What is the sign for Crip Killer?

a person how wants to end the lives of people who are associated with the gang crips.

That motherfucker is a crip killa.

by Jay Dizzle March 17, 2005


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crip killa

Killa of dem crips. Notice, "crips" is not capitalized, as it is a group containing no valid or important people.

crip killa!
crip killa!
put a knife in...
crip zilla!

by anti-tommy November 4, 2006


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Crip Killa

you say this if you a rival of the cripz...
bloods started it all

B-Loc_nigga ima go bust they heads
B Krazy_nigga lets go cuz we muthafuckin CRIP KILLaz
B-Loc_Bounty Hunter Bloodz fa life

by Leprakhan of Tha ALMIGHTY LATIN KING NATION April 18, 2005


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   >> Gang Identification


Gang Hand Signs and Symbols

Many local gangs will adopt signs, symbols and colors to differentiate themselves from other gangs, confirm members, instill pride, communicate with allies and intimidate their rivals. Signs, symbols and colors are displayed through the use of graffiti, hand signs, tattoos, clothing, bandannas, caps, shoes, and jewelry to show affiliation with a particular gang.

Hand signs are another means of non-verbal communication used among gangs. Each gang has a sign or symbol that is formed with hands and fingers. The sign is usually a number or symbol that represents the gang. Sometimes the hand sign is displayed in one movement and sometimes it is done through a series of movements. Several movements usually mean the gang name is being spelled out, or that a rival gang is being shown disrespect by cracking the symbol or turning the symbol upside down. Handshakes are also common among gangs.


Hand signs used by gang members to identify their membership
or to antagonize members of other gangs.

.  The "Primo" Sign "Power"

What is the sign for Crip Killer?
 Number One
 Piru Sign: "Blood" Kitchen Crip
 Bounty Hunters Crips: "Cousin"
 Bishop Brims
 Mafia Crips Athens Park Boys (APBs)
 "C": Crip "C-C": Compton Crip
 "U": Underground Crip "H": Harlem Crip
 "E": East "0": Number Zero
 "M": Mafia Crip
"H": Hoover Crip  Black Stone

What is the hand sign for the Crips?

An example of one crip gang sign is bending the index finger at the first knuckle and spreading the other three fingers and thumb. The whole hand facing outward toward the person. Another is forming a 'C' with your index finger and thumb, with the other three fingers separated.

What is the blood sign?

Hold your non-dominant '5' hand up horizontally, palm facing you, then hold your dominant '5' hand vertically in front of the other hand and move it down, as if water was splashed onto a wall and is now dripping down. HOME / DICTIONARY / Blood.

What is Crip in slang?

Crip is a slang term for the word cripple. The origins of cripple come from two Old English words, crypel and crēopel. These terms have Germanic roots in krupilaz which meant to 'creep'. Crypel and crēopel could be used to describe people or places.

Who was the first Crip?

According to the most accepted story, the Crips were first formed in 1969 under the leadership of Raymond Washington. Drawn from students who attended Washington High School, whose school color was blue, this gang grew quickly and preyed on citizens. Other gangs began to form to defend themselves against the Crips.