Whats the time mr wolf game

What's the time Mr Wolf is a classic kids' party game for children of all ages to enjoy. Play along and make this kids' activity the highlight of your party. Get ready for lots of laughs!

What you need

  • a clock

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It's DINNER TIME! Source: iStock.

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One child is chosen to be Mr Wolf, who then stands at one end of the playing area.

The other players stand in a line at the other end.

Mr Wolf turns his back to commence play.

The players call out, "What's the time Mr Wolf?" and Mr Wolf turns and answers with a time (i.e. 3 o'clock).

He then turns his back again while the children advance again chanting "What's the time Mr Wolf?" To which Mr Wolf will continue to respond until the players come very close.

Once the line of players is close to Mr Wolf, he can respond to the chant with "It's dinner time!" at which point, he will chase the players back to the starting line with the aim to catch one of the them, who will then become Mr Wolf for the next round of the game.

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The next fun game in our Group Games for Kids series is a common, collaborative game that is played regularly with young children in Australia – here’s how to play What’s the Time, Mr Wolf?

Number of players: 2+
Recommended Age: 3+ years
Equipment needed: None

To play:

One child is chosen to be Mr (or Mrs) Wolf. He stands a good distance (3+ metres) away from the other players with his back to them.

The other players stand side by side in a line, facing Mr Wolf’s back. All together they call, “What’s the time, Mr Wolf?”

Mr Wolf responds by selecting and calling out an o’clock time (between 1 and 12).

The other players take the required number of steps towards Mr Wolf. For example, “3 o’clock,” would mean the players take three steps towards Mr Wolf.

These two actions are repeated resulting in the other players moving closer and closer to Mr Wolf.

When Mr Wolf is ready (usually when the other players are getting close), he changes his response to the question, “What’s the time, Mr Wolf?” to “Dinnertime!”

At this cue, all of the players must turn around and race back to the starting position with Mr Wolf chasing after them to try and catch his dinner. The player who is caught becomes the next Mr Wolf and the game continues.

Check out the other games in the Games for Kids series;

Christie Burnett is a teacher, presenter, writer and the mother of two. She created Childhood 101 as a place for teachers and parents to access engaging, high quality learning ideas.

What is the time now Mr Wolf game?

To begin, model the game for the children. The Person who is telling the time (the wolf) stands at one end of the garden and all of the other participants stand and wait at the other end of the garden. The children must ask the wolf “What time is it Mr Wolf?”

What is the time Mr Wolf skill?

It helps developing their language in terms of speech and listening skills. Additionally, it also helps with their concentration and attention span. If you are playing the wolf, it helps you to make your own decisions and gives you the opportunity to play at your choice of pace.

How do you play the Wolf game?

The 'Wolf' is always the last player to tee off. At each hole, the players rotate the tee-off order (on the first hole 1,2,3,4 and on the second hole 2,3,4,1 and on fifth hole 1,2,3,4 again) so that each player becomes Wolf once every four holes.


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