Which of the following are true regarding the action potential AP )? Quizlet?

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Terms in this set (40)

The mind-body problem

a.) remains unanswered; b.) asks about the nature of the mind and the body; c.) was originally posed by philosophers; d.) raises issues about the nature of consciousness; e.) all of the above

A physiological psychologist would be most comfortable with which of the following statements

Everything is made of matter and energy

Carlson suggests that a key aspect of human consciousness is related to

our ability to communicate to others via language

An important function of the corpus collosum is to

interconnect the cerebral hemispheres

In most persons, the left hemisphere of the brain

controls speech

The principle of natural selection proposes that certain characteristics will become more prevalent in a species to the extent that these

increase the likelihood that an organism will successfully reproduce

________ are physicians trained to diagnose and to treat diseases of the central nervous system


_______ neurons gather information from the environment related to light, odors, and bodily contact with objects


______ neurons function to contract muscles


The _____ is comprised of the brain and spinal cord

central nervous system

_______ are located entirely within the central nervous system

relay interneurons and local neurons

The common structures or regions that form a neuron include the

a.) soma; b.) axon; c.) terminal buttons; d.) dendrites; e.) all of the above

The portion of a neuron that carries a signal toward the cell body is the


The physical gap between two nerve cells across which messages are transmitted is the


Which of the following are true regarding the action potential (AP)?

a.) the AP is a brief electrical signal; b.) the AP is an all-or-none signal; c.) the AP is always of the same amplitude and duration in a given cell; d.) the AP is carried along the axon membrane; d.) all of the above

Which type of nerve cells usually transmit sensory information?

bipolar and unipolar

Which of the following is NOT a function of a glial cell?

the conduction of action potentials

The _______ are important for the process of myelination of nerve axon membranes in the brain


Activation of cells within the area postrema would be predicted to produce

feeling of nausea and vomiting

Which of the following represents the normal order of activation in neuronal transmission?

dendrite--> cell body--> axon --> terminal button

The interior of a neuron at rest

is negatively charged relative to the outside

Movement of the axon membrane potential from -70mV to -90mV would be termed a(n)


The membrane voltage level at which an action potential is triggered is termed the

threshold of excitation

An electrical charge applied to an axon that moves the membrane potential from -70mV to +45mV will result in a(n)

action potential

The process by which molecules are evenly distributed throughout a medium is


The process by which similarly charged particles repel each other and are thus distributed throughout a medium is termed

electrostatic pressure

In a resting nerve cell, which of the forces listed below will act to push sodium ions into the cell?

diffusion and electrostatic pressure

Sensory stimuli that vary in intensity are coded by variations in the _____ of a neuron

firing rate

Ions enter and leave the membrane of a myelinated axon at the

nodes of Ranvier

Saltatory conduction is rapid because

the action potential does not have to depolarize every segment of the axon membrane

A synapse can involve a junction between an axon terminal and a(n)

dendrite, soma, and axon

Synaptic vesicles are produced in the ____ and transported to the _____

soma; axon terminal

A key event for the release of neurotransmitter from the presynaptic membrane is the

arrival of an action potential at the axon terminal

Match up the receptor type with its action

metabotropic; G-protein activation leads to activation of a 2nd messenger

Match up the receptor type with its action

ionotropic; direct opening of an ion channel

Which of the following will produce an EPSP?

opening a sodium channel

An auto receptor is located on the _____ and is sensitive to the ______

presynaptic membrane; the transmitter released by that neuron

The process which terminates the postsynaptic potentials induced by most neurotransmitters is

reuptake of the molecule into the axon terminal

The process which termites the postsynaptic potentials induces by acetylcholine is

enzymatic degradation via AChE

A drug that inactivated AChE would be expected to

prolong the effects of ACh in the synapse

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Many people prefer meat that is 80 percent lean instead of 20 percent fat, even though they are the same thing. Which concept is being used when the same information is presented in a more desirable way? a. Intuition. b. Insight. c. Framing. d. Overconfidence. e. Perseverance.

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Which of the following is true regarding the action potential AP?

The correct answer is c. An action potential, once started, cannot be stopped or negated.

Which are properties of action potentials?

An action potential has three phases: depolarization, overshoot, repolarization.

What is an action potential?

An action potential is a rapid sequence of changes in the voltage across a membrane. The membrane voltage, or potential, is determined at any time by the relative ratio of ions, extracellular to intracellular, and the permeability of each ion.

Which statement is true regarding the neuron synapse quizlet?

Which statement is true regarding the neuron synapse? Binding of a neurotransmitter on the postsynaptic neuron membrane can generate an action potential in the neuron.


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