What is a hair on an elephants but called

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The word “dude” does not officially refer an infected hair on an elephant’s butt. That particular definition of dude is used as slang and is largely perpetuated as an urban legend or myth.

The origin of the word “dude” is attributed to New York City slang; it originally referred to a fastidious man who is very concerned with his appearance, grooming and manners. The most common definition of “dude” is simply a general form of address referring to a man, a woman or a group. In western U.S. slang, it also refers to a city dweller who has come to vacation on a ranch.


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Dude is not the name for an ingrown hair on an elephant. Ingrown hair on any human or animal is known by the medical term pseudofolliculitis, which denotes a hair that grows through the wall of a hair follicle or under the skin surface instead of through the follicle opening.

According to Etymononline, dude originated in the late 1800s as a slang term referencing a fastidious man. This term was later used in reference to city dwellers vacationing in the West at what became known as dude ranches. There are various urban legends suggesting that it names ingrown hair on elephants, cows or horses, but they have no basis in fact.




What is a hair on an elephants but called

(Noun) (slang) man, bro, friend

Usage: Hey dude, long time no see!


What is a hair on an elephants but called

(Noun) a name in which teenagers use to identify friends

Usage: "Hey dude,are you coming to the arcade?"


What is a hair on an elephants but called

(Noun) slang term for a friend or buddy; often used by young males, but used by some females

Usage: Oh, hey dude, how are ya?


What is a hair on an elephants but called

(Adult / Slang)

(Noun) 1.An infected hair on an elephant's butt.
2.A man from the city.

Usage: 1.I saw a dude in Africa.
2.What's up,dude?


What is a hair on an elephants but called

(Expression) guy friend


What is a hair on an elephants but called

(Adult / Slang)

A male; a fellow; a term of address between males or between friends. ' Hey, dude! / What's up, dude? ' Not to be confused with double dude , a two-headed dildo.


What is a hair on an elephants but called

(Noun) A person, commonly a male, but could be female.

Usage: Hey dude, could you grab that watering can?


What is a hair on an elephants but called

(Noun) Slang for 'guy'; commonly used among teenagers.
Very informal.

Also used as an expression of wonderment.

Usage: I saw a dude in khakis and legwarmers today at the grocery store.


What is a hair on an elephants but called

(Noun) a vernacular reference to a friend or conversation partner, whether male or female

Usage: "Dude, what's up?"


What is a hair on an elephants but called

(Noun) A man; a guy.


What is a hair on an elephants but called

(Noun) a man or a guy

Usage: That dude is my boy


What is a hair on an elephants but called

(Noun) reference to a person usually male, a casual greeting

Usage: Hey dude, how's it going?

Does the word dude mean elephant hair?

The common claim that the term derives from (or is) a word for a camel's foreskin (or some other vulgar thing, like a hair on a cow, horse, donkey, or elephant's bottom) is false.

What do you call an infected Butt hair?

Furuncle” is another word for a “boil.” Boils are bacterial infections of hair follicles that also involve the surrounding tissue. The infected hair follicle can be on any part of your body, not only your scalp.