What is the difference between body sculpting and body contouring?

Body sculpting — also referred to as body contouring — is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses heat, cold, or injectables to eliminate fatty tissue. There are many ways to perform body sculpting. The most popular forms are CoolSculpting, Kybella, Vanquish, and SculpSure.

Each of these methods have their pros and cons so knowing about the different types is important. Here’s what you should know about the different types of body sculpting.

CoolSculpting, also known as Cryolipolysis, is a body contouring method that targets problematic fatty tissue by freezing it. CoolSculpting is completely non-invasive. There are no needles or anesthesia involved and generally, there’s very little downtime required after the procedure. CoolSculpting has been around for quite a while — it was approved by the FDA in 2010 — compared to other body contouring methods so it has a long track record of success at this point. The downside is that it takes the longest of all the treatments, clocking in at an hour for your average session.

Kybella, or injection lipolysis, uses the chemical deoxycholic acid to reduce fat cells in the target area. Some patients are uncomfortable with the idea of chemical injections, but rest assured that this compound is completely safe and FDA-approved. Kybella is typically performed under local anesthesia and treatment takes anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes to complete. You will experience some discomfort for a few hours after the treatment, but otherwise, the downtime is minimal and you can return to your daily life immediately.

Vanquish uses radio frequency to heat the target area and destroy fat cells. Much like CoolSculpting, Vanquish is very non-invasive and no medical instruments will even touch the face during the procedure. Overall the procedure takes around 45 minutes to complete. That’s more than Kyballa but quite a bit less than your average CoolSculpting treatment. Vanquish is a newer technology and was approved by the FDA in June of 2015, but FDA studies have shown that it is more effective at destroying fat cells.

SculpSure destroys fat cells using targeted laser energy. The main benefit of SculpSure is that the laser technology used is very precise, allowing a greater deal of control over where fat is removed. For removing small sections of problem fat SculpSure is often the most cost-effective method. It’s also the second quickest procedure, requiring just 25 minutes for a complete session. One major downside is that SculpSure doesn’t work as well on patients who aren’t already at or near their ideal weight whereas a procedure like vanquish works well on patients at any BMI.

CoolSculpting, Kybella, Vanquish, and SculpSure are the most popular options around for body sculpting, but not the only options. This may seem like a lot of information to take in, but it’s important to know the differences if you’re going to be getting body contouring in the future. To find out which method is right for you, you should get in touch with a cosmetic professional. They’ll be able to listen to your specific needs and determine the safest and most cost-effective method.

Are you looking for an experienced cosmetic surgeon to perform your body sculpting procedure? Dr. DeMercurio has over 9 years of experience in the field. Please, contact us at The Florida Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery today to find out which type of body sculpting is right for you.

October 1, 2019

With so many body contouring treatments on the market it can be hard to decipher and compare, let alone decide which one is the best option for you! 

So what is the difference between each treatment? We’ve summarised the differences for you below..


LipoBlast, also known as “Scizer,” is non-invasive, high-intensity, deeply focused ultrasound technology designed to manipulate and permanently eradicate adipocytes (fat cells) in the subcutaneous layer of the skin. The treatment targets and reduces excess fat resulting in a more contoured body. It is advised only for mild to moderate fat accumulation, not the obese.

The LipoBlast machine is perfect for large areas of the body as it delivers macro focused ultrasound energy to large patches, such as the abdomen and buttocks to remove fat and reduce circumference in a safe and non-invasive way. It is considered to be an ideal alternative to surgical procedures, where the fat accumulation is not too excessive.

It’s also one of our fastest body contouring treatments.

CoolSculpting is a revolutionary non-invasive procedure that uses controlled freezing to destroy fat cells permanently. It can be used upon loose fat rolls or localised areas of fat.

It freezes and crystallises fat cells, causing them to die. The remaining fat cells condense causing a significant reduction in the size of the area treated.

When weight is lost through dieting, the number of fat cells is not reduced, they just simply contain less fat. The fat rebuilds in these cells when you stop dieting. With Coolsculpting the fat cells are permanently destroyed. Treated fat cells that have been crystallised are permanently gone and will not re-grow.

Liposculpture, also known as “tumescent liposuction,” is a refined form of liposuction. It is a safe, minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that removes substantial amounts of localised fat from different areas of the body, including the arms, chest, abdomen or thighs. Industry leading Dr Michael Rich performs all liposculpture treatments at Rejuvenation Clinics of Australia.

Liposculpture is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed under a local anaesthetic delivered using the Tumescent anaesthesia method. Fat is removed using a fine microcannula (only 1mm in daimetre). Designed to maximise your safety, the mild sedation allows you to remain awake during the procedure.

Tightsculpt is an innovative and effective treatment that uses an advanced laser technology system through a combination of Ultra-long ND: Yag and non-ablative Er: Yag modes to
permanently reduce centimetres of fat from the body, tighten skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

You may feel a warming sensation in the treated area throughout and directly after treatment. First, the ND: Yag laser concentrates energy in the fat cells beneath the skin, causing apoptosis of the fat cell (cell death) and enabling permanent fat reduction.

Then, the non ablative Er: Yag delivers controlled heat energy into the skin which stimulates collagen contraction and initiates neocollagenesis (the process of making new collagen) to smoothe and tighten the area and reduce cellulite.

Fat Reduction With Ultrasound
Fat Reduction With Ultrasound is a revolutionary non-invasive treatment to smoothen the appearance of lumps and bumps (cellulite) permanently and painlessly to treated areas. Fat Reduction With Ultrasound delivers ultra-focused ultrasound into fat tissue to dissolve fat cells and reduce the appearance of cellulite. After the ultrasound has been applied, contents of the fat cells are released into the body’s tissue, it is then absorbed and processed out of the body by the liver. You will feel a warm tingling sensation in the treated area throughout treatment.

TightSculpt and Ultrasound Fat Reduction both controlled heat energy to reduce fat, tighten skin and reduce cellulite. The main difference is that Tightsculpt uses laser instead of Ultrasound, but both are safe, tolerable treatments with no downtime.

At Rejuvenation Clinics of Australia, we offer the largest, most comprehensive and medically advanced range of body contouring treatments plus the capabilities of many different modalities, giving us the ability to mix and match specific treatments and customise a treatment plan for an individual’s specific body type, level of fat accumulation or body area.

Is body sculpting and contouring the same?

What is body contouring? Body contouring, or body sculpting, is a medical or surgical procedure that aims to reshape an area of the body. It may involve procedures to: Get rid of extra skin.

What is the difference between body contouring and cool sculpting?

Coolsculpting tackles small areas at a time and multiple treatments are required to target the desired areas. HD Body Sculpting is a three to four-hour procedure in which the client is awake and clients usually resume normal daily activities (work, shopping, etc) after 24-48 hrs.

How long do body contouring results last?

Overall, the process for this treatment will take about six to nine months for both surgical and non-surgical treatments. This ultimately means that you can have your ideal body in under a year, and with results that can last well over a decade.

Which type of body sculpting is best?

CoolSculpting reigns the body sculpting industry as the most popular treatment for non-surgical fat reduction. Furthermore, it is the only treatment cleared by the FDA to eliminate stubborn fat cells using cooling technology.


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