What kind of room has no windows or doors

Riddle: What kind of room has no doors or windows?

April 2, 2017 My English Guide




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What kind of room has no doors or windows?

A mushroom.



  • Brainteasers

Corona virus pandemic has brought the world’s entertainment to its knees. Apart from putting an unprecedented halt over clubbing, pool parties and cinema hall, COVID-19 is making people caged in their boring lives. But, one can’t live this way for so long, people are now finding new ways to get over this monotonous corona virus era. Yes, you guessed it right, they are finding fun in every way possible, in making Dalgona coffee, in Challenging peeps into online Ludo, some are even challenging friends into crazy dares and some are sharing riddles in whatsapp and instagram group to make this New Normal even more exciting. We are Joining the league with you, Solve What kind of room has no doors or windows? Riddle To sharp your wit.

Let’s see what “What kind of room has no doors or windows? Riddle” has to offer

Riddles are not so complicated. A little of Logical thinking and BOOM! You’re on the answer

What kind of room has no doors or windows? Riddle is just a simple question and is as follows:

“A What kind of room has no doors or windows??”

Any guesses? There could be an endless amount of possibilities to this question but the true answer is an obvious one.

What is the answer to What kind of room has no doors or windows? Riddle?

Think carefully before scrolling down to the answer. What could this possibly describe?

Try Again.

 It’s so important to think outside of the box.

Still haven’t got it? Well, no sweat. Because the answer is really cool! We have the answer right down below!

Answer to the riddle is "Mushroom".

Bravo! Good Job


Answer to What kind of room has no doors or windows? Riddle is mushroom

The answer to this question lies in the question itself literally. It takes observation and grasping to find the solution as the question says to spell just one word which is itself the answer.

This is a brain teaser meant for school-level students but is tricky for every individual of any age group.

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And at first glance it seems impossible to answer. After all, what use would a room with no doors or windows be? How would you even get into it?

But once you remember that many riddles involve plays on words then all becomes apparent. Just try and think of something with the word room in it that doesn’t refer to a room in the traditional sense.

It’s actually a riddle that may keep you thinking for hours to find the right answer to this. But if you keep thinking about different kind of rooms and houses, you may end up not getting the right answer. So, if you did brainstorming and not found the answer then keep reading!

Table Of Contents hide

1 What kind of room has no doors or windows?

2 Similar ways this question is asked

What kind of room has no doors or windows?

The answer to this riddle is, A mushroom! This is not actually a room that you might be thinking about before getting to know the right answer. 

This question is asked as a riddle and may people end up not getting the right answer and then they simply put this question in Google search to find the answer.

Actually many people get confused because they keep thinking about rooms, i.e. bedroom, bathroom, etc.

Similar ways this question is asked

This question can be asked a bit differently but the answer would be the same. Someone can ask it like this: What kind of room has no door(s) and can also ask like this: what kind of room has no window(s) etc.

Note: The answer to all of them would be the same: A mushroom. So, I hope this article will be helpful for you.

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Tehseen Kiani

Tehseen started his blogging journey in 2018. He worked on many websites and blogs in recent years. Here, he shares products reviews and buying guides to help people take the right decision while purchasing different products.


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