What is the best time to take MCT oil?

What’s the best time to take MCT oil? And does timing make a difference?

Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) are special types of fat that rapidly convert to energy. They have all kinds of benefits - from fat loss to mental clarity - and they mix easily with almost anything, from coffee to food. Subbing MCT oil in for another type of fat (like olive oil) is one of the easiest ways to upgrade your energy and mental clarity.

MCT oil is beneficial at any time of the day, but you can strategize your timing to maximize certain goals. Here are some ideal times to use MCT oil:

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1. In the Morning for Focus and Fat Loss

When you take MCT oil, your liver rapidly converts it into ketones, little bundles of energy that your cells can use for fuel.

There are a lot of benefits to using ketones for fuel. Two of them are:

  • MENTAL CLARITY. Your brain is especially good at using ketones - so much so that ketones can reverse symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. No studies on healthy humans yet, but enough people report a mental boost from MCT oil that it’s worth trying for yourself.
  • FAT LOSS. When people added MCT oil to their food instead of olive oil, they burned about 300 more calories per day and gradually lost body fat. Ketones also suppress hunger, which helps people burn off even more fat without feeling deprived.

Try adding MCT oil to your morning coffee or tea. It pairs beautifully with caffeine for an extra mental boost and it helps you kick off your day in fat-burning mode. You can add MCT oil alone (it’s flavorless and odorless), add a tablespoon of Creamy MCT Oil, or you can go the extra mile and try our Dairy Free Keto Bullet Coffee with MCT Oil and Collagen Peptides.

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2. Pre-Workout for Quick Energy with No Crash

Because MCTs convert to ketones within minutes, your muscle cells can grab those ketones and use them for fuel to help you push through a tough workout. MCT oil isn’t a stimulant, so it won’t keep you up like caffeine will, and it doesn’t mess with your hormones or cause a crash the way sugar does.

Take a shot of MCT oil before you hit the gym. On days when you’re tired, it’ll perk you up. On days when you’re feeling good, it’ll help you push your limits. 

What Else to Consider When Taking MCT Oil

There’s no bad time to take MCT oil. It’s always good to have some in the kitchen for sleepy mornings or days when an afternoon slump hits.

We, of course, recommend our 100% pure coconut MCT oil. It’s ethically and sustainably sourced from coconut farms in Sri Lanka and the Philippines. We also have an emulsified version we call Creamy MCT Oil that comes in two delicious flavors, vanilla and caramel (you can read a quick explanation of normal vs. emulsified MCTs here).

If you get your MCT oil elsewhere, we have one tip: check the label for palm oil. Some companies derive their MCTs from palm. It’s cheaper, but the palm industry is one of the most ecologically destructive industries on the planet. It’s rapidly destroying rainforests and threatening the global orangutan population. So please, consider only using 100% coconut-derived MCT oil.

We’d love to hear when you take your MCTs. Let us know in the comments below.

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You might be wondering, how much MCT oil should I take per day? Medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil is powerful stuff. It can help you with everything from fat loss to sharper cognition, and it couldn’t be easier to use. It’s colorless and odorless; all you have to do is sub it in for another oil in your diet and you’re on your way to more energy and better performance.

MCT oil dosage depends on how long you’ve been using MCTs. For beginners, start with 1 tsp and scale up to 1 tbsp per day. For seasoned users, enjoy up to 2 tbsp per day. Here’s a quick look at how much MCT oil you should take to start off, and how to scale the dose once you’re used to it.

In this article you will learn:

  • Can you have too much MCT oil?
  • How much MCT oil you should take
  • How to choose the best MCT oil for your body

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Can You Have Too Much MCT Oil?

There is such a thing as too much MCT oil, and it comes with some unpleasant (although relatively harmless) side effects.

MCT oil is unusual. You digest it through a different pathway than the one most fats take. That’s a good thing - MCT oil converts to energy very quickly and is less likely to store as body fat.

However, MCT oil’s rapid and unusual digestion also means your body can’t handle too much of it at one time. Excess MCT oil causes sudden digestive distress. It’s nothing dangerous, but it’s unpleasant.

Fortunately, you can avoid digestive distress from MCT oil pretty easily. All you have to do is be mindful of the amount of MCT oil you take and choose a high-quality MCT oil like Natural Force Organic MCT Oil, which is made from pure coconuts.

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MCT Oil for Beginners

It’s worth saying right off the bat that there aren’t any studies that show exactly how much MCT oil you should take. However, we’ve been offering MCTs for a while - and using them ourselves - and we’ve come up with a fairly foolproof way to avoid taking too much MCT oil.

The key is to start small and work your way up. Your body isn’t used to MCT oil at first, so you don’t want to shock the system with a full dose. Instead, we suggest building up over the course of a week.

  • For the first three days: Take ~5-7g of MCTs. That’s one teaspoon of MCT oil or two teaspoons of Creamy MCT Oil.
  • For days 3-6: Bump up to ~10g of MCTs. That’s 2 tsp of MCT oil, or 1 tbsp + 1 tsp of Creamy MCT Oil.
  • On day 7: Try a full 14g dose of MCTs. 1 tbsp of MCT oil, or 2 tbsp of Creamy MCT Oil

After that, your body should be comfortable with MCTs. If you accidentally take too much, scale back a bit for a couple days. You’ll know if it’s too much.

MCT Oil for Seasoned Users

Once you’ve built up to a full 14g dose of MCT oil, you should tolerate it pretty well. You can try working up to multiple servings per day (2 tbsp of MCT oil, or 3 tbsp of Creamy MCT Oil) for extra benefits.

There’s no need to cycle MCT usage, but you can get different benefits depending on the time of day you take MCTs. Here are two of our favorite uses for more seasoned users:

  • In your morning coffee for extra focus and fat burning. This Dairy Free Keto Bullet Coffee Recipe is delicious, or you can mix Creamy MCT Oil right into black coffee instead of creamer.
  • As a pre-workout for an energy boost. Take a tablespoon 30 minutes before the gym. Bonus tip: MCT oil stacks nicely with our all-natural, organic pre-workout powder. 

Only Use High-Quality MCTs

If you’re new to MCT oil, start slow. Get your body used to it over a week or so. After that, feel free to play around with different doses and different times of day to see what works best for you.

Looking for a good source of MCT oil? Our MCT oil and Creamy MCT Oil are both organic, non-GMO, sugar-free, and sustainably sourced from 100% coconuts.

And if you want to learn more, check out our guide to the benefits of MCT oil. Thanks for reading!

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Is it better to take MCT oil in the morning or at night?

When you consume MCT oil it is quickly metabolized (broken down) and sent to the brain for it to use as energy. By taking MCT oil before bed, you're providing your brain with its preferred energy source to help sustain itself overnight.

What time of day is best to take MCT oil?

Taking MCT oil throughout the day should help to prevent overeating at night. But if you eat your evening meal past 7 PM, or if can't control late night snacking, you could take MCT oil in the evening at least an hour before your last meal.

Can I take MCT oil on an empty stomach?

Many people choose to mix MCT oil into various foods and beverages. Although you can take it on its own, you should beware of taking it on an empty stomach, which can cause various feelings of upset stomach.

How much MCT oil should you take a day?

The amount you should take depends on how well you tolerate it, and what benefit you're trying to get. The most you should have in a day is around 4 to 7 tablespoons. Ideally, you should spread those tablespoons out throughout the day. You may not feel well if you eat large amounts of it.


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