What is 3/8 equal to as a fraction?

Important: 38 looks like a fraction, but it is actually an improper fraction.

There is an infinity number of equivalent fractions to 38.

To find an equivalent fraction to 38, or to any other fraction, you just need to multiply (or divide, if the fraction is not yet reduced), both the numerator and the denominator of the given fraction by any non-zero natural number. For example:

By multiplying the original fraction by 2, we get:

3 × 2 8 × 2 = 616

Here is the full list of equivalent fractions to 38.

38, 616, 924, 1232, 1540, 1848, 2156, 2464, 2772, 3080, 3388, 3696, 39104, 42112, 45120, 48128, 51136, 54144, 57152, 60160...

Read more on how to find the equivalent fractions for 3/8 or for any other fraction, below on this page.

Easier list to copy and paste:

3/8, 6/16, 9/24, 12/32, 15/40, 18/48, 21/56, 24/64, 27/72, 30/80, 33/88, 36/96, 39/104, 42/112, 45/120, 48/128, 51/136, 54/144, 57/152, 60/160 ...

What is 3/4 equal to as a fraction?

This time, both numbers are the same, so 12/16 IS equivalent to 3/4 . By using this equivalent fraction calculator, you can also see how to obtain one fraction from another!

What fraction is 3/5 equivalent to?

Answer: The fractions equivalent to 3/5 are 6/10, 9/15, 12/20, etc. Equivalent fractions have the same value in the reduced form.

Is 3/8 and .375 the same?

The symbols 3/8 and 0.375 are two ways to express the same number, the first as a common fraction and the second as a decimal.

What is 1/4 equal to as a fraction?

Answer: The fractions equivalent to 1/4 are 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, etc. Equivalent fractions have the same value in their reduced form. Explanation: Equivalent fractions can be written by multiplying or dividing both the numerator and the denominator by the same number.


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