Who is bailey in real steel

Who is bailey in real steel

Bailey Tallet is the childhood friend and love intrest of Charlie Kenton.

Bailey Tallet is the childhood friend and love interest to Charlie Kenton. She is the daughter of Charlie's late boxing coach. She loves Charlie's son Max Kenton like her own and shows him love when Charlie doesn't. She owns a boxing gym where once her father coached Charlie and other boxers. Now she uses it as a place to repair and scavenge bot parts whenever Charlie loses a robot match.

CHARLIE AND BAILEY: Charlie doesn't show any love interest in Bailey except as his "mechanic" and respect because of her father. Charlie soon faces reality about himself and realizes how he backs out on everything because he felt those around him deserved better. He confesses to Bailey about why he left Max and his mother as he believed he was not ready to be a father. Bailey comforts him as he admits his love to Bailey by softly kissing her. She then tearly says "1200 miles for a kiss?" as he replies "worth it". He then goes to apologize to his son after and takes him to the match.

SKILLS: She's a skilled Technician and Mechanic for all of Charlie's Bots and Max's Bot Atom

Max Kenton : His name is Atom. Can we get him a fight?

Charlie Kenton : I don't think he was ever a boxing robot.

Bailey Tallet : He's a G2, built in early 2014. He's a sparring bot.

Charlie Kenton : They must have built robots like this one that could mirror the fighting style of any other robot.

Max Kenton : Okay, so can we get him a fight?

Charlie Kenton : Are you not listening? He's a sparring bot. Built to take a lot of hits, but never dishing out any real punishment.

Bailey Tallet : You can always try sell him off for parts.

Max Kenton : Can't you get him a fight?

Charlie Kenton : "Why can't you get him a fight?" God, you don't quit, do you? You want me to put him in some bottom-rung scrap-fest to the death? I saw how scared you were at Crash Palace. Yeah. The places that will let you fight this robot will make you pee your little pants.

Max Kenton : Excellent. Get him a fight.

Charlie Kenton : Stubborn kid.

Bailey Tallet : Surprise, surprise.

Who is bailey in real steel
(Photo: Walt Disney/YouTube)

The debate continues whether Real Steel will be getting a sequel. Although some fans have been losing hope on the possibility of seeing Hugh Jackman take control of a boxing robot, others believe that it's only a matter of finding the right script for the next movie. Interestingly, some ideas suggest that Evangeline Lilly should be given a bigger role in Real Steel 2. Could Bailey Tallet control her robot that could be an excellent partner for Atom?

In the first film, Hugh Jackman's character Charlie Kenton is a former boxer who controls robots during fights. Although he is out of money, Charlie's son Max manages to find a sparring robot he calls Atom that somehow changes their luck. Charlie initially controls Atom through vocal-respond controls until this is damaged by a larger opponent. The former boxer then had to use the Atom's shadow function so the robot can mimic his actions.

It's an awesome part of the film, but most of the action scenes in the movie belonged to Hugh Jackman. Considering that Evangeline Lilly has already proven that she is an effective action star as well, fans believe that the sequel should let Bailey Tallet control a robot of her own. After all, it would finally reveal if Bailey learned anything from her father and Charlie's former boxing coach. In addition to that, it could mean that Atom will have a new companion.

This sounds like a great way to continue the story in the sequel. However, it's still unclear whether Real Steel 2 will happen anytime in the future. Hugh Jackman is currently busy with several projects even after retiring as Wolverine from the X-Men franchise. In addition to that, Evangeline Lilly has hinted at the possibility that there will be no follow-up movie to the 2011 film.

Evangeline Lilly addressed the idea of Real Steel 2, admitting that she would love to work with Hugh Jackman and director Shawn Levy again. However, the Ant-Man and the Wasp star also pointed out that she isn't "a fan of sequels, period." Unfortunately, Lilly pointed out that it is highly unlikely that a second movie will be developed.

"I've been told we're never going to see a Real Steel 2," Evangeline Lilly said. She added, "I kind of love the idea of leaving well enough alone and just treasuring and cherishing a thing as it is, so I'm kind of of two minds about that."

Evangeline Lilly is currently working on the thriller Dreamland with Armie Hammer and Gary Oldman. 

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Who is Charlie's girlfriend in Real Steel?

Last year, Lilly starred in the robot-boxing family film Real Steel, which earned nearly $300 million worldwide and received an Oscar nomination yesterday for its motion-capture visual effects. She played Bailey, the former girlfriend of Charlie (Hugh Jackman) who now owns the boxing gym he frequently visits.

Who is Max's father in Real Steel?

Max Kenton is the son of Charlie Kenton, an 11 year-old boy whose mother died. He was taken into custody for the summer by Charlie, after which he was to go with his Aunt Debra as she had custody. However Aunt Debra let him later go with Charlie for the Zeus fight.

Who created Atom in Real Steel?

Charlie Kenton trained Atom to use his small size to his advantage by punching up and using inertia to create more force.

Are the robots in Real Steel computer generated?

Filming took place primarily in the U.S. state of Michigan. Animatronic robots were built for the film, and motion capture technology was used to depict the rodeo brawling of computer-generated robots and animatronics, respectively.