What does the purple evil eye mean

The evil eye is often worn as an accessory to prevent misfortune and bring good luck. It has been kept as a symbol for protection for thousands of years and is also known as the Turkish eye. But what does the eye icon signify? Keep reading to find out all the details.

  • The Meaning of Evil Eye
  • 3 Types of Evil Eye
  • Different Colors of the Evil Eye

The Meaning Of Evil Eye

The evil eye color meaning is related to protection against a hostile glance. A hostile glance could be due to any negative emotion such as anger, jealousy, envy, disgust, mistrust, vengeance, etc. So, the evil eye, with different colors, acts as a charm to protect you from this hostile glance. There are different types of evil eyes, but blue is the most popular one. The evil eye color – deep blue, shows positive energy and good karma.

The origin of the evil eye can be traced back to 3000 BC in various civilizations, notably Turkish, Greeks, and Italian.

The hostile glance is known as “nazar” in Turkey. The evil eye charm is found as concentric circles or teardrops and worn as jewelry or amulets. The evil eye color meaning for Greeks dates to the 6th century BC. It was known as “mati”, and some ancient rituals involved the use of the evil eye. In Italian history, the ace evil eye was “cornicello” with distinct horns. These horns were carved out of red coral, silver, or gold. Some other regions of origin include Egypt, Iran, and Iraq.

Evil Eye Bracelet

The Evil Eye bracelet protects you against negativity. Possessing The Evil Eye bracelet, it is believed that evil forces could be tricked by the evil eye then distract it to do no harm.

 Three Types Of Evil Eye

There are basically three different types of evil eyes that can harm you.

Unconscious evil eye

The unconscious evil eye color meaning is giving someone an unintended hostile glance. If you are lonely and see a group of friends passing by, laughing and enjoying, you may look at them with a quick glance of malice and envy. Subconscious evil thoughts cross your mind, words which will never come on your lips. These unintentional actions send negative vibes to the individual.

Intention to harm evil eye

The intention to harm evil eye color meaning is about voicing your envy or anger towards another out loud. Say your spouse cheats on you, and you find out. You holler, curse, throw stuff, spread hatred, or even just glare in anger. Your intention to harm is being made known by your gestures and words, even if you don’t inflict any harm.

Evil Eye Black Obsidian Bracelet

Fine made jewelry deserve the wearer with fine taste. Azuro's handcrafted evil eye bracelet protects you against negativity and harm.

Unseen evil eye color

The unseen evil eye color meaning is the scariest. It is when someone’s negative emotion, such as jealousy or hatred towards you, inflicts layers of harm. You may get physically and physiologically ill. All your fortune may slip out of your hands. Someone’s hidden evil emotion can upturn your good life.

What Are The Colors That Represent Each Evil Eye?

The evil eye color meaning may represent different things based on different types of evil eye. Here’s what you can expect from various types of evil eye.  

Red evil eye meaning

Red evil eye meaning signifies enthusiasm and energy to fight vicious energy. This evil eye color meaning helps bring back your confidence and self-assurance. Red evil eye meaning is related to keeping nervousness at bay and fighting anxieties and fears.

  • Protects against fears and anxieties
  • Enthusiasm and energy
  • Instills more courage

Silver Black Evil Eye Red Tiger Eye Bracelet

With wearing The Evil Eye bracelet, you can feel the energy within it. The Evil Eye bracelet protects you against negativity. Possessing The Evil Eye bracelet, it is believed that evil forces could be tricked by the evil eye then distract it to do no harm.

Dark blue evil eye meaning

Dark Blue is one of the blue types of evil eye. This evil eye color meaning signifies protection against fate and karma. Blue evil eye meaning provides deep calmness from within, allowing a smooth flow of uninterrupted communication. You feel at ease in your environment.

  • Calmness and ease
  • Protection against fate and karma
  • Smooth Communication flow

Light Blue evil eye meaning

Light blue is the other one of the blue types of evil eye. This evil eye color meaning shows general protection of health and other essential things in life. Light blue evil eye meaning broadens your perspective to bring in more information and gives you a deep sense of solitude.

  • Overall protection
  • Broadens your perspective
  • Brings solitude and peace

Pink evil eye meaning

Pink evil eye meaning is related to love and friendship. This evil eye color meaning brings harmony between you and your loved ones. It protects friendships and brings a sense of peace to them.

  • Keeps friendships safe
  • Gives calmness
  • Brings contentment and relaxation

Dark Green evil eye meaning

Dark Green is one of the green types of evil eye. This evil eye color meaning is related to success and joy. It helps you gain professional success by chasing innovative avenues and bringing balance to your life. You feel happiness and joy.

  • Creates happiness and joy
  • Helps pursue new dreams
  • Brings balance to life

Light Green evil eye meaning

The light green evil eye is one of the green types of evil eye, and it gives you the strength to achieve success in your life and brings contentment. This evil eye color meaning is all about bringing you happiness, joy, and good health.

  • Brings you contentment
  • Helps you achieve your dreams
  • Provides good health to you

White evil eye meaning

White evil eye meaning is related to clarity and focus. This evil eye color meaning purifies your surroundings and clears obstacles so you can move ahead with focus. It gives you the strength to start anew.

  • Gives clarity and focus
  • Removes obstacles and clutter
  • Provides strength to start fresh in life

Brown evil eye meaning

Brown evil eye meaning brings a sense of security and warmth. This evil eye color meaning connects you with Mother Nature. You are protected against destroying forces of nature, and you feel a sense of cheery bloom. It helps your business flourish.

  • Brings order and convention
  • Connects you with natural surroundings
  • Protects you from natural elements

Explore the true meaning of evil eye

Many believes that evil eye is able to protect you from jealousy and other negative energy. Each color have different evil eye meaning.

Orange evil eye meaning

Orange evil eye color meaning signifies playfulness and creativity. It has been known to bring optimism and creativity in dark times, such as spark in a weak relationship. This evil eye color meaning has been associated with amusement and frivolity.

  • Happiness and protection
  • Motivation and commitment
  • Playfulness and creativity

Yellow evil eye meaning

Yellow evil eye instills youthfulness and positivity. It gives you wisdom, prestige, and clarity to reach your destined goal. This evil eye color meaning is related to relief from stress.

  • Gives relief from exhaustion
  • Sharpens mind and concentration
  • Protects health

Grey evil eye meaning


Grey evil eye color meaning is about cutting off our sorrows and grief. This evil eye color meaning is all about grace and glamor in life. It uplifts your spirits when an event brings you down.

  • Protects against sorrow
  • Provides openness to new situations
  • Reduces other colors’ intensity

Purple evil eye meaning


Purple is one of the types of evil eye which inspires creativity. This evil eye color meaning boosts imagination. If you are stuck in a rut, purple evil eye can help you recreate balance by removing obstacles. You will be able to reach successful outcomes.

  • Become more imaginative and creative
  • Re-balance your life
  • Remove all obstacles

What is the purple evil eye for?

Purple is one of the types of evil eye which inspires creativity. This evil eye color meaning boosts imagination. If you are stuck in a rut, purple evil eye can help you recreate balance by removing obstacles. You will be able to reach successful outcomes.

What does the evil eye mean 🧿?

The evil eye symbol (🧿) has been found through thousands of years of history across cultures, including in Latin America and parts of Asia. The symbol, most often depicted as four concentric circles in the shape of an eye, is used to ward off variations of evil intentions.

What do the different evil eye colors represent?

Red evil eyes signify courage, and their closely-related cousin, the coral evil eye, represents protection. Some people even group these two eye colors together, alongside their effects. The blue evil eye can be separated into two different types – the dark blue evil eye and the light blue or turquoise evil eye.

What does it mean to wear the evil eye?

Why Wear Evil Eye Jewelry? The meaning of evil eye jewelry is that they are designed to protect the wearer from evil and ward off the evil that has been directed at them. Wearing any piece of jewelry with the evil eye symbol on it provides the wearer with both power and protection against evil spirits or bad luck.


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