What time does the shop close in Spanish duolingo

At what time do you close the store in Spanish duolingo?

"¿A qué hora cerraron las tiendas?" doesn't quite mean, "What time did the stores close?," but "What time did they close the stores?". The above English sentence uses "close" in its intransitive form; and to say that in Spanish, the reflexive pronoun has to be there: "¿A qué hora se cerraron las tiendas?"

What days does the shop open in duolingo Spanish?

In "What days is the shop open?", "open" is an adjective. In "What days does the shop open?", "open" is a verb, and in Spanish we can see it's "¿Qué días abre la tienda?", using the verb "abrir", "to open".

What time does the shops close in Spanish?

¿A qué hora cierra el banco? → What time do the shops close? ¿A qué hora cierra el banco?

Are the shops open now in Spanish duolingo?

I think "¿Están abiertas las tiendas ahora?" would a more common turn of phrase. That is the accepted translation with "Están" at the beginning, so you are probably correct. I tried "están abiertas las tiendas ahora?" and it was accepted.