Which mob are you in minecraft

What is your favourite color?

How do you react if someone pushes you over?

Do you have lots of friends?

Which of these bad things do you have?

What do you pride yourself on?

You are cool and prefer to hang out with people like you! You are often alone, and don't mind 'borrowing' other people's stuff!

You can get in a hot temper, and explode at the slightest thing, but for some reason people still love you!

You are often dreamy, like you are in a trance, and like to tag around after people!

You prefer to hide in the dark, but when you want to get at someone, you always let them know who's angry after a while!

You like to hang round, and can lash out, but you usually end up being hurt! You are a bit dreamy too...

You are very energetic and like to pal up with friends, no matter how different you are! You are quick thinking and (usually) considerate!

You are a strong, powerful leader that no one can push away!

Good, bad or just lazy? Answer these epic quiz questions to find out what Minecraft mob is most like you!


Which mob are you in minecraft

What do you think of other Minecraft players?


Which mob are you in minecraft

Pick an animal:


Which mob are you in minecraft

What happens when you get struck by lightning?


Which mob are you in minecraft

Neutral? Hostile? Passive? Something else?


Which mob are you in minecraft

@Minecraft | Instagram

You bump into a weary traveller. What do you do?


Which mob are you in minecraft

Minecraft | Mojang | Microsoft

Pick a game mode:


Which mob are you in minecraft

Pick one of these:


Which mob are you in minecraft

Shaun the Sheep: The Farmer's Llamas | Aardman | BBC | Jay Grace

What's your worst habit?


Which mob are you in minecraft

@Minecraft | Instagram

Pick a colour, any colour! (Well, one of these 4)


Which mob are you in minecraft

Where would you rather go on holiday?

Which mob are you in minecraft

Minecraft | Mojang | Microsoft

You're a Mooshroom!

Part cow part mushroom, you're a very stylish (but slow moving) mob! You like hanging about in the mushroom fields biome just minding your own business. Nice.

Which mob are you in minecraft

Minecraft | Mojang | Microsoft

You're an Enderman!

You're the tall and mysterious mob known as Endermen, You can teleport, pick up blocks and generally float about being spooky. You're not necessarily dangerous... but you can be!

Which mob are you in minecraft

Minecraft | Mojang | Microsoft

You're a Creeper!

Uh oh - you're a very dangerous kind of mob, and like nothing more than sneaking up behind players and exploding. Errr... sound like you?

Which mob are you in minecraft

Minecraft | Mojang | Microsoft

You're a Llama!

You're a friendly llama! You're definitely not a danger to other players, and in fact are often quite useful. You do like to spit though, which isn't a great habit!

What is the baddest mob in Minecraft?

Minecraft: 10 Most Dangerous Mobs In The Game, Ranked.
#8 - Elder Guardian. ... .
#7 - Wither Skeleton. ... .
#6 - Vindicator. ... .
#5 - Evoker. ... .
#4 - Piglin Brute. ... .
#3 - The Ender Dragon. ... .
#2 - The Warden. ... .
#1 - The Wither. If you decide to spawn a Wither, be prepared for a seriously tough fight!.

What is the 1 mob in Minecraft?

1) Pigs. Pigs are one of the only classic farm animals in Minecraft. They are also one of the only original passive mobs in the game. Originally, pigs dropped mushrooms instead of meat.

What are the 34 mobs?

Advancements#Monster Hunter, an advancement by killing one of these 34 mobs: Blaze, Cave Spider, Creeper, Drowned, Elder Guardian, Ender Dragon, Enderman, Endermite, Evoker, Ghast, Guardian, Hoglin, Husk, Magma Cube, Phantom, Piglin, Piglin Brute, Pillager, Ravager, Shulker, Silverfish, Skeleton, Slime, Spider, Stray, ...

Are there 34 mobs in Minecraft?

There are several creatures and monsters in Minecraft, called Mobs. There are currently 31 Mobs in Minecraft, not including the player. There are different categories of Minecraft mobs, including passive, neutral, tamable, hostile, utility, bosses, and unused. Passive mobs do not attack the player, even when provoked.