Which of following statements is true

hello guys welcome to lido homework today we are doing question number four which are the following statements are true first one 12 divided by 6 into 2 well divided by 6 into 2 equals to 12 divided by 6 into 12 divided by 2. now this statement is absolutely false so false I will write to the f ok so just a second yeah so this is false why is it false because if you check it by yourself, you cannot do this in maths if you get the answer will come wrong in both the sides let's move on to the second one the second one would have been true if except for division, there was a multiplication sign therefore this also is false okay let's move on to the third one a minus b divided by c equals to a by c minus b by c this, my dear children is absolutely correct because a minus b is written first so therefore when it's when it is divided by c you can do it but when a was divided by b minus c you cannot do it that is false but this one is true so the third one is truethis one is true so the third one is true let's move on to the fourth one 15 minus 13 divided by 8 equals to 15 divided by 8 minus 13 divided by 8 so this my dear children again is absolutely true okay so why is this true is because this is the same as question number three but instead of giving you the letters they've given exactly numbers let's move on to the fifth one which is 8 divided by 15 minus 13 equals to 8 by 15 minus 8 by 13. this again is false why false because this is exactly the same as what was asked in the second question except that there are numbers there were letters okay so this is also false thank you so many guys for watching the video if you yet have any other doubts please let me know in the comments below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible also please like the video and subscribe the channel thank you so much

Which are statements are true?

A statement is true if what it asserts is the case, and it is false if what it asserts is not the case.

Which type of statement is always true *?

Tautology: A statement that is always true, and a truth table yields only true results.

Which of the following statement is true for elements?

All atoms of an element have the same atomic number.

Which of the following statement is true for basis?

The correct answer is Bases are sour and change from red litmus to blue.


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