Who won HOH on Big Brother tonight

This week’s live show delivered the special Double Eviction episode for Big Brother 24, but it didn’t give us our new Head of Household and we need one of those! Read on to find out who won HOH last night on Big Brother!

We just watched as Jasmine and then Joseph joined the Jury where they’ll help decide the winner on September 25th. Then as the night closed out the HGs were reunited and both sides were anxious to see which of their former HGs were gone. The pressure is on as the outside crew has already solidified their alliance as the “After Party” and they’re out for blood.

This HOH competition would be 3 vs 3 as both sides were evenly numbered in the battle, but unlike last week there could be only one HOH this time around.

Big Brother 24 Week 8 HoH Comp:

  • Turner is the new Head of Household

As rumored, this was the “tiny” competition where HGs had to manipulate small versions of items to win the HOH.

This should be interesting to watch playout. Whether it was Kyle, Alyssa, or Turner, if any of the backyard Dyer Fest HGs won HOH then they would have to quickly show their cards by targeting the other LOs, per the plan they set up before the sides reunited. So now we’ve got Turner in the power position and he can either stick with the original LOs or take aim. Which do you think it will be?

Turner has already started promising safety to a few HGs. He’s told Brittany and Michael they are safe this week. Does he mean it though?

Who do you think the new HOH will send to the Block? Share some picks below and let’s see what happens.

Nominations are coming up on Friday the Power of Veto comp will be held on Saturday. It’ll be a very busy weekend! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.

Who won the HOH on Big Brother?

Turner won tonight's Head of Household competition. This is his second reign. He previously won the title during week three and targeted Ameerah. With the house split twist done and dusted The Leftovers grilled members of The Outsiders about why they voted Joseph out.

Who did hoh nominate?

HoH Michael has nominated the Festie Besties team of Terrance, Monte and Joseph. Michael floated his reasoning and his choices earlier in the day when he met with some of the houseguests one-on-one. Terrance expressed to Michael how he isn't in favour of one group running the game.

Who won HOH Week 6?

Big Brother 24 spoilers: Taylor wins Week 6 HOH, targeting Terrance - GoldDerby.

Who won the Veto on Big Brother last night?

Brittany wins the veto and Jasmine remains the easy target to go home this week. Over in the backyard, where the "Dyre Fest" players are living, the veto is more interesting. Basically, Joseph is Terrance's target, as the HOH has aligned himself with Kyle and Alyssa.

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