What is the driving distance between Yuma Arizona and San Diego California?

Find out how many hours from Yuma to San Diego by car if you're planning a road trip. If you want to explore small towns along the way, get a list of cities between Yuma, AZ and San Diego, CA. Looking for alternate routes? Explore all of the routes from Yuma, AZ to San Diego, CA. Compare the flight distance to driving distance from Yuma, AZ to San Diego, CA, or check for a bus or train from Yuma, AZ to San Diego, CA. Calculate the total cost to drive from Yuma, AZ to San Diego, CA. Or find out if it's better to fly or drive from Yuma, AZ to San Diego, CA?

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  5. How far is San Diego, CA from Yuma, AZ

Distance between Yuma and San Diego

Distance from Yuma, AZ to San Diego, CA is 147 miles / 237 kilometers and driving distance is 170 miles or 273 kilometers. Travel time by car is about 2 hours 55 minutes.

Map showing the distance from Yuma to San Diego

Yuma, AZ

City: Yuma, AZ
Country: United States
Coordinates: 32°43′31″N

San Diego, CA

City: San Diego, CA
Country: United States
Coordinates: 32°42′55″N

Time difference between Yuma and San Diego

The time difference between Yuma and San Diego is 1 hour. San Diego is 1 hour behind Yuma. Current local time in Yuma is 15:16 MST (2022-11-15) and time in San Diego is 14:16 PST (2022-11-15).

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 driving distance = 171 miles

The distance by car is 275 km.  Follow the Yuma to San Diego driving route along I-8 W.  Get driving directions from Yuma to San Diego.

 flight distance = 148 miles

The straight line distance between Yuma and San Diego is 238 kilometers.

 Travel time from Yuma, AZ to San Diego, CA


How long does it take to drive?

2 hours, 26 minutes


How long does it take to fly?

48 minutes

This is estimated based on the Yuma to San Diego distance by plane of 148 miles.

 Yuma, Arizona

What's the distance to Yuma, AZ from where I am now?

 San Diego, California

How far is San Diego, CA from me?

 driving distance = 171 miles

The distance by car is 275 km.  Follow the San Diego to Yuma driving route along I-8 E.  Get driving directions from San Diego to Yuma.

 flight distance = 148 miles

The straight line distance between San Diego and Yuma is 238 kilometers.

 Travel time from San Diego, CA to Yuma, AZ


How long does it take to drive?

2 hours, 24 minutes


How long does it take to fly?

48 minutes

This is estimated based on the San Diego to Yuma distance by plane of 148 miles.

 San Diego, California

What's the distance to San Diego, CA from where I am now?

 Yuma, Arizona

How far is Yuma, AZ from me?

There are several ways to calculate distance from San Diego to Yuma. Here are two common methods:

Vincenty's formula (applied above)

  • 150.654 miles
  • 242.455 kilometers
  • 130.915 nautical miles

Vincenty's formula calculates the distance between latitude/longitude points on the earth’s surface, using an ellipsoidal model of the earth.

Haversine formula

  • 150.340 miles
  • 241.948 kilometers
  • 130.642 nautical miles

The haversine formula calculates the distance between latitude/longitude points assuming a spherical earth (great-circle distance – the shortest distance between two points).

How long does it take to fly from San Diego to Yuma?

Estimated flight time from San Diego International Airport to Yuma International Airport is 47 minutes.

What is the time difference between San Diego and Yuma?

The time difference between San Diego and Yuma is 1 hour. Yuma is 1 hour ahead of San Diego.
San Diego time to Yuma time converter

Flight carbon footprint between San Diego International Airport (SAN) and Yuma International Airport (YUM)

On average flying from San Diego to Yuma generates about 47 kg of CO2 per passenger, 47 kilograms is equal to 104 pounds (lbs). The figures are estimates and include only the CO2 generated by burning jet fuel.

Map of flight path and driving directions from San Diego to Yuma

Shortest flight path between San Diego International Airport (SAN) and Yuma International Airport (YUM).

What is halfway between San Diego and Yuma?

Halfway between San Diego, CA and Yuma, AZ The closest major city that is roughly halfway is Mexicali, Mexico. The total driving distance from San Diego, CA to Yuma, AZ is 169 miles or 272 kilometers. Each person would then have to drive about 85 miles to meet in the middle.

What city in California is closest to Yuma?

Major cities near Yuma, AZ.
49 miles to Mexicali, Mexico..
128 miles to Ensenada, Mexico..
140 miles to Tijuana, Mexico..
143 miles to Chula Vista, CA..
147 miles to San Diego, CA..
154 miles to Glendale, AZ..
157 miles to Phoenix, AZ..
167 miles to Scottsdale, AZ..

What is there to see between Yuma and San Diego?

The top stops along the way from Yuma to San Diego (with short detours) are San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, and Av. Revolución. Other popular stops include Lions Tigers & Bears, La Jolla Zip Zoom Ziplines, and Rosarito.

What towns are between Yuma and San Diego?

Halfway between Yuma, AZ and San Diego, CA.
The best city between Yuma, AZ and San Diego, CA to meet is Ocotillo, California..
The closest major city that is roughly halfway is Mexicali, Mexico..
The city at the geographic halfway point from Yuma, AZ to San Diego, CA is Coyote Wells, California..


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