Who won the POV in Big Brother?

Season 24 of Big Brother was off to a dramatic start. It didn't take long for an all-girls alliance to form (which almost never works, by the way) and we have more than one houseguest with blood on their hands already.

But what fans want to know right now is if there are any Veto spoilers for Big Brother 24.

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Thanks to the live feeds, a lot of details about the game are released to the public before they make it to air. There's only one live episode on TV per week, which means that viewers often know who wins the Power of Veto, who is nominated for eviction, and sometimes who wins Head of Household before we see it on the show. And the Week 11 Veto competition is no different.

The Diamond Power of Veto

The Diamond Power of Veto allows the holder the power to remove a houseguest off of the Nomination Block and then select the new nominee themselves, instead of deferring to the HOH for the replacement nominee. The bearer of this Veto may not select the HOH or the regular Veto holder as a replacement.

This was first introduced in Season One of Big Brother ORG Wiki and was obtained by Perry as a gift from Pandora's Box. It came with the stipulation that he can not be randomly selected as a participant in POV competitions as long as he is in possession of the Diamond Power of Veto unless he is an HOH or Nominee. It can only be used until the Final 5.

Perry used the Diamond Power of Veto in Week 8 to remove himself from the nomination block. He then named Sam as his replacement because he is unable to nominate Tyler or Yap since the two were the HOH and POV Holder of that week, respectively.

In Season Three, a Diamond Power of Veto was the prize of the POV competition instead of the usual Golder Power of Veto in Week 10. Trent won the competition as well as the Diamond POV. He decided to use it on himself since he was nominated for eviction and chose Bryce as his replacement.

In Season Five, the houseguests were given a choice between playing in the Head of Household competition and a Secret Power Twist in Week 4. The reward of the Secret Power Twist was a Diamond Power of Veto which Jessica won. In Week 5, Jessica opted to use it on George and replaced him with Daniel.

It returned in Season Seventeen but it could only be obtained if one of the nominees currently on the block won the Power of Veto competition. Then, they could compete in another challenge to win the Diamond Power of Veto.

Power of Veto Twists[]

Forced Veto[]

A Forced Veto requires the holder of the POV to use it regardless of whether they want to or not. It was first introduced in the second season of Big Brother ORG wiki.

In Week 2 of Big Brother 2, Lucas, the winner of the week's HOH competition, pressed the Control Panel button that caused a Forced Veto. The Power of Veto Holder, Dani chose to use it on herself because she was nominated prior to the POV competition.

Double Veto[]

A Double Veto requires the holder of the POV to remove both nominees off of the block if the POV Holder decides to use the Power of Veto. The Head of Household must then replace the saved houseguests with two new nominees. It was first introduced in the second season of Big Brother ORG wiki.

In Week 3 of Big Brother 2, Tom, the winner of the week's HOH competition, pressed the Control Panel button that caused a Double Veto. However, Dani, the POV holder, decided not to use the Power of Veto.

Who has won the most POV in Big Brother?

The most lifetime Power of Veto wins: Paul Abrahamian, 9 Janelle Pierzina is right behind him with seven.

Is the POV used on Big Brother?

Only four houseguests remain in Big Brother 24, which means that the next (and final) Power of Veto competition is more important than ever. Whoever wins decides who is the sole vote to evict during the next Big Brother 24 live show. And consequentially, the POV winner determines who gets cut before the final three.

Who wins Power of Veto on Big Brother tonight?

There is a snag in the After Party's plan to backdoor Michael. Michael won today's Power of Veto competition.

Who won Big Brother last night?

(Tamar Braxton won season 2 of Celebrity Big Brother in 2019.) Check out our finale interviews with winner Taylor Hale, runner-up Monte Taylor, and third place finisher Matthew Turner. ... Episode Recaps..


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