What did karla homolka do to her sister reddit

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IANAL, but I'd just like to add it was even more complicated than that. Roy Hazelwood has spoken about the process Paul employed to warp Karla's psyche. Basically, it boils down to Paul systematically beating Karla down physically and psychologically, patiently, over many years. She might have been completely amoral when she met Paul (see her letters to friends after Tammy's death) but the reason she ended up talking to the police is because Paul nearly killed her with a baseball bat. Her face and entire body were black and blue.

So what, right? But look at it from law enforcement's POV - they have this clearly battered woman sitting in front of them, who's willing to discuss Paul's crimes, but she won't talk until she gets immunity. After they discover and watch the tapes, they see that she participated in the crimes. But there are more tapes besides the crimes, and the transcripts are difficult to read. So the police and DA also know how cleverly Paul warped Karla. And they know how persuasive her story will be in Paul's trial (if it comes to it). They get in psychologists to assess her and see it's a case of (manipulated) folie a duex.

And as for Paul saying he didn't kill the girls they kidnapped? On the tapes, it's pretty damn clear who is the sadist, and maybe he thinks that if he's 'just' a rapist, he might have a chance to get paroled. In the sex tapes Paul and Karla made together, ALL the action is about him, and a lot of it is purposely degrading Karla.

I'm NOT saying Karla should've gotten off as easily as she did, because I haven't seen the full case files. But it was seriously fucked up and complicated, and as awful as the crimes were, she almost certainly would never have done any of it without Paul's serious abuse and manipulation. So maybe that all factored in.

The crimes of Karla Homolka and her ex husband Paul Bernardo still turns my stomach. The serial rapes, kidnapping, attacks and sex slavery should have been enough to put this b!tch behind bars for good along with her ex soulmate. Yet she's out in the open living life to the fullest. It's just so unfair that her sister Tammy Homolka never got to experience life. Edit: please read the "psychotic" as "psychopathic". Sorry for the mistake. Here's a link to transcripts of one of their tapes. Someone from the comment section posted it. The videos were destroyed. However, due to the joys of the internet, you can read the transcripts of one:


In the early 1990s, Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo committed multiple crimes against teen girls in Ontario, Canada. The sexual assault and murder of three teens made them one of the most notorious couples in Canadian history. Because of their middle-class lifestyles - Homolka was a veterinary technician and Bernardo was an accountant - and their classic good looks, the press dubbed them the "Ken and Barbie Killers" after law enforcement tied them to the crimes.

However, long before Bernardo attacked teenage girls with the help of Homolka, he'd acted alone, committing a series of sexual assaults all over the city of Scarborough. When biological evidence found on one of the teenagers the couple attacked together matched semen collected from one of the victims of the “Scarborough Rapist,” investigators closed in on Bernardo and discovered the secrets he and his wife had been hiding.


  • They Drugged And Assaulted Homolka's Sister

    In July 1990, 21-year-old Karla Homolka - with the help of her boyfriend, 26-year-old Paul Bernardo - drugged her younger sister, Tammy. Homolka served her 15-year-old sister a meal of spaghetti laced with Valium, which she’d stolen from the veterinarian’s office where she worked as a vet tech. Bernardo then briefly violated the teen but stopped when she quickly regained consciousness.

    Several months later, on December 23, 1990, the couple again drugged Tammy - who was unaware of the prior assault - using eggnog spiked with Halcion. Reportedly, both Bernardo and Homolka sexually assaulted Tammy while she was under its effects. The couple hatched their plan months earlier when Bernardo became obsessed with his girlfriend's little sister.

    Homolka was not a virgin when she started dating Bernardo and this allegedly upset him. Homolka agreed to provide her boyfriend with her younger sister’s virginity in an effort to make up for her own lack of chastity.

  • Tammy's Death Was Ruled An Accident

    After Homolka and Bernardo took advantage of Tammy, the teen awoke and began vomiting. Tammy then choked on her vomit and fell back out of consciousness. Bernardo and Homolka later maintained they tried to revive Tammy, but fearful of discovery, they re-dressed her and cleaned up the scene of the crime.

    Bernardo and Homolka called for an ambulance, and emergency service providers took Tammy to a nearby hospital where she passed shortly thereafter. Despite the presence of a large chemical burn on her face, examiners determined Tammy’s cause of death as accidental choking caused by alcohol-induced vomiting.

  • Bernardo Kidnapped A 14-Year-Old 

    Approximately six months after Tammy’s death, Bernardo took 14-year-old Leslie Mahaffy in the early hours of June 15, 1991. The teenager had attended the wake of a friend and arrived home around 2 am. The doors to the family home were locked, and Leslie didn’t have a key. 

    Bernardo later admitted to being in the teen’s neighborhood that night. He forced her into his vehicle at knifepoint. Afterward, Bernardo took Leslie back to the home he shared with his fiancée. Reportedly, he and Homolka repeatedly sexually assaulted her. 

    According to Homolka’s testimony, Bernardo then strangled the teenager with an electrical cord and dismembered the girl’s body using a circular saw. The couple hid the body in a nearby lake, after they covered it in concrete.

  • Her Remains Were Found On Their Wedding Day

    Homolka and Bernardo married on June 29, 1991, in an extravagant ceremony near Niagara Falls - less than two weeks after they brutalized Leslie. On the same day as the wedding, a couple paddling in Lake Gibson found a chunk of concrete, which contained part of Leslie’s remains.

    Because Leslie had experienced some conflict with her parents prior to her disappearance, the police initially thought she ran away from home. Authorities identified her recovered remains using dental and orthodontic records.

What did Paul Bernardo do to Tammy Homolka?

Tammy Lyn Homolka (January 1, 1975 – December 24, 1990) was a Canadian murder victim who was killed by her older sister Karla Homolka and Karla's partner Paul Bernardo. On December 24, 1990, a week before Tammy's 16th birthday, Karla and Bernardo plied Tammy with alcoholic drinks laced with the sedative Halcion.

Why did Karla Homolka do what she did?

Homolka stated to investigators that she had been an unwilling accomplice in Bernardo's murders as a result of domestic violence, resulting in a deal made with prosecutors for a reduced prison sentence in exchange for a guilty plea to the charge of manslaughter. ... .

What was Karla Homolka sentenced?

He was sentenced to life, and Homolka only got 12 years. But why was her sentence so short? Homolka was released from prison in 2005 after serving her full sentence (Canadian Encyclopedia). Her relatively brief punishment was the result of a plea deal she took in 1993.

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