Which hole does period blood come out of

kls130944266 over a year ago

does it come out of the pee hole or your vagina? and when you first start can you control it?

Icebreaker4325 over a year ago

The blood NEVER EVER comes out of your pee hole.

Period blood ALWAYS comes out of your vagina, because that is the path to your UTERUS, which is where the blood comes from.

You cannot control a period unless you go on birth control pills.

JcP over a year ago

Hi um i not exacly sure if im haveing my prieod like blood is comeing out but im not sure if its the rite place

jjj over a year ago

doesn't your bit of skin over the vagina have to break first??????

Bonitaa over a year ago

Well Where Exactly Is the Blood Coming From ? Its Suppose to come from your vagina because that is the pathway to your uterus which is really come From

Guest over a year ago

Umm so does come where does it come from

Guest over a year ago

Me to. It's more coming from the top of my vag.

Guest over a year ago

i thought your pee hole was the vagina

Guest over a year ago

Your period comes from the hole behind your pee hole. There's no skin that has to break, when I first got my period I had brown stuff come out first and then blood. If you have blood coming out of your pee hole then you need to go to the doctors.

Guest over a year ago

Predicted on how you spell, I don't think you're old enough to start your period. A period should start anywhere between 10-13 years old. If you're that age, and you just have a terrible path to spelling (no offense) then where is the blood coming from? If it is coming from the hole BELOW your pee-hole than yes, you started your period. If it is coming from the pee-hole than you should go see a doctor, cause that's just not normal. And if it is coming from the anus, then it's just that stuff that makes your poop green. Hope this helps you out :)

Guest over a year ago

My period blood in not come out inside my vigina all day

Guest over a year ago

Ewww exactlyyy i hate when green poo comes out cuz of crampss

Guest over a year ago

Myns started when i was 11

Guest over a year ago

Mine started when I was 9 lol

Guest over a year ago

my cousin is 8 and she has her period

Periods might seem a bit scary and mysterious at times and you might have heard some pretty odd things about what you can and can't do while menstruating. Don't worry, periods are normal and we're busting eight common myths about them.  

MYTH: You can hold in your period

You cannot hold in your period. Pee and period blood do not exit the body from the same place – urine exits from the urethra which has sphincters so can be controlled while period blood exits from the vagina which does not have sphincters so cannot be controlled.

MYTH: Everyone can tell when you're on your period

Nobody can tell when you’re on your period. You don’t look differently, walk differently or smell differently. That being said, don’t feel like you need to hide the fact you’re on your period! It’s great to be open and talk about it if you want to.

MYTH: If you use a tampon you are no longer a virgin

Anyone who has their period can use a tampon, it doesn’t matter if you have had sex or are a virgin. A tampon may occasionally cause the hymen to stretch but it does not cause someone to lose their virginity. 

MYTH: Irregular periods are bad 

Irregular periods are perfectly normal and usually nothing to worry about. Your period can come early and late. Some common causes of irregular periods include early stages of puberty, the type of contraception you're using, weight loss or gain, and stress.

MYTH: PMS is all in your head

PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) is real and normal. The changes in your body's hormone levels before your period can cause physical and emotional changes. Symptoms can include feeling bloated, mood swings and feeling irritable.

MYTH: If you miss a period you are pregnant 

A late period does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant as there are lots of reasons which may affect your cycle. Some reasons for a late or missed period can include stress, changes to your weight and medication that you're taking. If you have missed your period and are sexually active you should take a pregnancy test and see your GP just in case. 

MYTH: Exercising during your period is bad for you

You might feel low on energy and not feel like being active during your period but exercising is a great way to ease cramps, beat fatigue and boost your mood. You might not be in the mood to do anything too strenuous but you can certainly go for a gentle jog, walk or swim if you want!

MYTH: You can’t go swimming on your period (especially in the ocean as sharks will attack you)

It is perfectly fine and safe to go swimming while on your period and it can even help ease cramps. The best period product to use while swimming is a tampon as they are convenient and safe to use in water. (Sharks will not smell your period blood and attack you if you’re swimming in the ocean).

Head back to the Periods Campaign page for more info. 


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