Who is Margo in Despicable Me?

Who is Margo in Despicable Me?

Despicable Me (2010)

Miranda Cosgrove: Margo

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Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?
Who is Margo in Despicable Me?


  • Agnes : Why are you wearing your pajamas?

    Vector : [sputters]  These aren't pajamas! It's a warm-up suit.

    Edith : What are you warming up for?

    Vector : Stuff.

    Margo : What sort of stuff?

    Vector : Super-cool stuff you wouldn't understand.

    Agnes : Like sleeping?


  • Margo : Hello? Cookies for sale!

    Gru : Go away, I'm not home!

    Margo : Uh, yes, you are. I heard you.

    Gru : No, you didn't. This... is a recording.

    Margo : [scoffs]  No, it isn't.

    Gru : Yes, it is. Watch this. Leave a message. Beep!

    [Edith kicks the door, causing Gru to scream in pain] 

    Agnes : Goodbye, recorded message.

    Margo : [off-screen]  Agnes, come on!

  • Gru : Kyle. These are not treats. These are guests!

    [to the girls] 

    Gru : Girls, this is Kyle, my... dog.

    [Kyle growls] 

    Agnes : Ooh, fluffy doggie!

    [She runs toward Kyle, who whines and runs away; she groans in disappointment] 

    Margo : What kind of dog is that?

    Gru : He's a... I don't know.

  • Margo : Oh, uh, can we get stuffed crust?

    Edith , Agnes , Jerry the Minion , Stuart the Minion : OOOOHHHH, stuffed crust.

    Gru : I'll stuff you all in the crust!

    [Agnes giggles] 

    Agnes : You're funny!

    Gru : Just don't come out of that room again!

  • Gru : Clearly we need to set some rules. Rule number one: You will not touch *anything*.

    Margo : Aha. What about the floor?

    Gru : Yes, you may touch the floor.

    Margo : What about the air?

    Gru : Yes, you may touch the air.

    Edith : What about this?

    [holds a ray gun in her hands, the laser sight aimed right at Gru] 

    Gru : [screams, holding a frying pan for protection]  Where did you get that?

    Edith : [shrugs]  Found it.

    [Gru takes it away from her] 

    Gru : Okay, rule number two: You will not bother me while I'm working. Rule number three: You will not cry, or whine, or laugh, or giggle, or sneeze or barf or fart! So no, no, no annoying sounds. All right?

    Agnes : Does this count as annoying?

    [lets go of Margo's hand and puckers her cheeks] 

    Gru : [stops Agnes]  Very!

    [sighs, irritated] 

    Gru : I'll see you in six hours.

    [leaves the kitchen] 

    Margo : Okay, don't worry. Everything is going to be fine. We're gonna be really happy here. Right...? Agnes?

    [She and Edith turn and see Agnes scarfing from the bowl on the floor marked "food."] 

    Agnes : [mouth full]  Mmm?

  • Margo : You gave us back.

    Gru : I know, I know, and it is the worst mistake I ever made. But you have to jump now.

  • Gru : So, good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite. Because there are literally thousands of them.

    [whispering menacingly] 

    Gru : Oh, and there's probably something in your closet.

    [He chuckles evilly and closes the door] 

    Margo : He's just kidding, Agnes.

  • [on being told they are being adopted] 

    Margo : I bet the mom is beautiful!

    Edith : I bet the daddy's eyes sparkle!

    Agnes : I bet their house is made of gummy bears!

    [off their looks] 

    Agnes : I'm just saying it'd be nice.

  • [saying their prayers before bed] 

    Margo : And please watch over us, and bless that we'll have a good night's sleep.

    Edith : And bless that while we're sleeping, no bugs will crawl into our ears and lay eggs in our brains!

    Agnes : Ugh!

    Margo : Great. Thanks for that image, Edith.

    Agnes : And please bless that someone will adopt us soon, and that the mommy and daddy will be nice... and have a pet unicorn.

    [Margo and Edith roll their eyes] 

    Agnes : Amen.

    Margo , Edith : Amen.

  • Gru : Mom? What are you doing here?

    Gru's Mom : [flipping through Gru's baby book with the girls]  And here he is in the bathtub. Ah, look at his little buns!

    Gru : [chagrinned]  Mom... not cool.

    Gru's Mom : And here, he's all dressed up in his Sunday best.

    Margo : He looks like a girl.

    Gru's Mom : Yes, he does. An ugly girl.

  • [as Gru tucks in the girls on their first night in his house] 

    Margo : Just so you know, you're never going to be my dad.

    Gru : Hmm, I think I can live with that.

  • Miss Hattie : Now, go clean something of mine.

    [Margo, Edith and Agnes trudge out, passing the Box of Shame] 

    Margo , Edith , Agnes : Hi, Penny.

    Penny : [from inside]  Hi, guys.

Is Margo GRU's daughter?

Margo Gru is the adopted eldest child of Felonius Gru and Lucy Wilde. Before she was adopted, and much like her younger sisters, Edith and Agnes, she was an orphan horribly treated by Miss Hattie.

How old is Margo in Despicable Me?

Margo Gru is one of the three deuteragonists from Despicable Me, one of the three tritagonists of Despicable Me 2 and a supporting character in Despicable Me 3. She is a 12-year-old girl and the oldest of the three orphan sisters who is the brainy and sarcastic one of the trio.
If you notice carefully, the girls were never referred to as "sisters" in the first film by each other or even Miss Hattie. It's a subtle clue that Margo, Edith, and Agnes are not blood related siblings, but it isn't important because they all spent time together and act like sisters.

Who is Margo's boyfriend?

Antonio Perez is the tertiary antagonist in Despicable Me 2. He is the son of Eduardo Perez (otherwise known as El Macho) and the first known love interest of Margo Gru, much to the disapproval of Felonius Gru (Margo's adoptive father).