biotic the ecosystem will be disturbed. And also food chain will be disturbed.

What is a change that affects the activity of an organism?

Stimuli. change in an organism’s environment that affects the activity of an organism.

What refers to the response or reaction to a stimulus that helps the organisms survive in a specific environment?

Sensitivity or Response to Stimuli

Organisms respond to diverse stimuli. For example plants can bend toward a source of light climb on fences and walls or respond to touch (Figure 2). … Movement toward a stimulus is considered a positive response while movement away from a stimulus is considered a negative response.

Are triggered by a stimulus and result in a predictable response?

Certain parts of our behavior may be elicited by stimuli. The kind of predictable relationship between stimuli and responses is called a reflex.

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