Which is stronger latte or cappuccino or flat white?


A latte, or also called a caffè latte, is the big brother of the cappuccino, where everything revolves around the soft, silky foam. Usually the latte is made with a single or double shot of espresso (1/3 of your drink) and 2/3 of your drink is steamed milk with a small layer (around 1 cm) of frothed milk. The texture of a latte is very important and gives that lit bit of extra to the beautiful appearance of this drink.


To make a latte at home, all you need is espresso and frothed milk. You need to layer the espresso and the frothed milk. Because latte only has a small layer of milk foam, you should pour the liquid, steamed milk on the espresso, while holding a spoon to prevent the frothed milk from being mixed. Once ready, add the milk foam (around 1 cm). When you get more experienced, try creating latte art like a true barista.


A cappuccino contains equal parts of espresso, steamed and milk froth. The coffee cup for a cappuccino is smaller than a latte cup, usually between 150 and 180 ml. The size of your cup is very important to get the right flavour balance between your espresso and the right amount of milk.

The foam of a cappuccino and be dry or velvety. Dry foam has large, airy bubbles and lots of volume, while with velvety foam (or micro foam) the bubbles are barely visible.


If you do not make your cappuccino yourself (very understandable) and have it prepared by a professional barista, you will see that he or she will pour 1/3 of steamed milk at the bottom of your cup. Then the espresso is carefully poured in and then the milk froth will be put on top with a spoon. This creates the right layering in taste and textures. But how do you make this at home without the barista around the corner with your own coffee machine? Then the order will probably be a bit different from the barista’s and you will start with espresso, then pour the steamed milk in the cup and finish with the milk froth. Tip: make your partner the perfect barista with the perfect L’OR espresso.


In most cafés and coffee bars a flat white is in fact a small latte with a little less milk. Just like a caffè latte, you use a double shot of espresso. Flat whites are served in two ways: with very little to no foam or with a lot of foam. The foam is rarely dry and is usually velvety with few bubbles in the foam; it’s a mix of frothed foam and liquid steamed milk. The flat white is an all-time favourite of coffee drinkers who prefer a stronger espresso flavour. The milk in a flat white contributes or improves the taste of the drink, while espresso still dominates in the mouth.


Prepare an espresso and pour the steamed milk into your cup. The proportions are about: 1/3 espresso and 2/3 milk. The steamed milk must have a micro foam layer, but must not have a stiff foam layer like you use for a latte or cappuccino. Many baristas claim that a flat white has a stronger taste than a cappuccino because of a perfect blend of milk and espresso. Others indicate that a cappuccino is the best drink to perfectly combine milk with espresso. For some it is only the differences between the servings in different cups. Perhaps you should try them both to choose your favourite and taste the difference.


Last but not least: the latte macchiato. Known for its' three distinctive layers of milk, espresso and milk foam, the latte macchiato is loved in many countries. The difference between a latte macchiato and a latte is the order of pouring the coffee into your cup or glass. With a latte macchiato you first steam your milk and then you add the espresso to the milk. With a latte you will add the milk to your coffee.

Is flat white stronger than latte?

Now, you have to remember that both drinks have the same amount of espresso in them - this makes a big difference when it comes to the strength and flavour of each drink - making the Flat White a much stronger, coffee-heavy drink because of the higher proportion of coffee to milk.

Is cappuccino stronger than latte?

A cappuccino boasts a much stronger espresso flavor than a latte due to having less milk and more foam than a latte.

Is a flat white weaker than a latte?

There are many ways to experience specialty coffee and we each have a personal preference. Is a flat white stronger than a latte? A flat white is a more concentrated drink that will have a stronger taste of coffee than milk. It can also be stronger than a latte in terms of caffeine because of the use of two shots.

What is the difference between flat white and latte and cappuccino?

A flat white uses milk as a velvety foam, a cappuccino uses a third milk liquid and a third foam, and a Latte being the milkiest of the group uses predominately milk liquid but with a foam top.


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