What does white bleach powder do

Differences between blue and white bleach: which one should you choose for your hair?

  • To know what bleach color you should use, you have to look at your hair color.
  • Blue bleach is made from sodium and, as it’s more powerful, it’s for darker hair colors. You can lighten hair up to four levels in one session, but you cannot do two bleachings in a row.
  • White bleach is made from silica. It’s less aggressive, it cannot be used to bleach with aluminum foil and it’s for lighter hair. You can lighten up to three levels and it’s possible to do two bleachings in a row.

What does white bleach powder do

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There are two main factors in a bleaching process.

  • Firstly, the experience of the hairdresser.
  • Secondly, choosing the materials correclty

White and blue bleach are not the same.

I believe that, although they’re different, they’re related. An experienced color professional knows the difference very well.

The color difference has to do with hair that can endure bleaching vs hair resulting in damage.

Are you planning to buy products to bleach your hair?

Don’t be in such a hurry! Keep reading because I’ll tell you:

  • When to use blue bleach to lighten hair
  • When to use white bleach to lighten hair

You won’t be in doubt anymore about what bleach powder to buy at the hair products’ store.

When to use blue bleach to lighten hair

What does white bleach powder do

Is your hair dark or brown? Then, you should use blue bleach when you lighten your hair. Why?

Because blue bleach is made from sodium, a very aggressive chemical used in dark and intermediate hair to lighten up to 4 levels in one session.

There’s also another reason why it’s for bleaching dark hair. It is, indeed, the blue color. All colors have an opposite color that neutralizes them.

In this case, blue neutralizes orange. When dark or intermediate hairs are bleached, unwanted tones appear, such as brassy tones.

 Blue bleach pigment neutralizes the unwanted tones that may appear after bleaching. 

What does white bleach powder do

Now, what hair is for blue bleach?

  • Black 1
  • Dark brown 3
  • Brown 4
  • Light brown 5
  • Dark blonde 6
  • Blonde 7

 Blue bleach seems amazing, and, in good hands, it is. However, it has a disadvantage: it’s impossible to use it in two bleaching sessions in a row as it’s so strong. 

Blue bleach powder refines the layers and opens hair cuticles in almost half the time as white bleach. If you did two bleaching sessions in a row with blue bleach, your hair would end up heavily damaged.

It’s so that the only solution will be to trim it.

Do you know why aluminum foil is used for bleaching?

What does white bleach powder do

Because sodium cannot resist aluminum, therefore, it accelerates the bleaching process.

That’s why you must be very careful when you use blue bleach and aluminum foil.

 Also, consider that you cannot do two bleaching sessions in a row with blue bleach.  If you want to lighten your hair more, you’ll have to wait for at least 3 weeks. Meanwhile, you should deeply moisturize your hair.

I feel very generous today. So, I’ll give you an extra tip: when you bleach your hair with blue bleach, when you reach the color you want, apply water to stop the chemical reaction.

When to use white bleach to lighten hair

What does white bleach powder do

White bleach is used in hair with white bases or those that were previously bleached. It can lighten up to three levels.

What hair is for white bleach ?

  • Light blonde 8
  • Very light blonde 9
  • Lightest blonde 10

As white bleach is less aggressive than the blue one, it’s possible to do up to two bleaching sessions in a row.

Are you surprised?

What does white bleach powder do

It’s usual for colorists at the salon to do one bleaching session, and, after rinsing, we do second bleaching with white bleach.

The goal is to reach platinum levels quickly. However,  you must be an experienced colorist to do two bleaching sessions at once. Firstly, you need to make sure if it’s necessary. Then, so as not to expose hair to unnecessary damage. 

For example:

  • If your base is light blonde 8 and you want platinum 10, one bleaching session will be enough.
  • If your base is light blonde 8 and you want a buttery shade, you’ll need a second bleaching session.

Another difference between white and blue bleach?

After you bleach with white bleach, your hair will be pale yellow. You can tone it using purple shampoo or toner.

Finally, you must moisturize your hair after bleaching, using repair masks with keratin or coconut oil from roots to ends.


  • Blue bleach is for dark and intermediate hair because it’s more powerful. Also, blue pigments neutralize orange tones that usually appear after bleaching. You should never do two bleaching sessions in a row with this bleach.
  • White bleach is for light hair because being less powerful allows for two bleaching sessions in a row. You must use it with thermal bleaching for the process to run smoothly.

Considering all this, what bleach will you use for bleaching? White or blue?

What is white bleach used for?

Bleach is the generic name for any chemical product that is used industrially or domestically to remove color (whitening) from a fabric or fiber or to clean or to remove stains in a process called bleaching. It often refers specifically, to a dilute solution of sodium hypochlorite, also called "liquid bleach".

What does bleach powder do for your hair?

Bleach works by breaking through your hair shaft and oxidizing the melanin granules that give your hair its color (1). This process causes hair damage, and for the same reason, your hair needs to be in a healthy condition to be bleached (1).

What does purple bleach powder do?

A: Blue helps to lift darker hair and gets rid of orange undertones, while purple lifts medium brown to blonde hair and gets rid of yellow brassy tones.

What is the difference between bleaching powder and chlorine?

The difference between sodium hypochlorite and bleach is in the consistency of the substance. Sodium hypochlorite is a powder that can be mixed with water to create bleach. Bleach, on the other hand, is liquid and is simply the finished product that is the result of combining powdered sodium hypochlorite and water.