What type of feet pics sell best?

Learning how to take feet pictures is a skill that can quickly become a lucrative side hustle. Women (and men!) all over the world are making thousands of dollars selling pictures of their feet online – so there’s no reason you can’t join in.

If you’ve been looking at other feet pictures and wondering how you could ever compete, thinking to yourself – I want feet pics that are gorgeous and different! – there’s no end to the feet poses, backgrounds, and props you can use to achieve your goals.

One of many popular feet poses

Armed with some cool and unique feet pictures, you can start selling your photos on feet pic websites like Instafeet, Feetify, and Feetfinder – and there’s some serious money to be made if you market yourself the right way.

Whether you’re looking to make a bit of extra money, or replace your job with a full time gig taking feet pictures – it’s up to you. And the sooner you start, the sooner you can start earning.

Check out our other guides:

  • How To Sell Feet Pics Online
  • How To Sell Feet Pics On Instagram

Is there an app for feet pictures? Or a website?

There are sellers and buyers of feet pics all over the web – from social media to specific feet picture platforms and apps.

These are the best places to sell feet pictures:

  1. Instafeet
  2. FeetPics
  3. FeetFinder
  4. Feetify
  5. DollarFeet
  6. Foap 
  7. Etsy
  8. Zazzle
  9. Whisper 
  10. Tinder
  11. Tumblr 
  12. Patreon
  13. Shutterstock
  14. Craigslist 
  15. Instagram 
  16. Facebook 
  17. Snapchat
  18. TikTok
  19. Twitter

As I said, this is just a matter of finding buyers. Be consistent with your upload schedule to attract potential customers. The average price for feet pics ranges between $3 to $20+ per photo. Since you’re new to this venture, I recommend you start selling at lower prices to undercut your competition. After you establish a sizable customer base, then start increasing your prices. 

  • Read more about how to sell your feet pics here

How To Take Good Feet Pics

Learning how to take feet pics is the same as learning how to photograph anything else. It takes a bit of time and practice, but if you start with the basics you’ll create a good foundation for your feet pic poses and compositions.

A cute feet pics pose

Here are some key things to pay attention to when you’re thinking about feet picture ideas.

Pay attention to your Feet 

You might be worried that your feet are too ugly to take feet pictures. But there is literally a market for every foot picture out there, so rest assured you have as much chance of selling feet pictures as anyone else!

The most important thing to think about isn’t the shape of your feet (or your hairy toes!), but if they’re clean, soft, and healthy looking.

Cracked heels can easily be fixed with rasps and feet masks for better feet pictures

Callouses, cracked heels, and weird feet fungus can tend to detract from your gorgeous, naturally beautiful feet – but these can be reduced or eliminated with a bit of extra care.

Take time to prepare your feet for taking photographs by using a foot rasp, a good feet scrub, foot softening moisturizer, or a foot peel mask. If you’ve got time and bit of cash, invest in regular pedicures to keep your feet, toes, and nails looking their best.

If your feet have blemishes or freckles you don’t like – leave them as is! Or use a tiny bit of facial concealer to hide them for your feet pictures.

Use a good camera

If you’ve got a great camera on your mobile phone, this should be enough to take clear, high resolution feet pictures with.

Otherwise, you should borrow a camera from a friend while you try taking feet picture – or buy a basic camera to ensure your photographs are crisp and not blurry.

These are a few basic cameras that we recommend:

  • Canon PowerShot G7 X Mak ii Digital Camera
  • Panasonic Lumix 4K Digital Camera
  • Vjianger 4K Digital Vlogging Camera


If you’re taking feet pictures around your house, you’ll need to pay extra attention to your background. Is there a pile of dirty laundry in your shot? Some uneaten food? Or other personal items that may get in the way of taking a top selling feet picture?

It can be a good idea to do some urban exploring to vary the backgrounds of your shots. Go for a hike and use rocks, grass, and flowers in your background – or go to the beach and experiment with using shells, stones, and sand to create the perfect feet photograph.

Feet pictures aren’t just for foot fetish models! Anyone can try selling feet photos

The more creative you can get with your custom feet pics, the more people will notice them online and be willing to pay for something different and unique. You can even offer custom feet pics where people can request you take your feet pictures in different settings and backgrounds (and you can charge more for these requests!).

Don’t be afraid to get wild, creative, and crazy. You could even do themed batches of feet photos to sell – such as cowboy, kitchen, bathroom, glamour, garden, beach, night, wilderness, underwater, and so on.


Props are helpful for most types of photos, as they lend depth and richness to whatever background you’re taking your feet pictures in.

Popular props include shoes, sandals, toe rings, anklets, jewelry, nail polish, sand, fruit, and shells. Walk around your home and garden and take inventory of anything you could use to create cute feet pics, sexy feet pics, or casual feet pics. What you find hidden in cupboards and drawers could be just what you need to take feet pictures that sell.


Bright, natural lighting tends to be the choice of most feet picture sellers. But you can easily change this up to make more unique, artistic feet photography with some basic lighting equipment that doesn’t cost a fortune.

Clear, crisp photographs rely on good lighting. Filters can only help you so much, so don’t rely on them to do the foundational work of getting the lighting right in your feet pictures.


Once you’ve taken your amazing feet pictures, experiment with adding filter effects to them.

Many feet picture sellers overuse the filter effects, which can make their photos look unnatural and grainy. What you’re aiming for is a filter than can create subtle changes to the highlights, contrasts, and colors in your feet photos.

Some free filter apps you can try are:

  • Lightroom App
  • Snapseed App
  • Picsart App

Check out this quick tutorial on how to use the Lightroom App (our favorite photo editor!)

Feet Poses

Now you’ve got the basics, it’s time to think about feet poses. How can you take photos that people will want to buy, and that suit your personality and shape of feet? Do you want to sell hot feet pics? Or just casual feet pics?

Once you’ve got the hang of taking the “easy” feet pic poses, you’ll need to think about some more difficult compositions, like how to take a picture of the bottom of your feet – which can be quite difficult and involve a lot of creativity!

There is inspiration for feet pic poses all over the web, including social media, the feet pic apps we’ve mentioned earlier in this blog, and feet pic forums online.

Here are some of our favorite ideas about how to take feet pictures.

Check out this quick tutorial on how to pose your feet for better feet pictures:

Feet Pictures Ideas

Instagram is a fantastic place to find ideas about how to pose your feet for the best possible feet pictures. Search by hashtags to find a ton of ideas for feet picture poses and feet pic ideas to help you start your portfolio.

Here are the most popular Instagram feet pic hashtags to start with:

  • #feetmodels
  • #feetloversonly
  • #feetheat
  • #feetpictures
  • #feetgay
  • #feetshoutout
  • #feetnails
  • #feetgram
  • #feetofinsta

Sexy feet pictures and poses

Casual feet poses

In Summary – How To Take Feet Pictures

Learning how to take cute feet pics to sell online isn’t too difficult. There are plenty of basic beginner photography tutorials on YouTube that teach you about good backgrounds, lighting, and composition that you can apply to taking pictures of your feet.

The more time you spend practicing feet poses, the more you’ll learn about which angles work best for your particular feet – and how you can develop your own artistic feet photography methods to set you apart from other feet picture sellers, and earn more money online.

Taking pictures of your feet should be fun, so go ahead and give it a try – you might be surprised at what you can do!

What foot picture pays the most?

Bizarre! US man makes $4,000 by selling pictures of his feet on internet | What's Viral.

Where can I make the most selling feet pics?

Your own website..
Feet Finder..
Dollar Feet..

What is a good price for feet pics?

Most people charge anywhere from $5 to over $100 per foot picture. However, the average foot photo is usually around $15-$25 per photo. Feel free to get creative and set a price based on the work you put in and how creative you are! You can always start low and move your prices up higher as you see what's selling well.

What are people looking for in feet pictures?

Some are looking for artistic pictures of feet, while others want to see high-quality photos of someone's heels. Feet photos can simply be sold on stock photo sites too. Then, there are those who just want feet photos for various reasons, including businesses/ads and more.


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