Who I am in Christ worksheet

Raise your hand if you’ve ever asked the question, “Who am I in Christ?” What is my true identity? These are questions that are paramount to our understanding as God’s children.

Maybe you’ve also asked one of these questions before: Who am I? What’s my purpose? Why am I here? What am I supposed to do with my life? 

We’ve all wondered it. Don’t feel like you’re alone or the only one who has questioned this. We have a world vying for our identity.

Be sure to download the Who am I in Christ pdf at the bottom of this post!

Who am I in Christ?

Who am I in Christ? Your true identity is found in whose you are. You are identified in Christ. The moment you accept him into your life as your Lord and Savior, you are His.

How quickly and easily we forget this with all the distractions, confusion, criticism, and busyness of the world.

So if you need this reminder today, you are preciously redeemed by the blood of Christ! It’s unfathomable how great the love of the Father is. 

God loved you and I so much that He gave up His Son so that we could be with Him forever (John 3:16). 

You’re HIS. He bought you at the price of His Son.

If we’ve grown up in the church hearing this, it’s easy to become accustomed to just “hearing”. But have you taken time recently to dwell on this fact? This is a powerful truth that is the very core of our identity.

Just consider for one moment that Jesus’ life was sacrificed for you. When we accept this gift, we take on His identity fully and completely.

We are His. His identity brings more wealth, power, and beauty than the world could ever provide!

Put aside the driver’s license, professional key cards, gym ID cards, and political registration cards and realize we have a banner of love over us saying We Are His (Song of Solomon 2:4)!

Know that you have been marked by a beautiful banner of love the next time you grab for all other forms of identity.

Related Post: What Is The Good News of The Gospel?

What Does My Identity In Christ Mean?

First of all, when you want to know, “Who am I in Christ?” or what does my identity in Christ mean? It means you are adopted into God’s family. You are no longer identified as an orphan – separated from God because of sin.

When Jesus died on the cross, he redeemed us from our sin and made the way for us to be brought back to our Father. When we confess our need for salvation, we immediately come into God’s family as a daughter or son of the King!

So when you ask, who am I in Christ? You are now, adopted by the King of kings!

Your new identity also means you are free in Christ. When Jesus died on the cross, he broke the chains of sin for us. We are no longer slaves to sin any longer!

This means that what used to limit, control, and enslave you now has no power over you! You are completely free in Christ and through HIS power, you are able to live free now.

So when you ask, who am I in Christ? You are now free from the power of sin and have true freedom in Christ from sin, shame, worry, and fear.

This is true even if you do not feel free. Discovering and growing to know Christ more and more will grow your faith in this regard. As you pursue him, you will grow to believe his words about you.

Related Post: Know Your Identity in Christ – Take the Pledge!

Who Am I In Christ Scriptures

These Who Am I In Christ scriptures are to remind you of these truths. Soak in these bible verses on identity and purpose so you are fully grounded in your true identity!

1 John 3:1 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

KNOW: You are a child of God.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

KNOW: You are a brand new creation! Your past does not define you, you have a brand new spiritual life in Christ!

1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

KNOW: You are chosen every single time. You are royalty and holy – even when you do not feel like it! You are God’s special possession. He gave His Son to be with you!

Galatians 3:26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith,

KNOW: You are a child of God. He says this multiple times because He wants us to know we are His!

Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

KNOW: Your life is in Christ now. This life is lived by faith, believing God’s word, and accepting this truth that he loved you so much that he died for you.

Isaiah 43:4 Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you..

KNOW: You are precious and honored in the sight of God. He absolutely adores you!

Romans 8:17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

KNOW: You are a child of God which also means heirs of God. He cannot tell you enough that you are His and part of His family. Always and forever, no matter any sin, mistake, or mess you’ve found yourself in. He wants you back.

Related Post: For Your Sake

Isaiah 43:1 But now, this is what the LORD says– he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”

KNOW: He has called you by name, personally, to be His. He knows you full well – everything you’ve ever done and everything you will ever do and desires to be in relationship with you. He knows through Christ, he can give you lasting freedom, strength, and wholeness.

Isaiah 49:16 Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands..

KNOW: You are His.

Download the WHO AM I IN CHRIST Printable below! Use this Who am I in Christ list to remind yourself of your true identity.

Who Am I in Christ List

Seeking My Identity in Christ

It’s no wonder we question, “Who am I in Christ?” when our world is flooded with enticing advertisements, shows, celebrities, messages, and media that make it hard for us to know who we are.

In fact, it’s trying to take a stake in our identity and claim a part of us. Every single outlet has identity markers: 

  • Our Professions
  • Political Affiliations
  • Education
  • Denominations
  • Married/Single Status

We’re identified by so many markers in this world it’s no wonder we question who we are or wonder who am I in Christ.

On top of that, knowing who I am in Christ is the most credible, trust-worthy, eternal identity marker you could ever have!

Related: Powerful I Am in Christ Affirmations

Tactics That Cause Us to Doubt:

Beware that the world tries to steal your identity in Christ. There are easily four areas or tactics that sneak in and cause us to doubt or make us forget what matters most.

Tactic #1: Distractions.

Who Am I in Christ vs. Distractions: We fall for distractions that our identity is found in the number of friends we have, what kind of car we drive, where we live, what our job title is or how much money we make.

Distractions can cause us to doubt who we are and cause us to lose focus of our true identity. How often do you take your eyes off of who you are and fall for the distractions around you? I fall for this, too.

Tactic #2: Confusion.

Who Am I in Christ vs. Confusion: Confusion causes doubt and questioning of our identity. The world tells us so many times we have to become (fill in the blank) to be (blank). For instance, you need to become:

  • popular on facebook to be known and recognized.
  • beautiful to be noticed.
  • successful to be wealthy.

We are fed from many different outlets what beautiful and popular and success looks like. It’s all so enticing and we think, “yes, I need this. That’s what I need to do to become this.”

And so we get tempted to join in and hustle our way in this world with hopes of becoming what the world has defined.

It inevitably leads to confusion when we do all that was required and still do not make the cut and ultimately, leads to doubt and let-down.

Tactic #3: Criticism.

Who Am I in Christ vs. Criticism: Whether it’s self-imposed or from negative opinions, criticism causes us to doubt our identity. 

We fall into comparison traps and silently critique where we align to the next person. Or we have negative thoughts and impressions about ourselves because we are just not measuring up according to the world’s standards.

The world doesn’t have to say it directly but the message is clear, “You are not enough.” In Christ, we have everything.

Tactic #4: Busyness.

Who Am I in Christ vs. Busyness: When we are constantly on the move and busy with life, we get our priorities out of order and our identity gets sidelined. We’re too busy becoming, striving, rushing, and reaching for the next best thing.

It’s no wonder we question or forget completely who we are! 

These are very real tactics and each one can cause us to doubt and question our identity and who we are. The world likes you to think it’s all about you and you need to aspire to the markers that it created.

I want to point out here – and maybe you noticed this already – but in deep contrast to God, the world takes. It tries to take what God has lavishly given.

Christ alone GIVES us our true identity.

New Identity Markers: Identified In Christ

You are identified in Christ. Who am I in the bible varies significantly to identity markers of the world.

It’s important we know and are constantly reminded of our true identity. Our world is vying for it every day and we need to be firmly grounded knowing our true identity that matters most.

I encourage you to write the verses down and put them around your house, workspace, and car. Use sticky notes so you’re constantly reminded. Write these verses in a journal, on a blackboard, or on your bathroom mirror with a dry erase marker. 

In fact, to help in establishing new identity markers, download and print Who I Am In Christ printable below!

Who am I in Christ? Our true identity is found in the Lord. We are His and nothing the world offers or entices can ever compare to what we receive from being His child.

Our Purpose is in Mark 12:30-31: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.

Let’s keep our eyes on whose we are and what we are called to do!

Don’t forget to download the Who Am I in Christ List! Click here for your free WHO AM I IN CHRIST PDF >>>>>>>> Who Am I in Christ pdf

RELATED: What is the Good News of the Gospel?

Call to Action:

Which verse(s) spoke to your heart? Write it down today or print the printable so you can be reminded of where your true identity comes from.

Who am I in Christ according to the Bible?

I am complete in Him Who is the head over all rule and authority—of every angelic and earthly power (Colossians 2:10). I am alive with Christ (Ephesians 2:5). I am free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2). I am far from oppression, and will not live in fear (Isaiah 54:14).

How do I learn who I am in Christ?

Actually, God wants you to find out for yourself by reading His Word. It is so important that you go to the Bible to find out how He feels about you. Your identity should never be based on a hope or a guess. God gave us His Word, the Bible, so you can know Him and know who He is making you to be in Him.

What does Ephesians say about who I am?

I am chosen before the creation of the world (Ephesians 1:4, 11). I am holy and blameless (Ephesians 1:4). I am adopted as his child (Ephesians 1:5). I am given God's glorious grace lavishly and without restriction (Ephesians 1:5,8).

What God Says I am list?

40 Biblical Truths: Who Does God Say I am?.
I AM SAVED. 2 Timothy 1:9 says: ... .
I AM COMPLETE. Colossians 2:10 says: ... .
I AM CHOSEN. 1 Thessalonians 1:4 says: ... .
I AM FORGIVEN. 1 John 2:12 says: ... .
I AM A NEW CREATION. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says: ... .
I AM A CHILD OF GOD. 1 John 3:1 says: ... .
I AM REDEEMED. Ephesians 1:7 says: ... .


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