What color would the sky be if there was no atmosphere

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The correct option is C (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Black If there is no atmosphere, there will be no scattering of sunlight at all. In that case, no scattered light will enter our eyes from the sky and the sky will look dark. Only the stars will appear as dots.


Question Papers


What would be the colour of sky if earth had no atmosphere and why?


Yes. Earth's sky is blue because it's atmosphere scatters sunlight in random directions. If you are looking at a point in the sky that is blue, you are looking at light that originated from the direction of the sun that got bounced around a bunch of times in all different directions until it finally reached your eye. With no atmosphere, the background sky would be black because all the light from the sun and other sources would follow straight paths to your eye.


Question Papers


In the absence of atmosphere, the sky appears, A. colored.B. blueC. indigoD. black



Hint: We see various different colors due to the wavelength of each color. Each color has a specific wavelength. Each wavelength activates different cells in the retinas. These wavelengths are scattered as they travel a long distance through the atmosphere. We will try to find the relation between wavelength and scattering.

Complete answer:
From our daily observation, we can confirm that sky is usually blue during the day time. Now if we ponder a little over the question that why is sky blue, we can find the answer in a couple of words “scattering of light”. If you have done your homework right, we know that the Sun emits white light. This white light travels to earth and enters the earth’s atmosphere. As soon as it enters the atmosphere the light is scattered by the air molecules and other impurities like the dust particles. We already know that white light is made of 7 different colors or the colors of a rainbow. Newton has proved this in his experiment of prism. Among these colors, Red color has the maximum wavelength of about 750 nanometers and blue color has about 400 nanometers. So, the blue light is scattered the most. Others light stay together in the same spectrum. And as a result, we see the sky is blue. Now what would happen if there is no atmosphere to scatter the light? We can scratch our brains a little and change the perspective of viewing this question. So, let's say there is no light to be scattered instead of no atmosphere to scatter the light. The result would still be the same because there is no scattering in both conditions. So, what is the color of sky then? We very well know there is no light entering the earth's surface on the other side where there is night. And the color of night is black. So, we have our answer: the color of sky without an atmosphere would be black.

So, the correct answer is “Option D”.

Additional Information:
While thinking students might wonder that if the sun is bright and there are stars in every possible direction, why isn't the sky bright? This is something called the Olbers paradox. To answer this we must know that the universe is roughly 150 million years old and the light from distant stars has yet to reach because such stars haven't been around that long. Also, the universe is continuously expanding and this further stretches the wavelength of light making it invisible.

Students can directly relate the question to what is the color of space and still get the same answer as there is absolutely no atmosphere in space. And also, it is easy to remember that space is black.

What would you see if there was no atmosphere?

The Earth's sky would look like that. All unprotected plant and animal life on the Earth's surface would die. We can't survive long in a vacuum, which is what we'd have if the atmosphere suddenly vanished. It would be much like being "spaced' or shot out of an airlock, except the initial temperature would be higher.

What does the sky look like on a planet with no atmosphere?

It would turn black. The sky appears blue because the light emitted from the sun gets scattered as it enters our atmosphere. The blue color that we see in the sky is due to this scattering of light.

What color was the sky before oxygen?

Actually, the sky was orange until about 2.5 billion years ago, but if you jumped back in time to see it, you'd double over in a coughing fit. Way back then, the air was a toxic fog of vicious vapors: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, cyanide, and methane.

How would sun look if Earth had no atmosphere?

Due to this reason, we usually see the sun to be yellow or red, or orange. However, if there is no atmosphere, there won't be any scattering of light, due to this all the wavelengths will reach our eyes at the same time. Thereby, we would see the sun in its actual color, that is, white.