Which expression is equivalent to 6 -3


Which expression is equivalent to 6 -3


Grade 9 · 2021-10-26

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Which expression is equivalent to 6 -3


Grade 9 · 2021-10-26



Simplify using exponent power rule (a^{n})^{m}=a^{nm}: 6^{- 4}
Simplify using negative exponent rule a^{-n}=\dfrac{1}{a^{n}}: \dfrac{1}{6^{4}}
Calculate the power: \dfrac{1}{1296}
Answer: \dfrac{1}{1296}

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What is an expression equivalent?

Equivalent expressions are expressions that work the same even though they look different. If two algebraic expressions are equivalent, then the two expressions have the same value when we plug in the same value for the variable.

Which expression is equivalent to Z+ Z 6?

The option 2(z+3) is correct and it is the equivalent expression.

Which expression is equivalent examples?

Examples of Equivalent Expressions 3(x + 2) and 3x + 6 are equivalent expressions because the value of both the expressions remains the same for any value of x. 3x + 6 = 3 × 4 + 6 = 18. and can also be written as 6(x2 + 2y + 1) = 6x2 + 12y + 6. In this lesson, we learn to identify equivalent expressions.