What is the theme of the excerpt?


Excerpts can be described as introduction or summary of your posts and represent only a small part of the full entry. They are often used by our themes to display shortened parts of your posts, for example on the homepage, archives page or in the featured posts slideshow.


An excerpt in writing is a quoted passage taken from a longer work, such as a book, or poem, or an article. Whatever the subject of your writing or the type of writing you intend to compose, excerpts can be used to 'show' readers what it is you want them to understand and remember about the subject

Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content.

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Excerpts are ideal for creating one to two sentence descriptions of the content on a page or post. These excerpts can be used by different themes as a preview, in place of showing the full post or page content.

To find a list of all themes supporting excerpts by default, click here.

Examples of places where excerpts may show, depending on your theme:

  • Search results
  • Blog Page
  • Portfolio Page
  • Featured Content on the Homepage

Some shortcode, like the Display Posts shortcode, also offers a include_excerpt argument that will use the excerpt text you’ve created.

Excerpts are also often picked up by social networks and search engines to be used as the meta description for that page or post.


The text you enter as an excerpt will not show on the individual post or page itself. It will only show on designated pages or search results.

Take into account that not all themes support excerpts. You can consider using More Blocks as another solution.

Default Settings

In most cases, by default, your site will show the full content of each blog wherever your theme displays content previews (such as your posts page, portfolio page, etc).

The theme in the following screenshots is called Baskerville 2.

In both cases, clicking on the post title will take the visitor to the full blog post.

In some themes, the posts page is already designed to only show the first few sentences of a post. Perennial is an example of this. Your post excerpt will take over for the summary on the posts page.

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Create an Excerpt

  1. Edit any post or page.
  2. Under the Post/ Page settings on the right of the editor click on Excerpt.
  3. Type your short excerpt.
  4. Publish your page or post.

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Style an Excerpt

Very basic HTML can be used to style how the excerpt looks. A few examples include:


Makes the text bold.

<a href = "url">Link Text</a>

Creates a link. For example, if your theme doesn’t include a “Read More” you can insert the public address of the page the excerpt is for to create your own Read More option. You could also create a “Read More” option by using the instructions here.


Creates a line break between two blocks of text.

Example of HTML formatting:


Please note that embed codes will not display in excerpts.

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Troubleshooting and FAQ

My Excerpt isn’t Showing on My Posts Page!

Check in your Customizer for Content Options or a similar section. Your theme may have a setting under Content Options for Blog Display that is set to show a Full post by default. If so, change it to Post excerpt and Publish your changes.

If this does not resolve the issue, bear in mind that not all themes support excerpts. Browse through the themes that support excerpts here. Or, you can use the More Block instead.

Skip to content

Excerpts can be described as introduction or summary of your posts and represent only a small part of the full entry.

They are often used by our themes to display shortened parts of your posts, for example on the homepage, archives page or in the featured posts slideshow.

Manual Excerpts

WordPress will automatically generate the excerpt from the first words of your blog post’s content.

However, you can also add a manually excerpt to your post in the Excerptmetabox. It is usually located below the post editor. If you do not see the Excerptmetabox, check your screen options.

Text formatting

Please be aware that WordPress excerpts are text only. WordPress does remove all text formatting, images and other media from the automatically generated excerpts.

What is the theme of excerpt?

Excerpts can be described as introduction or summary of your posts and represent only a small part of the full entry. They are often used by our themes to display shortened parts of your posts, for example on the homepage, archives page or in the featured posts slideshow.

What is the purpose of the excerpt?

An excerpt is made of one or more text segments from an indexed document. The segments generally include occurrences of the searched terms. The purpose of the excerpt is to provide key pieces of the document, and therefore, help you identify if the document contains the information you are looking for.

What is an excerpt in WordPress?

A WordPress excerpt is basically a summary of a longer article, often used as a replacement on the blog index and archives pages to avoid needing to display the full content of each post.

How do you use post excerpt?

Simply click the 'Blog/Archive' menu option. After that, scroll down to the bottom of the menu to the 'Post Content' section. Then, click the 'Excerpt' button. That's it!


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