Why cant you eat avocado toast for breakfast?

At risk of being permanently kicked out of the millennial generation, it's time for me to come clean. I don't like avocado toast. (Pause for gasps.) Yes, it's true. I'm completely OVER everyone's favorite Instagrammable breakfast, and here's why I think you should be too:

1. Avocados have huge environmental footprint.

You know water? Like, the stuff our bodies need in order to live? Well, avocados require up to 72 gallons of water per pound to grow. Doesn't that seem a little greedy, especially when there are towns in the US currently in a water crisis?

2. They'll empty your wallet.

According to CNN, in 2017, avocado prices went up 125% in LESS THAN A YEAR. The high demand for avocados has made that routine avocado toast into a serious investment. Still, making your avocado toast at home is more economical then getting it at a restaurant. Don't even get me started on this $100 monstrosity.

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Why cant you eat avocado toast for breakfast?

3. They're not a complete breakfast.

Being that they're a fruit, avocados are very low in protein. Protein is super important in the morning — it gives you a boost of energy and keeps you full longer. Avocado toast is essentially carb + fat. In order to make avo toast complete, you'll need whole grain bread and an egg on top. Which leads me to number 4 ...

4. Avocado is trying to steal egg's spotlight.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm obsessed with eggs. I believe there is truly nothing a fried egg can't improve, and you can quote me on that. Eggs on toast have been a breakfast staple forever, and for good reason. They're ALSO healthy fats, and they're packed with protein. Plus, it's not like eggs are trying to get mashed up and served with corn chips. (I'm just saying, stay in your lane avocado.)

5. Apparently, I'm in good company.

Last month, everyone's favorite reality television star Chip Gaines outed himself as am avo toast hater. I'm proud of you, Chip. Looks like it's us against the world.

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Lena Abraham is the Senior Food Editor at Delish, where she develops and styles recipes for video and photo, and also stays on top of current food trends. She’s been working in the food industry for over 10 years, and will argue that the best fish tacos in the world are made in New York. Don’t @ her.

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How bread, healthy fat, and sometimes a little salt can affect your body.

Why cant you eat avocado toast for breakfast?

This popular meal or snack can be made at home or ordered at a restaurant. Your basic avocado toast is made with crusty or toasted bread topped with the buttery flavor of mashed, ripe avocado and sprinkled with salt and pepper.

There are many variations to this beloved breakfast—I love mine drizzled with a balsamic glaze, my daughter prefers hers topped with sliced strawberries, and my son insists on his topped with an over-easy egg. No matter what your preference—the basic stays the same: bread, avocado, and salt.

If you love avocado toast so much that you eat it regularly, read on to learn exactly what it's doing to your body. And for more on how to eat healthy, don't miss 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now.

Why cant you eat avocado toast for breakfast?

Avocados are a fruit that is categorized as a fat. Most of the fat found in avocados is "good" monounsaturated fats. Because fat takes the body longer to digest, it makes you feel more satisfied after eating it. Pair your avocado with 100% whole grain bread and you'll be pairing your good fat with filling fiber to keep you even more satisfied.

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Why cant you eat avocado toast for breakfast?

Replacing artery-clogging saturated fat with the "good" monounsaturated fat found in avocados is recommended by the American Heart Association. In addition, the 2020-2025 dietary guidelines for Americans recommends replacing saturated fat in your diet with unsaturated fat like in avocados which are associated with a reduced risk of heart attack or stroke. For more, see 20 Common Fatty Foods That Won't Make You Fat.

Why cant you eat avocado toast for breakfast?

Avocados are brimming with nutrients, including two carotenoids called lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of these phytonutrients (natural plant compounds) give fruits and vegetables their deep green, yellow, and orange colors. Both lutein and zeaxanthin have been found in high concentrations in the macula, the area of the retina in the eye that gives you sharpness in your eyesight so you can read. Research has shown that eating foods high in lutein and zeaxanthin – like avocados in avocado toast – can slow the progress of macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss as we get older.

Why cant you eat avocado toast for breakfast?

When you eat avocado toast, the fat from the avocado gets digested and absorbed into the body. One of the tasks of fat is to help absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K. These vitamins are known as fat-soluble vitamins as they need fat in order to be absorbed by the body.

Why cant you eat avocado toast for breakfast?

Avocado toast can certainly keep you feeling satisfied with the fiber and healthy fat it provides, but if you go overboard on portions it can lead to weight gain. One-third of a medium avocado provides 80 calories. If you mash half an avocado on each of two slices of whole-grain bread, you'll be ingesting about 500 calories. If avocado toast is your latest obsession – hey, it does happen – and eat three or four slices a day you can be just overdoing the calories. You don't need 750 or 1,000 calories from avocado toast alone, which can certainly pack on the pounds if you're eating three or four slices of the green toast regularly. Make sure you're eating avocado toast in moderation to reap all the healthy benefits! And to improve your health in even more ways this morning, check out We Just Discovered The Easiest Healthy Hack for Breakfast.

Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN

Toby Amidor is an award winning dietitian and Wall Street Journal best-selling cookbook author who believes healthy and wholesome can also be appetizing and delicious. Read more about Toby

More content from Healthy Eating

Can you eat avocado toast for breakfast?

If you're looking for a healthy addition to your breakfast routine, look no further. Whether it's a staple in your breakfast routine or your favorite on-the-go lunch, avocado toast is a tasty—and trendy—meal.

Why should you not eat bread with avocado?

May lead to weight gain. If you mash half an avocado on each of two slices of whole-grain bread, you'll be ingesting about 500 calories. If avocado toast is your latest obsession – hey, it does happen – and eat three or four slices a day you can be just overdoing the calories.

What happens if you eat avocado for breakfast?

Researchers found overweight adults who ate avocado as part of breakfast showed improved blood flow, which can influence things like your blood pressure. They also found better after-meal blood sugar and blood-fat levels compared to those who ate the standard meal.

Is avocado toast a good breakfast for weight loss?

Because avocados are high in healthy fats and fiber, an average portion size of avocado toast delivers the right number of calories to leave you full, but not too full. Fiber is known to aid in digestion and can aid in weight loss.