Where can I find a red speckled chickens Sea of Thieves?

The Merchant Alliance in Sea of Thieves is a major trading company that recruits players to carry out various challenging voyages, paying them with solid gold in return. One of the many trade goods that the Alliance commissions are live chickens. Players looking to achieve the Grave V Merchant of the Dawn Caller title will need to capture and deliver a grand total of 200 chickens, so players will need to know where to look.

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Chickens are one of many passive creatures that spawn in-game, and they offer a pretty sizeable amount of gold when commissioned. Rewards range from 10 gold to 7500 gold, depending on the chicken type and whether the commission is part of a Merchant Alliance voyage. Chickens can also be killed for meat, and that may be sold to The Hunter's Call, but for much less of a reward.

How To Find And Catch Chickens In Sea Of Thieves

Where To Find Chickens

Where to find chickens in Sea of Thieves

You wouldn't think it, but chickens - white feathered chickens, red-speckled chickens, all chickens - are probably the hardest-to-find trade animal in Sea of Thieves. They can't fly, no, but they have a remarkable talent for never showing up when you want them to, or hiding on the other side of an island that you can't see. If you've scanned an island with your spyglass and still aren't sure whether there's any poultry to be had, your best bet is to disembark and stroll around while listening. Chickens ain't quiet: they cluck regularly, rustle their feathers when startled, and even crow at sunrise. If you want to skip the searching, here's a list of islands that I've verified with my un-patched eye to be fowl-friendly. I'll add more as I find them.

Sea of Thieves chicken locations

  • Tri-Rock Isle
  • The Crooked Masts
  • Mermaid's Hideaway
  • Wanderers Refuge
  • Scurvy Isley
  • Crook's Hollow
  • Shipwreck Bay
  • Barnacle Bay
  • Cannon Cove
  • Marauder's Arch
  • Old Faithful isle
  • Thieves' Haven
  • Twin Groves

How to catch chickens and care for them

Pick up your chicken coop, run after your fowl target, and hold RT as you keep it in view. Voila, caged chicken! Don't get disoriented and grab the wrong one, though, because there's no easy way to remove a chicken from its coop. Fortunately, after all that searching and chasing you'll find that chickens are the easiest animal to care for; just keep their cages above water and they're good as gold. Don't worry, they (and all the other animals) can tolerate brief submersion while you're on the way to and from your boat.

Where to find pigs in Sea of Thieves

Pigs are fairly abundant and their larger size and distinct trotting gait make them the easiest animal to spot without leaving your ship. Once you're on the island, you'll hear them oink and squeal just like your old See 'n Say toy told you. There're tales that all the pigs in this pirate's paradise smell faintly of crispy bacon, but alas, Sea of Thieves' lack of smell-o-vision makes this legend impossible to prove. Here are some islands where you're sure to find some pigs - I'll keep adding more as I verify them.

Sea of Thieves pig locations

  • Sunken Grove
  • Shark Tooth Key
  • Crescent Isle
  • Mermaid's Hideaway
  • Snake Island
  • Devil's Ridge
  • Fool's Lagoon
  • Lone Cove
  • Blind Man's Lagoon
  • Cannon Cove
  • Kraken's Fall
  • Old Faithful Isle
  • Paradise Spring
  • Rum Runner Isle
  • Sea Dog's Rest
  • Thieves' Haven

How to catch pigs and care for them

With your pig crate in hand, run down on one of the noisy little trotters while holding RT and keeping them centered in your view. Unfortunately, catching them is the easy part - pigs are total pigs, you see, and they'll starve if they're not fed regularly. Very regularly. With your cherished, life-giving bananas. If you hear one squealing extra-hard, give it a banana and that should quiet it down for a while. Oh, and try to keep them above water too. Pigs aren't amphibious!

Where to find snakes in Sea of Thieves

Snakes are the smallest of the three trade animals but they're easy enough to find - they helpfully keep their heads up in the "ssss hey what are you doing over there ssss" position at all times. They also hiss up a storm whenever you get anywhere near them, so don't worry about walking past unawares. I've spotted more than a few slithery little friends in my travels, here are the verified locations so far.

Sea of Thieves snake locations

  • Sunken Grove
  • Liar's Backbone
  • Lagoon of Whispers
  • Kraken's Fall
  • The Crooked Masts
  • Snake Island
  • Devil's Ridge
  • Wanderers Refuge
  • Lone Cove
  • Crook's Hollow
  • Black Sand Atool
  • Booty Island
  • Castaway Isle
  • Crooked Masts
  • Cutlass Cay
  • Discovery Ridge
  • Isle of Last Words
  • Lonely Isle
  • Marauder's Arch
  • Old Faithful Isle
  • Picaroon Palms
  • Sandy Shallows

How to catch snakes and care for them

Grab your snake basket, find a snake, then put the basket down. If you rush the snake, it'll plant its non-existent feet and spit poison at you! Take out an instrument instead and play the scaly little so-and-so a tune. It'll calm down and even start swaying to the music, aw! Then you're safe to put the snake in the basket (hold the basket then hold RT on the snake) and run it back to your boat. Do keep your hurdy-gurdy at the ready for when it inevitably gets agitated again. The good news is that snakes don't need any food, and they make great burglar alarms for your hold full of treasure! They do need air though, so watch out for flooding.

Where is the best place to find chickens in Sea of Thieves?

Chickens can be found on nearly all islands in Sea of Thieves, but your best chances will be to visit the larger islands. Small islands don't have a lot of landmass, which means not many animals can spawn there.

Where do chickens spawn in Sea of Thieves?

Chickens often spawn in a group, sometimes on the shores of small islands, or in the hills of bigger islands. They come in several distinct variants - including white, red-speckled, black-plumed, and gold.

What is the best chicken in Sea of Thieves?

The Golden Chicken is a variant of the Chicken creature from Sea of Thieves. The creature can be encountered often, and is a very normal sight in the game. It is the most valuable Chicken in the game.

How do I get the chicken for Sea of Thieves quest?

Chase after the animal you want, and hold RT when you're close. If you hold it long enough, the chicken/pig should get caught in the coop. You can drop the coop to see what animal you have caught, and make sure it's one you need.