Where does Black Butler start after anime?

What im guessing is the book of circus is more in line with the manga. So you need to read the manga till circus arc. Also BB season 2 was beyond god awful.

got reviews and more at In My Opinion://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEHPzU5Zjg2mAoYpeQgMtUw

Kami_no_Kami 6 years ago#4

It's been a while since I've watched any of it but here's what I remember:

Season 1 rushes through the canon material for about half the series, but is much more light-hearted about it, even adding a goofy dog character. I vaguely recall episode 1 being filler but being in the same spirit as the manga's first story (but again, being much more light-hearted). After the canon material ends, the series does its own thing which, surprisingly, isn't terrible. It then has a great ending, being both extremely fitting (for the anime and the manga), and wrapping things up nicely in a way that makes it impossible to make a sequel series.

Season 2 is the sequel series. It's 100% awful, contrived filler. Skip it.

Book of Circus has a canon first episode told out of order to set up the Circus arc, which is then told faithfully from that point forward. I liked this arc better in the manga, but I have no idea why, so it may just be that I experienced the manga first. Regardless, this is the best arc so far in the manga.

Book of Murder is a faithful adaptation of the murder mystery arc that takes place immediately after Book of Circus. It's pretty good, but I found this arc pretty bland in general. It does have a good ending, though.

Raka_Putra 6 years ago#5

Yeah, just read the manga. Much better anyway.

"A blank page or canvas, his favorite. So many possibilities."
- RIP Stephen Sondheim, 1930-2021

TheDreadedZero (Topic Creator)6 years ago#6

Thanks. I'm definitely going to continue buying the manga books, but I also ordered the blu Ray DVD combo set for Season 1 from Target for $25. I'll likely skip season 2.

Currently playing Disgaea 6, Monster Hunter Stories 2, YS IX, and Skyward Sword HD.

reptyle101 6 years ago#7

the last few episodes of s1 are filler too (and from what I remember, they spoil one of the biggest moments from the arc that s3 adapts)

Presumably, some research either wasn't done, or 100% historical accuracy was ignored in favor of including all the elements the author wanted in the series.

It's a pretty silly series too, so what does it matter? Can't complain about dates not lining up when people run through stone walls and get consumed by fire for several seconds without lasting burns.

No. Title Original Airdate English Airdate[7] 1"His Butler, Able"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Yūno" (Japanese: その執事、有能)January 11, 2011[8] Earl Ciel Phantomhive's butler, Sebastian Michaelis informs him that Damian, the head of Funtom, Ciel's confectionery toy manufacturing company, is coming. Sebastian orders the household staff, Baldroy, Finnian, and Mey-Rin—the cook, the gardener, and the maid, respectively—to prepare for Damian's arrival. Damian plays a board game with Ciel in which his character loses one of his legs and is incinerated. Damian calls his associate, revealing that he is attempting to fraudulently acquire more money from Ciel. The scenario in the board game occurs; Damian breaks his leg, and Sebastian locks him in the oven to be cooked; he later limps away from the mansion as Ciel and Sebastian laugh. 2"His Butler, Strongest"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Saikyō" (Japanese: その執事、最強)January 12, 2011[9] After a visit from Ciel's aunt Madame Red and Lau, Ciel is kidnapped for ransom by Azzurro Vanel, a drug dealer and leader of an Italian mafia. Sebastian is targeted by a sniper and driver on his way to Ciel but easily defeats them and a mob of underlings guarding the mansion. Sebastian is shot in front of Ciel and Azurro several times but does not die, as he is a demon. Ciel takes off his eye patch, revealing the pentagram in that eye indicative of the pact he made with Sebastian, and calls for his help, which enables Sebastian to save him. 3"His Butler, Omnipotent"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Bannō" (Japanese: その執事、万能)January 13, 2011 Grell Sutcliff is requested by Madame Red to train under Sebastian. It is revealed by Tanaka that the real Phantomhive estate burned down three years ago and was rebuilt. Ciel's parents died in the fire. Elizabeth Midford, Ciel's fiancée, visits. Elizabeth unhappily shatters Ciel's family ring when she sees that he isn't wearing the one she got him. Enraged and upset, Ciel goes to strike her but is stopped by Sebastian. Calming down, he tosses the broken ring out the window, declaring that he is head of the family with or without it. That night, to Ciel's surprise, Sebastian returns the ring to him, restored. He tells Sebastian to stay until he falls asleep, amusing the butler, who comments on the boy showing his weakness to him. 4"His Butler, Capricious"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Suikyō" (Japanese: その執事、酔狂)January 14, 2011 Jack the Ripper terrorizes the city of London. After receiving information from the Undertaker, they suspect the Viscount of Druitt. Sebastian, Ciel, and Lau attend the Viscount's ball to catch him, with Ciel in a dress, disguised as a girl. The Viscount takes a liking to Ciel, who goes alone with him, hoping to learn his plans. However, Ciel passes out, awaking to find himself being sold in an underground auction. When the Viscount removes Ciel's blindfold to display his eyes, Ciel calls for Sebastian. Sebastian saves Ciel, revealing that the pentagram in Ciel's eye is actually a mark that allows the demon to trace wherever his prey is. Jack the Ripper commits another murder, revealing that it was not the Viscount. 5"His Butler, Chance Encounter"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Kaikō" (Japanese: その執事、邂逅)January 17, 2011 At the house of the latest victim, Mary Jane Kelly, Ciel and Sebastian discover that the murderer is Madame Red and Grell, the latter revealed to be a Grim Reaper. Madame Red attempts to kill Ciel but hesitates. Disappointed by this, Grell kills Madame Red and her life is played back, as Grim Reapers can see a person's memories when they die. Madame Red had lost everyone she loved in life: an accident killed her husband and unborn child; then she lost her older sister and her sister's husband, the Earl of Phantomhive, in the mansion fire. When a patient asked for an abortion, claiming children were a nuisance, Madame Red decided to kill those who threw away the things she'd always wanted but lost. It was then that she met Grell, and they murdered prostitutes that had abortions. Ciel orders Sebastian to kill Grell. 6"His Butler, At the Funeral"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Sōsō" (Japanese: その執事、葬送)January 18, 2011 Before Sebastian can kill Grell, they are interrupted by William T. Spears, the administrator of the Grim Reapers. Spears takes a defeated Grell back to headquarters, ending Jack the Ripper's reign of terror. The following day, Ciel and Sebastian attend Madame Red's funeral, where Ciel recalls his childhood memories of her. Afterward, they tend to Mary Jane Kelly's tombstone, which Ciel had the Undertaker make to honor her. Sebastian remarks that Ciel's kindness is weakness, as he was afraid of killing his own aunt. Ciel responds that he knew Sebastian would protect him and he will not hesitate going forward. He asks Sebastian to promise never to betray him like Madame Red did; Sebastian agrees. 7"His Butler, Merrymaking"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Yūkyō" (Japanese: その執事、遊興)January 19, 2011 By the command of Queen Victoria, Ciel is to secure Houndsworth, a village controlled by a nobleman Henry Barrymore. The village is a dark and dreary place inhabited by a demon hound that kills bad dogs and people. Angela Blanc, Henry's servant, warns Ciel and Sebastian to leave, only for them to witness a boy's death caused by the demon hound. Finnian intervenes when a wrongly accused dog is sentenced to punishment, forcing him along with Bardroy, Mey-rin, Tanaka and Ciel to be captured. Sebastian reveals that Henry used a projection of a dog to make the villagers believe a demon hound existed so he could control the village. 8"His Butler, Training"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Chōkyō" (Japanese: その執事、調教)January 20, 2011 Henry is jailed but found dead with an arm torn off, revealing that there really is a demon hound. Finnian and Mey-Rin discover Angela's dominatrix personality, much to Finnian's dismay. When Angela goes missing, Ciel's servants venture out to search for her and encounter the real demon hound. Sebastian saves them. The demon hound is named Pluto and can take human form; Angela had taken him in and hidden him from her master. Angela asks Ciel to keep Pluto at the Phantomhive estate so Sebastian can train him, much to his chagrin, as Sebastian dislikes dogs. Before leaving, Sebastian suspiciously comments on Angela's ability to have "lesser beings" submit to her. 9"His Butler, Phantom Image"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Genzō" (Japanese: その執事、幻像)January 21, 2011 Ciel assigns his servants to take a photo of Sebastian with a camera that reveals what is most precious to the picture's subject that is deceased or not of this world. The camera requires one to stay still for ten seconds; Sebastian never does, evading their efforts effortlessly as he goes about the day's tasks. Exasperated, Ciel risks his own life to capture his photograph and Sebastian quips that Ciel could've just asked him for a photo. In the end, when Sebastian finds Ciel asleep, he takes a photo of Ciel, himself, and Pluto behind them, leading to a photo that confuses the servants. Sebastian remarks that it was an honor to learn that what Ciel most treasures is Sebastian himself. 10"His Butler, on Ice"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Hyōjō" (Japanese: その執事、氷上)January 24, 2011 Ciel and Sebastian visit a festival held on the frozen River Thames. They enter an ice-sculpting contest for the prize, a ring with a slice of blue diamond called the Hope Piece, which is important evidence in an investigation by Scotland Yard into the kidnappings of young girls. Sebastian creates an ice model of Noah's Ark, but the Hope Piece is lost in the river following a bombing incident. Meanwhile, Elizabeth discovers the Hope Piece in a toy ship she buys for Ciel's birthday. 11"His Butler, However You Please"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Ikayō" (Japanese: その執事、如何様)January 25, 2011 It's Ciel's birthday, though he is unhappy, as his parents' death happened on his tenth birthday. Elizabeth becomes distraught when she can't find a good birthday gift for Ciel and encounters a strange dollmaker. It is reported that a series of kidnappings of girls are occurring in London. On his way to find Elizabeth, Ciel encounters Grell, learning that a puppeteer named Drocell Keinz is behind the kidnappings. Clues lead the two to a tower, where Grell is attacked by an army of dolls. Ciel finds Sebastian at the top of the tower. 12"His Butler, Forlorn"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Sekiryō" (Japanese: その執事、寂寥)January 26, 2011 Ciel finds Elizabeth in the tower. Drocell is controlling her like a marionette and forces her to attack Ciel. Sebastian and Grell free Elizabeth and defeat Drocell, discovering he too is a doll being manipulated. The master of the tower states that someone unclean like Ciel must die. The trio discover the "master" is speaking through a doll; the actual master is hiding elsewhere, not present in the tower. Elizabeth and the rest of the Phantomhive estate celebrate Ciel's thirteenth birthday with a party, wishing to see him happy. The master of the tower is revealed to be Angela. 13"His Butler, Freeloader"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Isōrō" (Japanese: その執事、居候)January 27, 2011 In London, Ciel and Sebastian meet Prince Soma and his servant, Agni. After Prince Soma saves Ciel from thugs, he begrudgingly lets the two stay at the Phantomhive estate for their visit. Sebastian and Agni duel in a fencing match; when it ends in a draw, Ciel is shocked that Agni, a human, was able to equally match a demon, and wonders who he is. Sebastian is stunned when Agni convinces the normally wayward servants to help prepare supper. Prince Soma reveals that he is searching for his nursemaid, Mina, who was kidnapped from India by a wealthy Englishman. After Prince Soma goes to sleep, Sebastian witnesses Agni sneaking out and remarks that he knew that Agni would make a move. 14"His Butler, Supremely Talented"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Inō" (Japanese: その執事、異能)January 28, 2011 Harold West, a wealthy businessman, is responsible for Agni's betrayal and Mina's wedlock, forcing Agni to commit crimes. Sebastian tells Prince Soma to face the truth that Agni would abandon him someday. Ciel preaches to never give up, using his parents' death as an example. West's goal is to gain a Royal Warrant for his curry restaurant by using Agni's talent to win the curry festival competition. Ciel decides to compete with his company Funtom as well. At the exhibition, Prince Soma finds Mina, who confesses that she purposefully escaped India and married West to free herself from the India's caste system. Queen Victoria, escorted by her butler, Ashe Landers, makes a grand entrance. 15"His Butler, Competing"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Kyōsō" (Japanese: その執事、競争)January 31, 2011 Sebastian creates his curry with chocolate, Agni uses blue lobster, and a French chef uses a mysterious spice that was given to him by Angela. Sebastian wins with his curry buns and Funtom gains the Royal Warrant. However, the people who ate the curry with the mysterious spice become possessed and start attacking others. Sebastian and Agni fight them off and they are cured after a taste of Sebastian's curry buns because he put "kindness" into them (something Ciel finds ironic). With the competition over, Prince Soma and Agni bid farewell to Ciel and Sebastian and return to India. 16"His Butler, in an Isolated Castle"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Kojō" (Japanese: その執事、孤城)February 1, 2011 Ciel is informed that the abandoned Ludlow Castle his estate owns is haunted by ghosts and the workers are too spooked to continue remodeling it into a hotel. At the castle, they encounter the ghosts of two princes who were assassinated four centuries ago, Edward V and his younger brother Richard, Duke of York. Ciel plays chess against Edward in order to win the castle but Edward wins and claims Sebastian as his prize. Edward has the skulls of his family on a chessboard, believing that the brothers can move on if the chessboard is complete. Ciel and Sebastian help him realize that he was simply holding a grudge against the man who killed them, preventing them from moving on. The princes are then able to depart for the afterlife. 17"His Butler, Offering"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Hōnō" (Japanese: その執事、奉納)February 2, 2011 Ashe informs Ciel that an abandoned monastery in Preston, Lancashire has been taken over by a cult planning to overthrow the government. Ciel and Sebastian find out from Grell that the cinematic records were stolen too. At the monastery, Sebastian seduces a nun named Mathilda Simmons in order to learn that the cult uses a strange doomsday book to recruit new members and expose and "cleanse" them of their pasts. The trio witnesses a cleansing ceremony and Ciel recognizes the cult's symbol as the one branded on his body, remembering that he was also called "unclean" by the doll master that kidnapped Lizzie. He is kidnapped by Angela, who reveals herself to be an angel, and Sebastian and Grell give pursuit. 18"His Butler, Transmitted"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Tensō" (Japanese: その執事、転送)February 3, 2011 Angela uses the cinematic record to force Ciel recall his parents' murder. Sebastian and Grell go the Grim Reaper library to see Spears, who tells them that an Angel cannot change the past, only provide a changed impression of it. Angela attempts to "purify" Ciel of his dark past but his overwhelming hatred of his tormentors enables him to overcome her mirage. The Undertaker transports Sebastian, Grell, and Spears to Angela to incapacitate her. Angela destroys the monastery and vanishes as most of the cult members escape or die in the destruction. Believing the cult that killed his family is destroyed, Ciel tells Sebastian to take his soul. When Sebastian doesn't, Ciel realizes there are still others who are responsible for his family's demise. 19"His Butler, Imprisoned"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Nyūrō" (Japanese: その執事、入牢)February 4, 2011 The body of John Stanley, a man who worked under Queen Victoria, is found murdered in the River Thames. Ash wants Ciel to retrieve a secret item from Stanley's body. Ciel goes to Lau for information. Lau mentions a new drug, Lady Blanc circulating around. A large amount of the illicit drug is found in one of Ciel's warehouses and Lau and Ciel are both charged with drug trafficking. Lau knows what the secret item is and flees after framing Ciel for it. Ciel and Sebastian are arrested and separated. It is revealed that due to Lau's framing, orders for the arrest were given by Ash with the drugs planted as a pretext. 20"His Butler, Escaping"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Dassō" (Japanese: その執事、脱走)February 7, 2011 Sebastian is tortured in the Tower of London by Angela; she proposes that if he abandons Ciel, she will give him abundant souls to eat. Sebastian turns down the deal, stating that he only desires Ciel's soul. Scotland Yard inspector Fred Abberline helps Ciel with Stanley's case. Ciel frees Sebastian by summoning him, and they confront Lau for his betrayal on his junk. Lau reveals that the secret item was a letter exposing that Queen Victoria is trying to start a world war and mocks Ciel for still supporting her. As Lau goes to kill him, Abberline intercepts and takes a fatal blow for Ciel, dying in his arms. Sebastian kills Lau but Ciel, upset, slaps him for not saving him and letting Abberline sacrifice himself. 21"His Butler, Engaging Servants"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Koyō" (Japanese: その執事、雇傭)February 8, 2011 Ciel remains upset from Abberline's death and the revelation about Queen Victoria. His servants decide to try and cheer him up. The Phantomhive estate is attacked by enemies but Sebastian hides this from Ciel, who is teaching Elizabeth to play chess, and asks the servants to take care of it. The backgrounds of Mey-Rin, Bardroy, and Finnian are revealed: they are more than they appear on the surface. Mey-Rin was a sniper assassinating politicians; Bardroy was a skilled military soldier; Finnian was an imprisoned human test subject, experimented on and given superhuman strength. Sebastian recruited them for these strengths so they could protect Ciel under the guise of being servants. The servants drive the criminals away and Ciel, unaware of what just transpired, finally smiles in amusement when he sees them all looking rather disheveled. 22"His Butler, Dissolution"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Kaishō" (Japanese: その執事、解消)February 9, 2011 Ciel and Sebastian travel to the Exposition Universelle in Paris to meet Queen Victoria. At the top of the Eiffel Tower, Ciel is confronted by Queen Victoria, who reveals that Ashe, an angel, granted her youth. She wishes to kill Ciel and end his family to "cleanse" London. Ciel orders Sebastian to kill them but their duel causes debris to fall onto people below. Ciel calls off the duel to prevent people from getting hurt, angering Sebastian, who believes Ciel is retreating on his vow of revenge. The next morning, Ciel realizes that Sebastian has abandoned him. He attempts to make it back to London on his own but as a child, finds himself powerless as others get the best of him. Penniless, he spends the night cold and hungry on the docks. Ashe takes control of Pluto and sets the Phantomhive estate on fire. 23"His Butler, Up In Flames"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Enjō" (Japanese: その執事、炎上)February 10, 2011 Ciel stows away in a London-bound steamship, where he meets the Undertaker, who informs Ciel that he will die. The fire spreads in London and takes many lives. Ciel finds his servants in the burning streets, trying to tranquilize Pluto, who continues breathing fire onto the city. Ciel orders them to kill Pluto, surprising both them and Sebastian, who is watching. Ciel states that Pluto is no longer Pluto but a beast and Sebastian realizes that Ciel is still focused on revenge. Ashe is revealed to be the male version of Angela; they are the same angel. They try to convince Sebastian to join them but he goes after Ciel. Ciel heads to Windsor Castle, where he discovers Queen Victoria dead. The palace guards believe that he murdered her and shoot him. Sebastian appears and saves Ciel, stating that due to him, Sebastian will enjoy a delicious soul. 24"His Butler, Fluent"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Tōtō" (Japanese: その執事、滔滔)February 11, 2011 On the Tower Bridge, Ciel and Sebastian face the merged Angela/Ashe, who Ciel now knows was responsible for his family's brutal end. With Pluto dead and Grell, the Undertaker, and Spears cutting off the supply of souls that fuel Ashe's strength, Ashe is weakened. Sebastian reverts to his true demonic form to destroy Ashe. Satisfied, an injured Ciel, hanging off the edge, lets himself fall into the river. In the aftermath, a false Queen Victoria emerges to lead London. Ciel wakes up being ferried by Sebastian on a river, where he sees the cinematic record of his life and learns that his father knew of his impending death. They land at a ruined mansion, where Sebastian will take Ciel's soul. When he states that it may hurt and promises to be gentle, Ciel's final order is to make the process painful as proof that he lived. Sebastian agrees. OVA"His Butler, On Stage"
Transcription: "Sono Shitsuji, Kōgyō" (Japanese: その執事、興行)N/A[nb 1]February 14, 2011 Ciel and Sebastian celebrate the third anniversary of Funtom Company by hosting Hamlet as the play for an orphan charity. However, all the actors hired to perform in the play cannot arrive in town for another week due to a shipwreck. Since the play cannot be postponed, Sebastian is ordered by Ciel to make the play a success regardless. Sebastian rallies up the whole group together to be in the play, and they are visited by mostly every character in the series in this episode. Though the plot was ultimately altered, the play turns out, for the most part, a success.

Does season 2 of Black Butler continue from season 1?

Kuroshitsuji II takes place in late-nineteenth century England, where the Trancy household resides. It is set one year and three months after the dramatic conclusion of the first season.

In what order should you watch Black Butler?

If you want to watch it in order of release, it would go Black Butler, Black Butler II, Black Butler: Book of Circus, then Black Butler: Book of the Atlantic.

Is season 3 of Black Butler a continuation?

Black Butler season 3 is a lot different to season one and two because the new season is about a new set of characters (Ciel and Sebastian are not anymore in the third season). In this new season Ciel forms a Butler agency to find the roots of the evil behind the recent serial murders in London .

How many volumes does the black butler anime cover?

Black Butler.


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