What does accenture help businesses implement to ensure their data is trustworthy and reliable

What does Accenture help businesses implement to ensure their data is trustworthy and reliable?


blockchain has been applied in many areas such as finance, judiciary, and commerce.

(MPC will be able to solve this problem and enable trust and secure data sharing.)


What does Accenture help businesses implement to ensure their data is trustworthy and reliable data and analytics platforms?

Accenture helps businesses implement to ensure their data is trustworthy and reliable using Multi-party computing(MPC) and blockchain.

What does essential help business implement to ensure their data is trustworthy and reliable?

The exchange greatly helps businesses implement data governance, which will ensure that their data is completely trustworthy and reliable. Hence, option(B) Data governance and management policies is correct.

How does Accenture help companies harness the power of data to achieve optimal business outcomes?

1 Answer. Correct option is (b) They develop data governance frameworks that go on to form the basis of the company's data analytics strategy.


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