Why cant I extinguish fire Sims 4?

A fire started in my sims' house, but no one can extinguish it.  When I tell my sims to extinguish it they wave their arm around and say there's no route.  Firefighters came before I unlocked my gate, so they're just standing around and I can't ask them to put out the fire.  Is there a way to put it out, or do I have to wait for it to go out on its own?

Attached is a picture of the situation.

EDIT: In case you're wondering, I use no mods.

Solved! Go to Solution.

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Rarely (0% - 9%)
What is your current game version number? 4
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? When a fire starts on a celebrity lot
What happens when the bug occurs? I can't do anything, I'm stuck
What do you expect to see? To leave the lot where the fire has started
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No

I feel like the most impossible thing just happened to me with Get Famous. I made my sim go to Octavia Moon's house, just because I wanted to see what the area looked like. I don't have any specific relationship with Octavia Moon, or with any of the household members, so obviously I can't go in the house, or even knock on the door, to begin with.So I went there, and a couple of seconds later, I got the notification that a fire had started on the lot. Octavia had "discovered the fire". So immediately after, the other household members came outside running. And there, I was stuck. I tried to take my sim elsewhere, to leave the game (but it wouldn't let me save), or to switch control to my other sim, who was at home. But none of that would work. I also tried to get inside the house myself, in hopes that maybe I could put the fire out by myself,  which didn't work either because as I had mentioned, I can't knock on the door. Interactions with other sims outside the house wouldn't work either, since the only interaction I get when I click on a sim is "Fire!". My sim is about to die. She has already peed herself and is starving. I can't seem to find a way to get out of this situation. I have about 2 hours of unsaved gameplay and I certainly don't want to lose that. I'd be very grateful if anyone could help me.

So Salim Benali (my sim’s live in baby daddy) electrocutes himself trying to fix their radio in the living room. The radio then sets on fire while I’m trying to get my sim ready for work and Salim’s dumbass steps into the flames. I send the heroic Pepper in to put him out and she does, cool. So I send Salim back into the blaze to stop the fire from spreading. Only every time I click extinguish on any square of flames, I get the “can’t reach it” thought bubble and the action is erased from the queue. This happens with both sims no matter which flames I select. Is this a bug? I don’t think I’ve ever had trouble putting out fires before.

Just as in the real world, unexpected accidents may sometimes happen in The Sims 4. If some piece of furniture gets engulfed in flames, or somebody sets your Sim’s house on fire on purpose, we’ll show you how you can quickly put out the fire.

Keep in mind that most Sims freak out when they see a fire. They literally freeze and refuse to move. This often results in that Sim getting engulfed in flames. Yes, death by fire is one of the many possible ways your Sim can meet their creator.

How to Extinguish a Fire in The Sims 4

Use a fire extinguisher

When you see a fire, select your Sim and then select the tile that’s on fire. Select the option to extinguish it and cross your fingers. Let’s hope the Sim you select is able to put out the fire.

Keep in mind that only adult Sims can extinguish fires. Kids and teenagers are not able to put out fires.

Use the Sim Ray

There is also the option to built a Sim Ray. The basic interaction of the Sim Ray is the Freeze Gun. This item can put out flames much faster that a fire extinguisher. However, this option is only available in the Sims 4: Get to Work expansion pack.

To build the Sim Ray, your Sim needs to work in the science laboratory and actually invent the Sim Ray.

What Do I Do if My Sim is on Fire?

If your Sim is standing near the flames, they might catch fire. Ideally, you should try to avoid that. But if your Sim is on fire, have them take a shower to put the fire out. The quicker you do that, the higher the chances of saving them. Avoid putting your Sim ablaze in the first place.

What causes fires in Sims 4?

  • Objects placed near a campfire can catch fire. If your Sims gets too close to the fire, they may catch fire as well.
  • If your Sim lit an incense holder, cloth and wood items nearby may catch fire.
  • If your Sim has really low cooking skills, they may occasionally set the kitchen on fire. The same is valid for a Sim with low rocket science while they’re building the rocket ship.
  • Using fireworks may accidentally set things on fire.
  • The children’s science lab is a place where things may occasionally catch on fire.

How to prevent fires in The Sims 4

Install a sprinkler in your household. Should a fire start, the sprinklers will automatically activate and put out the fire before it extends. Keep in mind that the sprinklers placed on the outside wall of the house can cover the entire floor. But if you place the sprinklers inside a room, they’ll only cover that room, not the entire floor.

Additionally, don’t forget to install some fire alarms. These are really useful devices that will sound the alarm in case a fire is detected. Your Sims will be immediately alerted and they can quickly take action.

If you install both a fire alarm and a sprinkler system and you pair them up, the water will start running immediately after the alarm starts.

Learn more about extinguishing fires in The Sims 4

Are there firefighters in Sims 4? There are two NPC firefighters in The Sims 4. They will show up in every world, except for Sulani. Firefighters will automatically show up if a smoke detector goes off. The good news is that Sims can also use the phone and ask the firefighters to help them put out a fire. Just make sure there’s a real emergency there. If there is no fire, the firefighters will scold your Sims and charge them a fine.

In Sulani, your household’s neighbors will help put out fires since there are no firefighters in that world.

Why does my Sim keep starting fires? Some Sims may keep on starting fires for no apparent reason. This sometimes happens after a new game update due to undetected code bugs.

Why can't I extinguish fire Sims 4?

Re: Sims can't put out a fire because there is fire?? I was having this problem too, but then I noticed that, in order for you to get the option to extinguish the fire, you just need to make sure your cursor is pointing directly in the center of the fire.

How do you extinguish a fire in Sims 4?

Grab the fire extinguisher All adult Sims possess a fire extinguisher and can use it if needed. To stop a fire by using a fire extinguisher, click on the flames and choose 'Extinguish Fire. '

Why does my Sim keep catching on fire Sims 4?

The fears bug. Look in your sims traits and see if they have acquired a fear of fire or something like that. If your sim has it, they will burn down the house everytime they touch anything cooking related.

Why is my Sims peeing fire?

Urinary patch infection. A recent update to The Sims 4 has seemingly introduced a bug to the game that is causing some sims to pee fire.


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