When a married woman stares at you

When a married woman stares at you


In This Article

  • Is it normal for a married woman to be attracted to another man?
  • What attracts a married woman to another man?
  • 20 Signs that a married woman is attracted to you
  • What happens when a married woman is attracted to another man?
  • FAQs

Are you looking for signs a married woman is attracted to you?

It can be confusing when a married woman flirts with you as the lines between wrong and right get blurred.

According to a survey conducted by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, a considerable percentage of married women have extramarital affairs. Many men, such as yourself, will find themselves becoming a married woman’s object of attention.

So, how to tell if a married woman is flirting with you?

This blog post will go over signs a married woman is attracted to you and cover everything you need to know.

Let’s jump right in.

Is it normal for a married woman to be attracted to another man?

Before we go into signs that show a married woman is attracted to you, let’s go over the most basic question.

Yes, it is normal for a married woman to be attracted to other men. Being married doesn’t turn off your sexuality, and several married people–men and women–get attracted to others even though they love their spouses.

However, acting on those urges and desires becomes an issue in a monogamous marriage.

Related Reading: Signs of a Married Man in Love With Another Woman

What attracts a married woman to another man?

Many things may attract a woman to another man. Of course, these differ from one woman to another.

Here are some common things that attract a married woman to another man:

  • Confidence
  • An open communication style 
  • Friendliness 
  • Mental compatibility 
  • Friendship 
  • Kindness 
  • Sense of humor 
  • Physique
Related Reading: Why Do Women Cheat on Their Husbands

20 Signs that a married woman is attracted to you

Let’s take a look at signs a married woman is attracted to you.

Studies show that women take on a gentle approach while flirting, which may often be interpreted as friendly behavior.

It’s essential to keep in mind that these are only general signs and not person-specific. Every individual is different and sees things in a different light. With that being out of the way, here’s how to tell if a married woman is in love with you!

1. She finds ways to spend time with you

She’ll come up with creative ways to spend more time with you–she’d want to meet at the bar to discuss a vital work contact, you run into her when getting your morning coffee, she’ll drop you at your place, etc.

When a woman is attracted to a man, she tries to get his attention subtly and spends more time with him.

If the two of you have started to spend a significant amount of time together, the chances are that she’s into you. 

2. She prefers your company over her husband’s

When a married woman stares at you

One of the most significant telltale signs a married woman is attracted to you is when she chooses you over her husband. She may blow off dinner with her spouse to grab drinks with you, run an errand with you, etc.

If she has started to prefer you over her husband, it means that you’re more important in her life.

Of course, you need to check to see if she’s consistently putting you over her husband–it shouldn’t be a one-time thing. 

3. She lies to her husband about where she is when she’s with you 

Does she tell her husband that she’s hanging out with her girlfriends when she’s with you? Do you often drop her a block away from her house? Has she saved your name as another contact on her phone?

In that case, she might be hiding your friendship from her husband because she doesn’t want him to know her intentions for you.

If she’s always lying to her husband when she’s spending time with you, this is a sign that the married woman wants you. 

4. She’s curious about your romantic life 

Another sign that a woman is attracted to you sexually is curiosity about your romantic life and history. She might want to know everything–from your first kiss to your biggest heartbreak.

She’ll be interested in seeing photographs of your exes and might ask personal questions about your relationships.

You might even find her envious of the woman you’ve dated in the past.

5. She gets jealous when you talk about your dates 

Does she not approve of any woman you’re dating?

If a married woman is attracted to you, she might not like to hear about your dating life or might react negatively whenever you talk about someone you’re dating.

You might start to hear a jealous tone in her voice when she’s asking about her. 

6. You often meet her gaze 

One of the biggest signs a woman is interested in is when you start catching her staring at you repeatedly.

If you look around in a crowded room and meet her gaze, the chances are that she had been staring at you longingly, and you didn’t even realize it! She may not be able to stop herself from staring at you. 

7. She compliments you

When a married woman stares at you

When a married woman flirts with you, she often starts complimenting you and being extremely friendly with you.

Women often want to please the men they’re interested in, and compliments are one tool they use to send the message across.

This is an obvious sign she is into you if she’s the kind of woman who doesn’t compliment people.

Related Reading: How to Compliment a Guy- 100+ Best Compliments for Guys

8. She shares her problems with you and wants to be rescued 

When a woman is attracted to you sexually, she will start opening up about her issues and would like you to save her. However, this depends on the woman’s personality and the kind of society she’s been socialized in.

For example, she might ask you (over her husband) to pick her up in the middle of the night when she was stranded somewhere and couldn’t access an Uber.

She’ll also talk about her fears, insecurities, past life experiences, etc., openly to increase emotional intimacy.  

9. She talks about her marital issues with you 

Does she share the issues she’s facing in her marriage with you?

When a married woman wants you, she will start opening up about the cracks in her marriage. She’ll also start talking about the issues she has with her husband and may even vent about him to you.

The most obvious sign to look out for is when she creates a contrast between you and her husband.

She might use phrases like:

  • I wish I were married to you. 
  • If only my husband was as kind as you! 
  • Why didn’t we meet before I was married?

She might say these things as a joke but might secretly mean them. 

10. She laughs at your jokes 

Does she laugh at all of your jokes? Even the lame ones?

When a woman is interested in a man, she tries to boost his ego by laughing at his jokes so that he’s left feeling confident about his abilities. You might think to yourself that she’s gone crazy to laugh so hard at a lame joke.

But, in reality, she might be trying to signal to you that she likes you. 

11. She’s always in a good mood when she’s around you 

Is she always happy to see you and radiant with joy when you’re around?

Everyone feels happy in the company of someone they’re attracted to. If her lousy mood magically disappears when you’re around, this is an obvious sign of attraction.

She might even try to make herself more desirable to you by only presenting her good side to you. 

12. She flirts with you

When a married woman stares at you

Does she often flirt with you?

She might send you kisses or heart emojis, call you by names such as baby, honey, darling, etc., pass flirty remarks, and give you general signs that she’s interested.

Related Reading: How Do Women Flirt: 8 Flirting Signs From a Woman

13. She’s always well-dressed around you 

Does she suddenly seem to care about the way she looks when she’s around you?

If her hair, makeup, and clothes are always on-point when she sees you, the chances are that she just spent a few minutes in the ladies’ room to touch up and make herself presentable before seeing you.

One of the biggest signs a woman is into you is when she puts a lot of effort into her looks when around you. 

14. She may drop a few sexual innuendos here and there

When a woman is attracted to you sexually, she won’t be one to shy away from talking about sex or anything of sexual nature.

She would crack dirty jokes with you, tell “that’s what she said” jokes, and even throw a few sexual innuendos around just to test the waters to see how you’ll react to it. 

15. She notices small things about you

If a woman notices subtle changes to your appearance that no one else does–like how you changed your hair color, a new wristwatch you’ve bought, a new accessory, etc.

Women can notice these things only when they’re paying close attention to you. 

16. She’s extra caring towards you 

Does she go over and above to help you out and meet your needs?

Women have a nurturing side that comes out only for the people they care about. If she asks you about your day, calls you to check in on you when you’re sick, shares her food with you, etc., the chances are that she’s attracted to you.

17. Her body language is different when she’s around you 

A woman’s body language can tell you a lot about how they feel when it comes to attraction.

Related Reading: Physical Signs a Woman Is Interested in You

Here’s a video that’ll help you decode her body language:

18. She goes out of her way to see you 

When a woman is attracted to a man, she will go to any length to see him. This means going to a sports match she’s not interested in, joining a class she’s not too keen about, etc.

It’s not about the activity; it is about the company.

19. She remembers things about you 

Does she remember things that you told her about yourself only in passing? Like when your mom’s birthday is or the name of the dog you had as a child?

If she remembers details of your life better than your best friend, it means that she’s listening to you when you’re talking and doesn’t want to miss out on anything that you might have said. 

20. She jokes about the two of you being together

If she keeps joking about the two of you being together or talks about the future in a way that suggests that the two of you may have a shot, the chances are that she has feelings for you.

This might even mean that she spends a lot of time thinking about you and how you can be a part of her life.

What happens when a married woman is attracted to another man?

It’s natural to be attracted to other people time and again when you’re in a committed relationship. Most women think of these as general crushes and get over them in due time.

However, some may choose to pursue something with you.

Related Reading: Is Your Spouse in Love With Someone Else Or Is It Limerence?


Do you have reason to believe that a married woman wants you?

Things can get a little complicated if a married woman is giving you signs of being interested. You may be trading on treacherous terrain as you realize that things don’t need to be morally black or white.

This section of the article will go over some frequently asked questions on signs a married woman is attracted to you.

Take a look. 

1. What should I do if I’m also attracted to a married woman?

When a married woman stares at you

It is entirely normal to find yourself being attracted to a married woman. There’s nothing wrong with you being attracted to someone who happens to be committed! Several men find themselves exactly where you are.

The first thing to figure out is what your intentions are when it comes to this lady.

Do you want sexual satisfaction? Do you think you’re falling in love with her? Is this a crush?

You need to understand where you stand with this woman before thinking about pursuing her. Other questions to consider include:

  • What will this relationship bring to your life? 
  • Do you think this is sustainable in the long term? 
  • What will you do if her husband finds out? 
  • Are you willing to take the risk associated with having an affair
  • What is she looking for?

Every person has their unique point of view, and what advice may work for one individual may not work for the other. So, it is first essential to figure yourself out before you pursue anything with this woman. 

2. Is it wrong to be attracted to a married man?

The simple answer – it is not.

You can’t control who you’re attracted to. However, you can control what you do about it.

Many women find themselves attracted to committed men. There may be many reasons to find yourself attracted to him–she may be handsome, funny, confident, caring, understanding, kind, loving, etc.

Monogamy isn’t a concept that our primal urges understand. So, it is best to think things through logically before you take a step that you might end up regretting.

Related Reading: Things to Consider if You Are in Love With a Married Man

3. How do you know if a married woman is serious about you?

Just because a woman is married, it doesn’t necessarily mean that she has a healthy marriage. If she has been pursuing you, it could mean that there are cracks in the foundation of her marriage.

Here is how to tell if a married woman is in love with you:

  • She starts prioritizing you over her husband. 
  • She spends a significant amount of her day connecting with you, checking in with you, etc. 
  • She tries to resolve arguments with you and tries to make it up to you. 
  • She misses you when you aren’t around.
  • She talks about your future together or brings up a shared future in conversations. 
  • She chooses your company over her husband’s during special occasions, such as birthdays, holidays, etc. 
  • She talks to you about her problems.

Keep in mind that these are only general signs. Every individual is different and has different ways of showing interest. 

4. How to make a married woman fall in love with you?

Here’s how to get a married woman to fall in love with you:

  • Start complimenting her and flattering her. 
  • Shower her with a lot of attention and show genuine interest in her life. 
  • Check-in with her to see if she’s doing okay. 
  • Start inviting her to events or just to hang out. 
  • Tell her how much you enjoy her company.
  • Listen to her problems and lend her a sympathetic ear. 
  • Help her out when she’s in a problem.

5. Can a woman love her husband and be attracted to another man at the same time?

There’s no definite answer to this question.

However, the fact that a married woman is pursuing you shines a light on the fact that something is missing in her marriage that she’s trying to fulfill.

The bottom line

Did we help you figure out what to do if a married woman wants you?

The answer to the question, “how to know if a married woman likes you more than a friend?” isn’t too complicated. It isn’t hard to decode how a woman feels about you.

We hope that this blog post brought you the insight you needed!

How do you know if a married woman is attracted to you?

20 Signs that a married woman is attracted to you.
She finds ways to spend time with you. ... .
She prefers your company over her husband's. ... .
She lies to her husband about where she is when she's with you. ... .
She's curious about your romantic life. ... .
She gets jealous when you talk about your dates. ... .
You often meet her gaze..

How do you know if a married woman likes you more than a friend?

Joking about you being together isn't the only move she might make to hint at her desire to be more than friends. If she starts trying to take care of you, checking in when you're having a tough time at work, or bringing soup when you're ill, it's because she wants you to experience what life could be like together.

How do you keep a married woman interested in you?

Tips to attract a married woman who looks interested in you.
01/6Tips to attract a married woman who looks interested in you. ... .
02/6Compliment her. ... .
03/6Make it a fun time to hang out with her. ... .
04/6Have stimulating conversations. ... .
05/6Listen to her. ... .
06/6Applaud her achievements..

What does it mean when a married woman flirts with you?

If a married woman is flirting with you, it's a clear sign If you notice that a married woman is flirting with you unabashedly, there is little doubt left that she wants your relationship to develop into something more.