What does it mean if my baby is measuring a week ahead?

There is a lot of diagnostic testing that is completed while you're pregnant. Likely, you're already an expert on everything from nuchal screening to the four chamber heart exam. However, there are some tests that are a little more ambiguous, and may lend themselves to various answers running around your brain. A good example for these is the fundal height and ultrasound size testing. You may measure perfectly for your due date, or larger or smaller, depending. But, what does it mean if your baby is measuring ahead? Is it simply a case of a bigger baby, or should you be concerned?

What Does It Mean If Your Baby Is Measuring Ahead?

There are a myriad of reasons you might be measuring ahead. One is that you have an abnormally large amount of amniotic fluid — more than normal — surrounding your baby. This condition, known as polyhydramnios, is usually noticeable to the mother because of the feeling of discomfort and difficulty feeling the baby move in the womb, according to the Mayo Clinic. Another reason is that your due date was calculated incorrectly, which, while rare, does occur. You could be carrying a large baby, or more than one, or you might have fibroids of a significant size that's forcing your womb forward, causing you to measure ahead, according to The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

But what are the implications of measuring ahead for the mother and child? Is it dangerous? What does it mean if you're measuring ahead if it's almost your due date? It's a pretty tense question. I spoke with OB-GYN Dr. James Smith and he tells Romper, "Fundal height measurement isn't an exact science, but it gives us a good starting point. Sometimes, you could measure ahead or behind by virtue of a mere trick of your anatomy." I can vouch for this. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was measuring a few weeks behind when it was almost my due date. I was justifiably frightened. My OB-GYN sent me for a fetal scan at the ultrasound clinic. As it turns out, my daughter was happily hanging out low in my very deep pelvis, and was actually measuring a bit bigger than expected as opposed to a few weeks behind. I delivered her at 38 weeks, and she was 7 pounds, 4 ounces of squish.

Can Measuring Ahead Be Dangerous For You Or Your Baby?

"Most of the time, it's not a huge deal, and we simply monitor it, and continue as normal," Smith adds. "However, if the OB-GYN is concerned, or if you have a condition like gestational diabetes that carries the risks of very large for age babies, we will send you for a scan." He says that the scan helps them determine what comes next. "Some babies are just a bit bigger, and it's not a worry. Women's bodies are more capable than we give them credit for being."

He does note, however, that it sometimes can be dangerous. "There are times when we can see that your baby has what we call fetal macrosomia, which is just a fancy Latin term for really big baby. It can be strategically difficult to determine the best course of action in these cases. Some OB-GYNs will schedule a C-section, and some will induce between 38 and 40 weeks. It's really determined on a case-by-case basis, where we look at many factors to evaluate the best option for the mother and child."

He also adds that in the event that you're measuring large because you have a lot of fluid, that, too, is monitored closely to determine whether or not the excess of fluids is putting the mother or neonate in danger in any way. But mostly, they just keep an eye on it.

Measuring ahead sounds scarier than it needs to be. It seems to most likely mean that the newborn sized clothing and diapers will have no use in your home, so stock up on the bigger sizes, or prepare for a lot of baby nudity.


Dr. James Smith, OB-GYN

This article was originally published on Oct. 31, 2017

Here's what to know if your practitioner tells you that you're "measuring big."

"I just came from my 32-week appointment, and my doctor says I measured 35 weeks. I'm afraid my baby will be too big to deliver vaginally."

Modern medicine can tell us a lot about how babies are doing before they're born and even what they look like. But guessing how big they are is just that — a big guess.

In early pregnancy, you might be showing earlier for a few possible reasons, such as:

  • Muscle tone. A pregnant woman with looser abdominal muscles is more likely to produce a pronounced tummy than a mom-to-be with a very toned torso. That's also why expectant mothers who have previously given birth and whose abdominal muscles have already been stretched and loosened will tend to show earlier. Your body type might also be at play; some women carry their babies lower, which makes them appear to stick out more.
  • Miscalculated due date. Another common explanation for a seemingly supersized stomach is a miscalculation of the conception date. A 15- or 16-week tummy will certainly be larger than a 13-week one, so double-check your due date.
  • Bloating. Your big belly could also be caused by a bout of excess gas.
  • Twins. If you were earlier on in your pregnancy, there could be a chance you were carrying twins without yet knowing it: Many women who sport an impressive tummy in their first trimester later discover that they're having two babies. Before you start doubling up the layette, however, keep in mind that just as many women who popped early and became convinced they were carting around two babies turned out to be bearing just one. An ultrasound settles that question.

Later on in pregnancy, your baby is maxing out on the space available in your uterus, which makes his weight notoriously difficult to predict. A late-stage ultrasound estimate can be off by a pound or more — which makes a huge difference in a 5-pound baby!

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Typically at each prenatal visit, your practitioner checks your fundal height (the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus) with a tape measure. That number in centimeters is approximately equal to the number of weeks along you are — but one or two centimeters in either direction is no cause for alarm.

If your measurements show a discrepancy of three weeks or more, as in your case, your practitioner will do a little investigating to try to learn why with an ultrasound. Most of the time, there's a harmless explanation.

Maybe your due date is off by a few days or a week (it's pretty common for doctors to change due dates). Your baby could be in a funny position or sitting high in your uterus, and that's throwing the tape measure off. Or you may have a uterine fibroid or extra amniotic fluid (neither of which is necessarily a big deal).

Additionally, if you've been diagnosed with gestational diabetes (which is generally screened for between 24 and 28 weeks), you are at a greater risk for having a bigger baby. If that's the case, your practitioner will have already put you on a special pregnancy diet. Be sure to follow their instructions carefully to stay healthy and reduce baby's risk of macrosomia (when babies are born weighing more than 8 pounds, 13 ounces).

Finally, some babies are simply larger than others due to genetics — much in the way some people are taller than others. Often, mothers who carry larger babies may find that they or their partner were a larger baby at birth.

Your best bet is to continue eating healthily (and plentifully) for the remainder of your pregnancy. Try not to worry about the scale or the measuring tape.

Even if your baby is on the bigger side, chances are still good that you'll deliver on schedule, vaginally and without being induced. And whether your baby comes out at 6 pounds or 9, the day he arrives will be thrilling.

Here's to an easy delivery and a healthy baby!

  • What to Expect When You're Expecting, 5th edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Macrosomia, April 2020.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy, December 2020.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Fundal Height, May 2020.
  • Mayo Clinic, What's the Significance of a Fundal Height Measurement? March 2020.

Was this article helpful?

What does it mean if baby is measuring a week bigger?

A larger than expected fundal height could be a sign of fetal macrosomia. Excessive amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios). Having too much amniotic fluid — the fluid that surrounds and protects a baby during pregnancy — might be a sign that your baby is larger than average.

Will I deliver early if my baby is measuring big?

If a baby is too large to fit through the birth canal easily, delivery can be difficult. If ultrasound exams during pregnancy show a baby is very large, your healthcare provider may recommend early delivery.

Does measuring ahead change due date?

It does not change your due date. It does not call into question the date of conception. For example: I am shorter than average, my husband is tall, and all our children/fetuses measure ahead (taller than average).


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