What does orange nail polish mean Urban Dictionary

9 July 2021, 13:28 | Updated: 9 July 2021, 14:49

White nail polish is cute for the summer but it has a completely different meaning on TikTok. Here's what it actually means…

Some things – like painting your nails a certain colour, for example – seem completely normal and innocent in the real world, but on TikTok it's an entirely different story. People on TikTok are actually using their nail polish colours to send a particular message about their relationship status in another viral TikTok trend.

There are countless videos on the platform of people proudly displaying their white pedicures and manicures. This follows on from the popular 'Light Blue Nails' trend we saw earlier this year, which became a viral challenge.

In the comment section, you'll find users who are absolutely baffled by what white nail polish actually means. Here's an explanation of the meaning behind the viral trend.

READ MORE: What do Light Blue Nails means on TikTok? The boyfriend challenge explained

What does white nail polish mean on TikTok?

What does white nail polish mean on TikTok? Picture: @uralilzesht via TikTok, @helenaazvkc via TikTok

Basically, white nails mean you're single. As you probably already know, the colour can symbolise cleanliness, freshness or a blank slate. But according to Urban Dictionary, white nails mean someone is "ready to move on to have a fresh start".

In contrast, light or baby blue nails signifies that you're taken. There's also a theory that when girls ask their boyfriends what colour they should get their nails, they will always say "light blue" or "baby blue".

The trend is thought to have been started in 2020 when @_urdadsgirlfriend posted a video with the caption: "Why is it that everytime you ask a boy what colour you should get your nails they say 'light blue'." However, it's not entirely known how white nails became attributed to being single and who started it.

Now people on TikTok are sharing their white nails to announce that they're single and ready to mingle.

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while its not really made of skin like the other definitions said, its actually made of keratin, which also makes up your hair and (of course) your fingernails. also, as a side note, keratin is also what makes up rhinoceros horns

teacher: hey, kids, did you know that your toenails are made of magical candy?
gullible child: really?
teacher: no!

by wierd al April 3, 2005


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A sexy bit of skin found on the end of (usually female) toes.

be a good boy and i might let you paint my toenails said gemmaa

by gemma's foot slave March 5, 2005


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A guy that you think might be nice and have really good intentions that ends up being a fucking liar or an asshole. The toenail is ugly and smelly and not worth your time.
*see ingrown toenail

He said he would call but he didn't, what a toenail

by AMTcgy July 25, 2005


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Any man who acts conceited but is a hideous beast, a bitch but a pussy, and enjoys long hair flowing in their face, most commonly known as Malachite.

"Get that toenail out of here, he's making the room ugly."
No really, he is.

by Rasputin McHammerhead April 15, 2008


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A mass of hard dead, dry skin cells found on your toe, very closely related to fingernails.

I have a magic toenail, i keep it on my foot, it keeps me nice and safe from harm when something goes kaplut.

by wendy lane May 23, 2003


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Someone that is total l33tage. Someone that don't give a fuck what you or anyone thinks. Someone that isn't afraid to post with people knowing it was him. Someone that can boot people from a certain guild. Someone that thinks you are a pussy

Man, I hope that Toenail guy doesn't know who I am.

by Toenail August 19, 2006


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Hardened discs on the tips of the toes that protect the toe. Females like to paint their toenails all different colors.

Samantha painted her toenails red, then she stuck them in my mouth, and I began to suck on them. For the next hour, she made love to me with only her red painted toenails.

by Seth March 27, 2004


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What does orange nail polish mean?

Orange is warm, bright, and reflects happiness. This is why those who prefer orange nails may find that they are generally optimistic. You tend to look on the bright side when thinking about life and your future.

What does orange nails say about you?

People who wear orange nail polish are daring and impulsive. Most girls who sport orange nails are usually found leading groups, telling jokes and suggesting crazy adventures. If you're drawn to orange nail polish, you probably like being the centre of attention and making a statement with your style.

What nail color means your single?

Basically, white nails mean you're single. As you probably already know, the colour can symbolise cleanliness, freshness or a blank slate. But according to Urban Dictionary, white nails mean someone is "ready to move on to have a fresh start".

What do nail colors mean TikTok?

Teens on TikTok are painting their nails white to signify singledom, and baby blue if they're in a relationship. So, why white? According to Urban Dictionary, white nails mean someone is 'ready to move on; to have a fresh start.


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