Where is the skin I live in filmed?

Antonio Banderas is now set to star in director Pedro Almodovar's (Talk to Her, Volver) next film, La Piel que Habito (Spanish for The Skin I Live In).  THR reports that Banderas will team up with the famed Spanish director for the first time in 20 years to play “a plastic surgeon looking for revenge on the man who raped his daughter“

The film, which will shoot this summer in Spain, will be an adaptation of Thierry Jonquet's novel, Tarantula.  You can read the synopsis for the novel after the jump along with some quotes from Almodovar on the project and why we might be seeing some more collaborations between him and Penelope Cruz in the near future.


Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism.

Who is Norma in the skin I live in?

Blanca Suárez: Norma Ledgard.

What happened to Vera in the skin I live in?

At night, in the pretext of heading down to get some lubricant, Vera takes Robert's gun and heads up and kills him. She then hides under the bed. As expected, Marilia shows up, and Vera shoots from under the bed.

Is the skin I live in disturbing?

The film is rated R for for “disturbing violent content including sexual assault, strong sexuality, graphic nudity, drug use and language.” I don't know if you're as much of an MPAA nut as I am, but usually when “Graphic Nudity” is included in a rating reason it means that the film usually includes a shot of genitalia, ...

Is it worth watching the skin I live in?

It's also the masterpiece we've long awaited from Pedro Almodovar. "The Skin I Live In" is a film where love takes many forms, some of which are perverse, but it's how the director is guided by his one for cinema that makes his latest feel so alive. The Skin I Live In is well worth seeing.


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