Which height is best for male?


ver since the saying, ‘tall, dark and handsome’ entered the public lexicon, the stereotype has been that women prefer tall men. Subsequently, making all men under 6ft feel self-conscious about their height.

Well, fellas, worry no more, because a new study has revealed 5ft 8in is the ideal height for a man.

Dating app Badoo has revealed the most right-swiped heights based on their users aged 18 to 30.

Of the 20,000 Brits surveyed, Badoo revealed the most right-swiped height for men was 5ft 8in and the most right-swiped height for women was 5ft 5in.

In the UK, the average height of a man – according to the Office of National Statistics – is 5ft 9in (175.3cm) and a woman is 5ft 3in (161.6cm).

This means men just below national average are the most lusted after as are women slightly above the national average.

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In fact, the top three most right-swiped heights for men are all below 6ft, as you can see in the results below:

Most right-swiped heights for men

  1. 5ft 8in
  2. 5ft 10in
  3. 5ft 6in
  4. 6ft
  5. 5ft 9in

Most right-swiped heights for women

  1. 5ft 5in
  2. 5ft 3in
  3. 5ft 7in
  4. 5ft 2in
  5. 5ft

Badoo’s dating expert, Abbie Goulding said in a statement: “A person’s dating app bio is the only way to give an insight into their personality and to showcase what’s truly behind the superficiality of their profile photos. Whilst stating your height is not discouraged, it is more about the delivery of these personal statistics that are swaying people into swiping left or right.

“88 per cent of Badoo users are more likely to swipe right if a person’s bio makes them laugh, as opposed to 16 per cent who are more likely to swipe left if they don’t consider someone to be their perfect height.”

So while height can matter, remember to let your personality shine.

‘Tall, dark and handsome’ has been the stereotypical criteria for what a woman looks for in a man for as long as we can remember.

It’s had us all lusting for the likes of Jason Momoa and Hemsworth brothers, while also sparking insecurities among many men under the 6ft bar, but that’s all set to change, according to new research suggesting that the ideal height for a man is actually 5ft 8in.

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A study by dating app Badoo has revealed the height as being the most right-swiped among their users who range between the ages of 18-30. After surveying 20,000 Brits, Badoo concluded that 5ft 8in was the most popular height for men, while 5ft 10in and 5ft 6in followed closely. For women, 5ft 5in was the most right-swiped height while 5ft 3in and 5ft 7in came second and third place. The full Badoo list is below:

Most attractive height for men

  1. 5ft 8in
  2. 5ft 10in
  3. 5ft 6in
  4. 6ft
  5. 5ft 9in

Most attractive height for women

  1. 5ft 5in
  2. 5ft 3in
  3. 5ft 7in
  4. 5ft 2in
  5. 5ft

According to the Office of National Statistics, the average height of a man in the UK is 5ft 9in ( (175.3cm) and a woman is 5ft 3in (161.6cm) – both of which don’t match the ‘most attractive’ heights. But luckily, appearance isn’t the only thing you need to secure a date on the app – or life in general for that matter.

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‘A person’s dating app bio is the only way to give an insight into their personality and to showcase what’s truly behind the superficiality of their profile photos. Whilst stating your height is not discouraged, it is more about the delivery of these personal statistics that are swaying people into swiping left or right,’ Badoo’s dating expert, Abbie Goulding said in a statement.

’88 per cent of Badoo users are more likely to swipe right if a person’s bio makes them laugh, as opposed to 16 per cent who are more likely to swipe left if they don’t consider someone to be their perfect height.’

So when it comes down to it? It’s all in the personality!

Men tend to want a woman no taller than 6 feet, while women want a man no shorter than 5 feet 4 inches

New YouGov research into the subject of height finds that men and women both tend to think it's ideal to be slightly above average – but people are fairly open-minded. 

On average, women say a romantic partner 5’3” or shorter is generally too short for comfort, while a partner 6’3” or taller is too tall, and the “ideal” height for a man is 5’11”.  The survey also finds that for the average British man, a partner becomes too short at 4’11” and too tall at 6’. The ideal height for a woman, according to the average man, is 5’6”.

Notably, this excludes 10% of men who say there is no such thing as too short and 9% who say no height is too tall. Similarly, there is no "too short" for 4% of women and no "too tall" for 7%.

The survey also illuminates just what it is to be an “average” man or woman when it comes to height. The average self-reported height for a woman is 5’4” and for a man it is 5’10” (respondents were asked to round to the nearest inch), meaning both genders tend to fall just short of their opposites' preference.

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However, the vast majority fall within the "comfortable" Goldilocks range. Fully 94% of men are between 5’4” and 6’3, while 95% of women are between 5’ and 5’11”.  

It's also worth remembering that even these ranges are based on averages – overall, there are variations in preferences, such as according to the respondent's own height.

Women between 5’ and 5’7” think 5’11” is ideal, but women above that height prefer a man to be 6’1”.  Conversely, 47% of men between 6’ and 6’3” say the ideal woman is between 5’8 and 5’11”, compared to just 26% of men who are between 5’8” and 5’11” and want a woman in the same range.  

YouGov also asked respondents what height they would personally like to be, ideally. Women tend to want to be two inches taller than the average, while men tend to want to be one inch taller. In most cases – with the exception of men under 5’8” and women under 5’4” – the majority of people in a given 4-inch height range picked a height within their own range as a personal “ideal”. 

Image: Getty

Update: The first graphic has been edited for clarity

See the full poll results

What height is most attractive?

On average, women say a romantic partner 5'3” or shorter is generally too short for comfort, while a partner 6'3” or taller is too tall, and the “ideal” height for a man is 5'11”. The survey also finds that for the average British man, a partner becomes too short at 4'11” and too tall at 6'.

Is 5'7 a good height for a guy?

“Around 68% of the adult male population are within 3 inches of that height, so 5'7"falls within that majority range. That's pretty "normal" (i.e. common, typical) for men. So 5'7" is a little bit shorter than average, but falls within the typical range for an adult male. It is not exceptionally short.”


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