What dog breed are you quiz

By: Zoe Samuel

Estimated Completion Time

3 min


Do you like to work?

Yes, for short intense periods

Yes, for long periods with breaks

How sociable are you?

I am picky, but otherwise sociable

Have you ever hugged someone without taking a moment to assess whether they want a hug?

I check but they always say yes

Often, yes, I just get ahead of myself

Wait, you mean sometimes people don't want a hug?

How often do you apologize?

Every time I enter or leave the room, just in case

Do you chase your dreams with everything you've got?

How academically smart are you?

Very, but it wouldn't be polite to show off

How about street smarts?

I have a certain resourcefulness

Someone offers you something to eat. What do you do?

Ask what it is even though I will eat it no matter what the answer is

Ask what it is, then decide

Say yes please, then take a moment to look at it first, just to be polite

What is the best place to be in water?

Lake, river, pond, sea...

How many hours a day do you like to sleep, if you can?

All of the hours that are not for working, exercising, eating, or cuddling are for sleeping

Who do you rely on?

Family, friends, and colleagues

Would you die for someone you love?

I would love that, can you imagine how awesome that would be? What a way to go!

Do you tidy up after yourself?

I would but people always do it for me

I wish I could but I never seem to do it right

How long can you be alone before you get lonely?

Four minutes and 23 seconds

What fictional dog do you admire?

Chance from "The Incredible Journey"

What non-fictional dog do you admire?

Where is the best place to nap?

Somewhere that people are

How big are your feet, relative to your body?

Are you more bark than bite?

I am way more bite, actually

How good is your sense of smell?

What's your physique like?

Have you ever put some food aside for later?

All the time, I get full quickly

Yes, but then I saw it and ate it - I have to put it where I can't see it

Have you ever lied to someone you love and not confessed?

I tried but I confessed at once

Who's a good boy (or girl)?

What does "good" even mean? Who gets to decide?

I am! Me! I'm a good boy or girl!

Ever wondered which kind of pooch you're most like? Find out by taking this paw-some quiz and let’s hope we don’t end up in the dog house if you get a breed you don’t want!

Dogs are man’s (and everybody else’s) best friend. It’s true they take a LOT of looking after - you need to take them for walks, give them loads of attention and PICK UP THEIR POO which is pretty gross. Even so, we love dogs in all their hairy shapes and sizes. In fact there are so many types of dogs, from scraggly hounds to pawfectly groomed pooches it’s hard to keep count. Have you ever wondered if you’re Poodle or Labradoodle? Cockapoo or Shih Tzu? If the answer is WOOF! then let us take the lead and guide you through our Personality Quiz to find out “What Dog Am I?”


How would you describe yourself?


Do you mind getting muddy?


Where do you prefer to go to the toilet?


Do you think you'd be good at guarding things?


Pick another type of pet


Chris Kläfford | Giphy

What's the best time of day?


You see a banana. What do you do automatically?


Which school lesson could you really do without?


What's your opinion when it comes to long walks in the park?


Toy Story | Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios

What's your opinion of squeaky toys?


Which superhero do you like the most?



Pick something for dinner!


Time for a bath. How do you feel about that?


Pick a biscuit!


What's your favourite TV show?

You are a: Bulldog!

You might look a bit grumpy, but you're just a crumpled up ball of fun!

You are a: Labrador!

You're enthusiastic about everything, including school dinners!

You are a: Chihuahua!

You're a bit of a diva,  but good fun to be around

You are a: Dachshund!

You're shaped like a sausage and basically a four-legged party!

How can you tell what dog breed is your?

But if you truly want to be confident about your pup's breed make-up, there's really only one choice: a dog DNA test. This option looks past your pup's outward appearance and uses genetic clues to determine their ancestry. For the highest accuracy, you'll want a test with a sizable reference sample database.

Is there an app that can identify dog breeds?

A new app called Fetch! uses artificial intelligence to analyze and identify a dog by its breed using a smartphone camera or photo library. The app, released through Microsoft Garage, is available for free in the App Store and through What-Dog.net.

What are the 5 most common dog breeds?

Most Popular Dog Breeds of 2021.
golden retriever..
labrador retriever..
french bulldog..
german shepherd dog..
most popular breeds..

What are the 7 categories of dog breeds?

AKC Groups: Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, Non-Sporting, Herding.


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