Which transformation maps the pre image to the image

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We need to determine which transformation maps the pre image to the other image, so a translation would keep the shape the same, so this went from small, too big, so translation keeps it the same reflection keeps it the same size, rotation keeps it the same size. Dilation is the only one that changes the size.

Which transformation maps the pre-image, DEFG, to the image, D'E'F'G'? The transformation is a stretch. The transformation is a reflection. The transformation is a rotation. The transformation is a translation.


Which transformation maps the pre image to the image


Grade 8 · 2021-12-18

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Which transformation maps the pre-image, DEFG, to the image, D'E'F'G'?
The transformation is a stretch.
The transformation is a reflection.
The transformation is a rotation.
The transformation is a translation.

Which transformation maps the pre image to the image


Grade 8 · 2021-12-18



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In which type of transformation are the pre

Rigid transformations are transformations that preserve the shape and size of the geometric figure. Only position or orientation may change, so the preimage and image are congruent.

Which transformation changes the size of the pre

Dilations. A dilation is a transformation which preserves the shape and orientation of the figure, but changes its size.

What is the term in calling the pre

A translation is a type of transformation. Other transformations include reflections, rotations, and dilations. The result of a transformation is called the image. The original figure is called the pre-image.

Which transformation is a rigid transformation?

Rigid transformation (also known as isometry) is a transformation that does not affect the size and shape of the object or pre-image when returning the final image. There are three known transformations that are classified as rigid transformations: reflection, rotation and translation.