What happens when you move your teeth too fast?

I am a 27 year old female. I want to know what happens if teeth move too fast?

3 Answers

If teeth are moved too fast during orthodontic treatment it can lead to root resorption and possible bone loss around teeth. This is why orthodontic treatment is a slow and steady movement of teeth to give best results while maintaining dental health.

If you follow your dentist's instructions and keep your teeth clean, you are being monitored. If you have any questions, ask your dentist.


This is a great question. Teeth naturally move based on the forces applied to them on a daily bases. These forces include lips, tongue, and any other oral habits (this is a whole other question). As the teeth sense this pressure the body activates cells to resorb (remove some of the bone) on the pressure side and add some new bone the other side.
In order to move teeth too fast it would require more pressure. When high pressures are sensed, the body resorbs the bone faster and a larger hole is created. This is not done with the same precision because of the body's need to relieve the pressure. With reduced precision the accuracy of where the teeth move to is lost; which means the teeth are not being moved to where we want them to end up. Hope this helps.

My best to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD

Numerous people think that adult teeth won’t change or move over their lifetime because they’re permanent. This is false: adult teeth do and can shift over time, whether or not you had braces as a teenager or child. So yes, teeth move overnight, though the change might be imperceptible at first.

Regardless of dental decay or bad habits, our teeth usually shift over time, resulting in gaps, misalignment, and crookedness. It takes time to notice a changing appearance. While drifting teeth occur overnight, the change may be imperceptible. This can make it difficult to recognise the difference in your smile.

For this reason, you should ensure you are wearing your retainer as advised by your orthodontist. Remain engaged with your dental hygiene and take notice if you’re suddenly having an easier time flossing between your teeth. Or if food is getting stuck in broader gaps.

Here are some of the causes of drifting teeth.

Retainers After Braces Treatment

After your braces have been removed, your Orthodontist may provide you with a retainer. This is to ensure that your teeth don’t relapse into their pre-treatment position. At first, you will need to wear it for about a week, only removing it to eat or clean. However, as your teeth become ‘set’ in their new position, you’ll only need to wear your retainer at nights and then eventually only one night per week.

Excess Tooth Decay

Untreated tooth decay produces numerous problems, including periodontal disease and other infections. When the gums start receding due of decay, the teeth will loosen and start shifting due to the lack of support. However, severe tooth decay is easily preventable if you visit your dentist every 6 months.

Prolonged Periods of Tooth Loss

While we can lose teeth for various reasons, it’s important to find a way of replacing them. If too much time elapses before restoration takes place- whether in the form of a bridge, implant, or denture- the current teeth will start moving into the empty spaces to support the jawbone. This can produce severe problems with the bite position.

Upon consultation, a dentist will inform you of the available restorative options that will help maintain straight teeth.

Inappropriately Placed Fillings

Part of proper filling placement includes examining a patient’s bite contact. This will ensure your lower and upper dental arches come together in a comfortable manner. However, problems arise when the bite check is incomplete and the arches remain poorly aligned.

Subtly, the teeth will move overnight and during the day in an attempt to support the newly created positioning. This frequently leads to headaches, jaw pain, and toothaches. After your dentist places a filling, ensure you communicate if there is any discomfort.

Teeth Move Overnight

It’s important to note that your teeth can continue changing positions after the younger years, both during the day and during the night. Once you notice any changes, it’s imperative you take action. Before crooked teeth, gaps, and a poor bite emerge in your smile.

Book an orthodontic consultation for your misalignment with Bachmayer Orthodontics in Sydney’s West.

What happens if you change your aligners too soon?

What Happens if you replace your Invisalign too soon? If you skip an aligner or move on to a new aligner too soon, you risk “adaptation faults” at the aligner-tooth interaction. This simply implies that the aligner's fit will be impaired, even if the aligner itself feels the same on the teeth.

How fast can teeth be moved?

1 These results showed that the overall mean velocity of tooth movement was 3.8 mm/day, or about 1.1 mm/month.

Can braces move too fast?

There is no such thing as too fast in orthodontics. Actually, just the opposite is true. If you move teeth too slowly, you expose the teeth to pathophysiological damage. If teeth are responding quickly, they are essentially being properly moved.

How fast can teeth move with braces?

In general, you can expect to see some noticeable movement from around two months into the treatment. Some people notice it much sooner, and it could be as little as four weeks after you start wearing your aligners.


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