Why are some vampires eyes red in twilight

The franchise Twilight had its very own version of vampires, and among their most defining physical characteristics was the differing colors of their eyes; here’s why they changed and what each color means. Starting with Stephanie Meyer's book series of the same name, the story at the heart of Twilight features a long timeline that, although the focus is on the present, has backstory going back 1500 years. Throughout that history, characters' eye color changes, based on their current lifestyle and choices.

In 2008, the Twilight movie debuted, with Robert Pattinson as Edward, Kristen Stewart as Bella, and Taylor Lautner as Jacob. The Twilight Saga's movie adaptations, just like the novels, became a big pop culture phenomenon and gave a face to the characters that fans had only known in book pages. The Twilight films stayed true to the most important details about the characters, most notably the sparkly skin of the vampires and their eye color, which changes depending on very important factors.

When Bella meets Edward, he has black eyes, which days later change to gold, and she even asks him if he’s wearing contacts. In the world of Twilight, when vampires have black eyes it means they need to feed. A vampire’s eyes will go from their natural color, which depends on their diet, to black, darkening more and more the thirstier they get. In about two weeks, if the vampire doesn’t feed, their eyes will go completely black. When they reach that point, Twilight's vampires become very dangerous, as they will do anything to get any type of blood. Even those who consider themselves “vegetarians” (as in, those who don’t drink human blood), who are a far cry from vampires like the human-hunting Volturi coven, are at risk of going against their principles. Giving different eye colors to vampires depending on their lifestyles (and how hungry they are) certainly helps differentiate them and their intentions, while also adding to the already peculiar mythology of Twilight’s vampires.

What Yellow Eyes Mean In Twilight


There are a couple of reasons a vampire would have red eyes. The most commonly thought of which, would be that they have recently drank human blood. For example, vampires that live on human blood include Aro, from the Volturi, Laurent (as seen in Twilight and New Moon) and many others. He has a constant red coloured iris, except from when he is thirsty (see above).

There is another possibility, however. Their eyes could also be red in colour because they have only just become a vampire (they are new-born). When a new vampire is "born" (also known as turned), their eyes are always red, even if they start off on the vegetarian diet. The eyes of a new-born are always red because of the amount of/presence of human blood in their body - Bella Cullen would be an example.


It is thought that human blood makes vampires very irrational and hot headed. They usually stay alone, or in pairs and are rarely found in covens, however, though, vegetarian vampires are often found in covens, and this is thought to be because of the absence of human blood as it makes them easier to 'blend in' with the humans.

Golden eyes[edit]


Although most vampires drink human blood, when one has golden eyes, it means that they don't. Golden-eyed vampires drink the blood of animals - the Cullens coined the term vegetarians, which means exactly this.


Vegetarian vampires are usually well mannered and can handle being around humans for a long time, but find it extremely hard to cope when their blood is exposed, they have tasted it recently or the humans blood is more visible/pumping quicker than usual.

Black eyes[edit]


When blood has not been consumed in two weeks, a vampires eyes turn black. They go from being their natural colour (red or gold depending on their diet), and darken as they get thirstier and when they finally reach 2 weeks, a vampires eyes become a completely black colour.


When a vampire becomes extremely thirsty, they will do just about anything to get blood of any type, and living in a humanised environment, this can be extremely dangerous and exposure can be risked.

What does it mean when a vampires eyes are red twilight?

Twilight vampires with red eyes are those who feed off human blood, such as Laurent, Aro, and the rest of the Volturi. However, vampires can also have red eyes when they're newborns; this as a result of the human blood still present in them, as was the case of Bella in Breaking Dawn - Part 2.

Whats the difference between red and gold eyes in Twilight?

The red eyes means the vampires drink human blood and the golden eyes mean the vampires drink animal blood.

Why is the Volturi eyes red?

In the Twilight universe, vampires who drink human blood have red eyes, while vampires who drink animal blood have topaz eyes. The Volturi consumed human blood, therefore their eyes were red.


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