What happens to malty in Shield Hero?


This article is based on the Web Novel which is a separate canon from the Light Novel.
Any information here should not be used with the official Light Novel and related media.

Information may be outdated and incorrect compared to the official release.

Malty S Melromarc (マルティ=メルロマルク Maruti Meruromaruku?) is the main antagonist in The Rising of the Shield Hero Web Novel.

She is the former first princess of Melromarc. As well as the first to join Naofumi Iwatani's party only to strip him of his belongings and money. She even went as far as to claim that he attempted to raped her.


Witch was first described by Naofumi as a lovely girl with semi-long crimson hair. With an as pretty cute face, youthful facial features, yet slightly shorter than Naofumi. Even after her betrayal, Naofumi admits that she is a waste of beauty and describe her as needlessly attractive.


Witch became a genius at lying, spitting insults, and manipulating people. Because she inherited a few qualities from Trash and the Queen. Perhaps the reason is that Trash spoiled her while she was growing up. According to her mother and sister, Malty hides in the shadow and enjoys bringing misery to others. She will do anything to get what she wants and was never loyal to anything. She is a sore loser by not agreeing with her defeat and calls anything against her favor, unfair. She is extravagant and goes as far as to use the countries treasury for her day to day luxurious life spending, calling it "for the sake of the world," and also levying a heavy tax on the wave damaged villages citing it as 'painful reform'.

Her Mother mentioned that she already used her own body to gain some benefits. At the very least she gave her body to two of the Heroes, Motoyasu, and Tact. Like always, she never remained loyal to anyone and betrayed almost everyone, including the ones she had direct connections, even her own blood relatives.

After her execution, Naofumi tries to find the reason for all her evil deeds and couldn't come to a conclusion. After realizing that she was the soul fragment of Medea Pideth Machina, he concluded that from the start, she was merely the being trying to lead the world to ruin. No matter how hard you tried to fix her, she wouldn't change and develop a personality unbecoming of the child of the Queen and Trash. Perhaps the order engraved on her heart was to torment the Heroes or to covet luxury and cause the declination of the world and demanded her to act this way, even though she has no memory or direct connection with Medea.


To fix her bad personality, the Queen let her study abroad in a school in Faubley to learn cultures. But the result was that it was the same school in Faubley that Witch graduated from her virgin status (Naofumi suspect that she gave her virginity to Tact with no proof or leads). She also came across the King of Faubley during her time there, who was notorious for "drowning in carnal pleasure" and roughly treating women as "simple items for pleasure," and learns exactly why young noblewomen will go so far as committing suicide over becoming one of the king's toys. She faints as soon as she learns that he laid his eyes on her.

Later, Trash reveals to Naofumi that Malty firmly backed The Church of the Three Heroes idea of hero summoning ceremony. This became his motivation and reason for summoning them without his wife's consent.


She chooses Motoyasu as the hero under a false alias but for whatever reasons she switched to Naofumi's side. Later, she stole all his belongings and framed the Shield Hero of attempting to rape her. Though she puts Naofumi through hell for a while, when the Queen returns from her trip in diplomatic relations she strips Malty of her name and privilage as royalty as a punishment for the false claims and renames her Bitch thanks to Naofumi's suggestion. Alternative acceptable names by royal decree include Whore and Slut. She did not repent for her misdeeds and always tries to find ways to hurt or eliminate Naofumi as she believes it is his fault that she has had such misfortune. She has a twisted personality and tries to manipulate everyone.


Information to be added later on.



  • Tzuvait Fire Squall: Information to be added later on.
  • Dreifach Hellfire: Information to be added later on.
  • Wind Flasher: Information to be added later on.
  • Dreifach Hellfire: Information to be added later on.


  • Naofumi Iwatani: Malty is ultimately the cause of Naofumi's dark and cynical personality due to the fact that she betrayed him and framed him for raping her for no other visible reason. Naofumi was originally a kind individual whom snapped violently, becoming distrustful of anyone who is not a slave, and for a very long time held contempt for women in general. She continued to make him suffer by every means of opportunity, Like trying to take his slave away via interference in a duel petitioned for ownership of his protector Raphtalia, calling him a criminal and framing any possible crime on him no matter how feasable or no. When Naofumi's name was cleared, the queen gave the choice of punishment for Malty to Naofumi. Malty attempts to use her craftiness and appeal with a perfect facial expression on Naofumi, with the intention of nullifying her punishment. But was seen through and he immediatly demanded the death penalty. This was the first and only time for Malty to call Naofumi by his name. After being talked down, her punishment was changed to having her name changed to "Bitch" and/or "Whore". She vowed to kill him and refused to learn anything at all from her experience. Showing just how hypocritical she is by blaming him for her current predicament after pleading mercy and about how vengeance begets vengeance. When her revolution through the cult remnants had failed, Bitch was told her punishment was to be married off to Faubley's King (which is tantamount to a death sentence given that the man treats women as sick playthings and takes truly horrific joy in breaking them) but she could avoid this fate if any Hero took her as their comrade. To avoid such a horrific penalty, Whore grew desperate enough to beg by performing a dogeza to Naofumi to save her own life. Naofumi, rather predictably, didn't help her at all, even worse, in fact, he prevented her from committing suicide to escape her commupance and had Motoyasu escort her to the king while recording everything that happened to her there so he could see it for himself, though it seems this was partly for the sake of closure. It's safe to say he is also aware by now that even if he had saved her, Myne'd just betrayed him at the first opportunity, so not only did he hate her enough to let her die as horrifically as she would in the Pig King's care. He also saw no point in saving her after everything she put him and everyone around her through. When the former princess comes back even from this, The Shield's anger towards her is sparked anew, as her scheming actions led to the deaths of Atlas, his village slaves, members of the coalition army and Queen Mirella, Malty's own mother, this is, in fact, enough for him and her own father, Aultcray, to finally overcome their past and work together to stop her and Tact. Naofumi, however, seems to consider her just an annoyance during his fight with Tact and ultimately she is still not anywhere near strong enough to hurt him directly, a lesson she still has not learned. Witch was so sure that her father would not execute her, that she sends many provocative glances towards Naofumi in times of Tact's execution. Naofumi asked her if she thought her existence would actually be allowed to go free under his eyes and watches as she is strung up and burned alive like her namesake suggests. Her bad relationship with Naofumi is carried on by her goddess-self, Medea, who almost succeeded in killing Naofumi once, acting out her hatred of him by erasing him from all worlds and parallel timelines he ever existed in, however, he survives that and comes back as a god himself, who returns the favor on Medea and reflects her own attack to erase her, and Malty by proxy, from existence after ultimately besting, and thus provoking, her in a humiliatingly one-sided battle with the allied forces of the world backing him. Finally settling his score with her, by reducing her to nothing but a memory.
  • Motoyasu Kitamura: Motoyasu is the hero that Malty joins for most of the story. After betraying Naofumi, taking his stuff and framing him for raping her, she gives Motoyasu the stolen chain mail and convinces him of her being the victim. Motoyasu completely trusts her. Motoyasu, due mostly to his gullibility, ends up being used by her in most cases, such as leading him to nearly take Raphtalia away from Naofumi, levying a heavy tax on the village after Motoyasu became its lord. She seems to have sided with him purely because he has a good looking face. She easily convinced Motoyasu of falsely claiming Naofumi of having brainwashing shield by which he supposedly brainwashed the people, kidnapping the second princess and killing Ren and Itsuki. Later, when the charges on Naofumi were absolved by the Queen, Motoyasu refused to accept that Malty was the one who framed Naofumi for the longest time; Motoyasu also seemed to pay little attention to Malty's suspicious behavior such as she giving a hard time for other female party members and kicking them out(even selling the one named Rino as slave to a noble), her exceptionally wasteful spending which she claims it was for the "for the sake of the world," and also her attempt to kill Melty which Ren and Itsuki notices, but he didn't. Motoyasu even agreed to shoulder her debt to some extent. After the Spirit Turtle incident, she abandons him completely. After seeing her badmouthing him to Ren of many false charges which causes his mind to break to the point where he now sees all women (with exception to Filolial Queens and some other women) as pigs, literally, and awoke his Curse Series indirectly. This came back to bite her harshly after her revolution failed and she was told that if any of the heroes spoke up for her she could be spared, she desperately apologizes to him, but Motoyasu could not understand her cries for help and only heard a pig squealing. This goes further when he is the one who ultimately escorts her delivery to the King of Faubley on Naofumi's order. In "Start Over of The Spear Hero", Motoyasu still recognizes Malty to some extent as he can only see and hear her like a pig, thus he was always wary of her and warn others about her.
  • Ren Amaki: Ren believes her accusation of Naofumi's attempt to rape her and berates Naofumi without hearing his side of the story. Later, Ren along with Itsuki points her involvement in the foul play of duel between Naofumi & Motoyasu and stand for Naofumi. Ren was the first to notice Malty's attempt to kill Melty and begins to suspect of deeper and starts his investigation with Itsuki. When all of her crimes brought to light by the queen while clearing Naofumi's charges, Ren along with Itsuki agrees with the punishment to Malty befitting. After the Spirit Turtle incident, Malty approached Ren and took advantage of his emotional state to manipulate him and used him to escape from Naofumi arresting her. She later decided he'd be of little use, stole everything of value from him, leaving a note of berating him and joined Mald's revolution, causing his already fragile mental state to fall completely and succumb to the Curse Series of his sword. This betrayal came back to bite her when her revolution failed and she was sentenced by the Queen. At this time she was told that if any one of the heroes spoke out for her she would be spared her fate, but Ren promptly told her to "go to hell".
  • Itsuki Kawasumi: He along with other heroes believes her charge on Naofumi of the attempt to rape her and berates him. But still questions her involvement in the duel between Naofumi and Motoyasu. After Ren's persuasion agrees to investigate the abduction case on Naofumi. He along with Ren calls out on her involvement in the duel and stands up for Naofumi. After her past actions were brought to light by the queen, he along with Ren agrees her punishment to be befitting. During Carl Island, he says that Malty speaks in good term with him before the punishment. After the Spirit Turtle incident, Itsuki was completely broke, during which Malty and the revolutionaries under Mald took Itsuki into their custody, where they awoke his Curse Series weapons deliberately to study and use their brainwashing powers for the revolution. She also lied to Itsuki and manipulated him, directing his sense of justice towards an opposition with Naofumi. After her revolution failed and she was told she could be spared if any of the heroes took her under their wing, Itsuki was absent entirely due to the state her actions left him in both indirectly and not concerned what would happen afterward. Furthermore, Naofumi told her once he explained things to him, he wouldn’t take her in his party for putting him in his condition. In "Start Over of The Spear Hero", Malty become the party member of Itsuki making him to do and act like Motoyasu did in the original timeline.
  • Takt Arusahorun Faubrey: Naofumi suspects that Malty gave her virginity to him in the Faubely academy. He indeed cared for her, as he brought from the dead in the form of Homunculus with the help of alchemist. She became a part of his Harem and encouraged him to kill her own mother, Naofumi villagers, and the rest of the heroes. After his failed expedition, when the executioner question if anyone was brainwashed by Takt, She claims herself to be innocent and controlled by Takt. Malty and others who share her opinion were invited to betray Takt during the latter's execution in exchange for being released. She appears at the execution and beats Takt up, claims to have been manipulated by him. This brought great shock and dismay to Takt along with other forms of tortures he was experienced from the dawn. She even gave him parting words of mockery as he died and had his soul eaten by a Soul Eater.
  • Raphtalia: Understandably, Raptalia hates Malty for what she did to Naofumi and holds her as a personal enemy. Malty seemed to consider Raphtalia nothing but an annoyance and completely underestimated her during their final battle, which resulted in her complete defeat, subsequent arrest, and eventual execution.

  • Aultcray Melromarc XXXII: Aultcray, the hero of the cane was her father. He was an overly doting parent whom spoiled her too much. Most of Bitch's evil personality stemd from this upbringing or at least thats what was thought to be the case. Even if the daughter of Trash causes any trouble she pins it on someone else and he will punish the victim without a seconds thought. She gets away with anything due to the help of her father. Trash supported Malty in framing Naofumi for fake rape charges. As a king, He gave too much preferential treatment for the Spear Hero with the sole reason of Malty being in his party and favoring him. After she rebelled against the crown, the fool king was in utter shock for the first time in life and begins to questions her misdeeds. He was really horrified by the punishment given by his wife but didn't do anything to stop it. After seeing with his own eyes of Malty asking Tact to kill her mother and Father along with the heroes, Aultcray was left in the state of disbelief and shock, muttering Malty's name. After her action results in the death of his wife and niece, he finally snapped and mended his relation with Naofumi; working with him to bring Witch down. He even went on ordering her execution much to his dismay and internal struggle.
    • Mirellia Q Melromarc:
    • Melty Q Melromarc:
    • Previous King of Faubley: Witch's uncle, being 13 years older than her father, and the current king of Faubley, who is infamous for being the most suitable executioner for women of noble lineage, where most would rather commit suicide before being sent to him. During her time in Faubley, she met her uncle who simply took an interest in her as “one of his toys,” causing her to faint after she learns that he laid his eyes on her. After coming across her uncle, she feared being married off to her uncle, due to the King being infamous for seeing women as “toys of pleasure” to play with, and he has zero respect towards women, even if they are directly related to him by blood. This makes her uncle one of the few men she cannot manipulate with her lies. Ironically, after Trash has summoned the Heroes without permission from the other nations, the King of Faubley threaten to attack the Melromarc Kingdom alongside the other nations. Unfortunately for Witch, the king was willing to negotiate with his sisters-in-law not to attack the kingdom, on the condition that she must marry off her elder daughter to him for him to “toy with,” to which the Queen agreed on those conditions. After Witch's revolution has failed, her mother has sent her to Faubley to marry her uncle, much to her horror. She begged her mother not to marry her off, fearing that the King will torture her as one of his uncle’s “playthings.” Despite her fears, her mother told her that she would be spared from King Faubley’s clutches if she convinced any one of the Heroes to take her in as their comrade. Ironically, none of the heroes would take her in as their party member because of her own actions against them. Furious that no one would take her in, she decided to commit suicide rather than being sent to Faubley as the King’s “toy,” but Naofumi prevented her from taking her own life. Eventually, after Witch was sent to her Uncle, things gone from bad to worse now that she becomes the King’s “toy.” She screamed during the few minutes of recording, only for the King to silence her, by strangling with the technical, which Naofumi describes as the same one that broke the chicken’s neck. Once the Pig King wakes her up by slapping her in the face, he proceeds to rape her repeatedly throughout the night. By the end of the recording, Witch loses her eye, and arm during her first night with him.

  • Elena Haven: Though she hates Malty, she pretends to get along with her, so that she doesn't get into any trouble. She also suspects Malty's claims of Naofumi attempt to rape her but decided to ignore it. She knows all of Malty's wrongdoing in the party and also her involvement in kicking others out, but played along to keep herself in the team. She felt that in the near future, Malty will abandon Motayasu and she hopes to claim him for herself. After the Spirit turtle incident, she abandoned her teammates and left without turning back. She tells Naofumi that Malty is a person who will out lives at the cost of others and believes that she survived the Spirit Tortoise.
    • Lesty: It was mentioned in light novel that she was a school friend of Myne. She teamed up with Spear Hero after a couple of days of Malty becoming his party member. She was mentioned to be noble. She shared the same mindset of Malty in many ways and was almost similar to her, thus got along with her and joined in on all of the evil acts. Notably, despite how she had betrayed Motoyasu, Ren, and Naofumi, she remained loyal to Malty, until Malty's failed rebellion. Naofumi not knowing her name called her "Woman 2." It is unknown why she was so loyal to Malty since she was a noble that was not obligated to serve a former princess, but she was also faced a fate similar to the Witch's.


    Information to be added later on.


    What happens to malty Shield hero?

    After the defeat of the Church of the Three Heroes, whose members she worked with in an attempt to assassinate her sister Melty and frame Naofumi, Malty's true nature is exposed by her mother. Disowned from the royal family, Malty is placed under a special slave curse and is forced to reveal the rest of her crimes.

    Does malty marry Naofumi?

    Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law.

    Does malty betray the Shield Hero?

    Malty is ultimately the cause of Naofumi's dark and cynical personality due to the fact that she betrayed him and falsely framed him for the attempt of raping her for no other visible reason.

    Why did malty betray the heroes?

    She is the former first Princess of Melromarc who betrayed Naofumi Iwatani by lying about him sexually assaulting her. After her lies were exposed, she was disowned from the royal family where she soon betrayed the other 3 heroes and she became a wanted criminal.

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