Which fraction is equal to 6/8

Important: 68 looks like a fraction, but it is actually an improper fraction.


There is an infinity number of equivalent fractions to 68.

To find an equivalent fraction to 68, or to any other fraction, you just need to multiply (or divide, if the fraction is not yet reduced), both the numerator and the denominator of the given fraction by any non-zero natural number. For example:

By dividing the original fraction by 2, we get:

6 ÷ 2 8 ÷ 2 = 34

By multiplying the original fraction by 2, we get:

6 × 2 8 × 2 = 1216

Here is the full list of equivalent fractions to 68.

34, 68, 912, 1216, 1520, 1824, 2128, 2432, 2736, 3040, 3344, 3648, 3952, 4256, 4560, 4864, 5168, 5472, 5776, 6080...

Read more on how to find the equivalent fractions for 6/8 or for any other fraction, below on this page.

Easier list to copy and paste:

3/4, 6/8, 9/12, 12/16, 15/20, 18/24, 21/28, 24/32, 27/36, 30/40, 33/44, 36/48, 39/52, 42/56, 45/60, 48/64, 51/68, 54/72, 57/76, 60/80 ...

Use this calculator to find equivalent fractions to any given input. You may have reached us looking for answers to questions like: What fraction is equivalent to 6/8 or How to find the equivalent fractions for: 6/8.?

Please type any fraction to get the equivalent ones:
Numerator / Denominator
Equivalent Fractions for 6/8:

3/4, 6/8, 9/12, 12/16, 15/20, 18/24, 21/28, 24/32, 27/36, 30/40, 33/44, 36/48, 39/52, 42/56, 45/60, 48/64, 51/68, 54/72, 57/76, 60/80, and so on ...

See datails below on this web page.

How do you find equivalent fractions?

Two frations are equivalent when they have the same value when written in lowest terms. The fraction 12/16 is equal to 3/4 when reduced to lowest terms. To find equivalent fractions, just multiply the numerator and denominator of that reduced fraction (3/4) by any interger number, ie, multiply by 2, 3, 10, 30 ...

  • 9/12 is equivalent to 6/8 because 3 x 3 = 9 and 4 x 3 = 12
  • 12/16 is equivalent to 6/8 because 3 x 3 = 12 and 4 x 3 = 16

and so on ...

Equivalent fractions may look different, but when you reduce then to the lowest terms you will get the same value. If any fraction is not reduced to lowest terms, you can get other equivalent fractions just dividing both numerator and denominator by the same number.

How to check if two fractions are equivalent?

Just use this Rule:

Two fractions are equivalent if we

1) multiply the numerator of fraction 1 by the denominator of the fraction 2

and get the same value when we

2) multiply the denominator of fraction 1 by the numerator of the fraction 2.

This process is called cross-multiplication.

Here are some examples:

  • 3/4 is equivalent to 6/8 because 3 x 8 = 4 x 6 = 24
  • 9/12 is equivalent to 6/8 because 9 x 8 = 12 x 6 = 72
  • 12/16 is equivalent to 6/8 because 12 x 8 = 16 x 6 = 96


List some equivalent fractions of 6/8

Check to see if we can simplify our fraction with a greatest common factor:

Using our GCF calculator, we see the GCF(6, 8) = 2

Since we have a GCF ≠ 1, we divide numerator and denominator by the GCF = 2

This is our first equivalent fraction, simplified. We use this fraction to build more equivalent fractions

Definition of an Equivalent Fraction:

An equivalent fraction for a/b is found by multiplying the numerator and denominator by a common integer (n).
Whatever you multiply the numerator (top) by, you must multiply the denominator (bottom) by the same number):

How to Find an Equivalent Fraction:

We'll start with 2 and keep increasing by 1 through 20 to find a bunch of equivalent fractions:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 2 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 3 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 4 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 5 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 6 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 7 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 8 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 9 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 10 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 11 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 12 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 13 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 14 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 15 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 16 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 17 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 18 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 19 to get an equivalent fraction:

Multiply numerator and denominator by 20 to get an equivalent fraction:

Some equivalent fractions for 6/8 are:

{6/8, 9/12, 12/16, 15/20, 18/24, 21/28, 24/32, 27/36, 30/40, 33/44, 36/48, 39/52, 42/56, 45/60, 48/64, 51/68, 54/72, 57/76, 60/80}

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