Why childhood is the best phase of your life?

Speech Childhood – The best Phase of Life, speech about childhood

Childhood – The best Phase of Life

Life is a story with many phases and one big phase that is invincible is Childhood. No one is as innocent as a child and sadly none can ever be a child always. Still, we can make our childhood a memorable one.

Childhood is a special phase where we are cared and nurtured by everyone around. Without any doubt childhood is the most enjoyable period of life. No one would deny the pleasure of being a child. We were all pampered the most being a child. The most gifted part of life is childhood.

Our parents would have taken all the efforts to keep us comfortable. Parents put up all their money and spend a lot of time to make a beautiful childhood for their kids. At the same time we should utilize our parents’ time and efforts in the right way.

Accepting our parents as our first mentor is the biggest lesson we need to learn in life. Childhood unfolds many other lessons to us which we need to understand and follow the example for the rest of our life. This period gives us so many chances to learn from our mistakes and rectify our mistakes.

Yet another dimension defines Childhood as the most crucial part of life. An individual’s attitude and attributes are deeply rooted in the way he/she was brought up. Childhood is a time where a child gets lot of space and time to build all types of skills and abilities. Shaping up a human is possible and it is almost complete in childhood. All thoughts and acts that a child visualizes and experiences impact the child. When a child is allowed to inculcate good habits he or she will follow the same throughout life.

As students, we should put our utmost efforts to build ourselves into a great personality right from this stage. Trying to bend for tough things from young age would help us to become a master in finesse in future.

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If there exists only one truth in this world than it’s the fact that there are no days like childhood. Childhood is the best phase of everyone’s life. The good thing about those days is we are immature. Immature to truly understand the world, immature to understand relationships. Perhaps one chocolate is more than enough to make someone our friend. When some one asks us to choose between a hundred rupee note and few iron coins, the child in us shall always choose the iron coins.

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We have been given extraordinary power of weeping that is sufficient to melt anyone’s heart. I was the naughtiest child anyone can ever imagine. I had been a reason of irritation for many of my relatives and neighbours. This post of mine is dedicated to my favorite hobby of that time, The hobby of pressing doorbells. I remember there didn’t exist a single house in my colony which was not a victim of my hobby.

The worst of all had to bear by Sharma Uncle, whose door bell got sick of ringing.

There were nearly twenty houses between the place my school bus dropped me and my home. There existed a timetable of on which day which houses’s bell need to be rang. But as said by someone that all bad things come to an end one day, so does good that include my hobby. It was an ordinary summer noon. My vacations were going on and I were enjoying the vacations.

My father had gone office and I was all alone with my mom in my big and sweet home. My mom asked me to bring wiper from a nearby shop.

When I got out, I found that street were all empty without any human soul and the whole universe including the street were convincing me that there caouldn’t be a better time for practical implementation of my wonderful hobby. How could I ignore when the whole universe were wishing something from me. I saw left, I saw right but how stupid I was I wouldn’t seen the straight. Alas! Sharma aunty were coming. The operation was implemented and the bomb had been triggered, my hands had already done something that I wouldn’t forget for next 20-30 years.

I had no choice but one i. e. to run. I wished india was the host of Olympics in that year and I was the first one from india to win gold in athletics, but who cares for the dreams of a poor child. The only wish I wished was that she wouldn’t had recognised me, while running, but not every wish is destined for accomplishment. I returned back with that bloody wiper and unlike other time with no chocolates. With the hope that if the case had been tracked and accused were detected than there should be consideration of the fact that that the accused had sacrificed his lovely hocolates.

My mom was eagerly waiting for me at the main door of my home and behind were standing the stone hearted Sharma aunty. She opened the gate and then what happened I can’t write it in words. The only thing I remember is I had been again sent for bringing wiper after 2 hours, the old one had got sacrificed and I had gained 2 inches in my dimensions. That was an end of my wonderful hobby but the creation of an everlasting mesmerizing memory. Who said pain doesn’t give us smile..? I’m smiling today remembering the sweet pain that I got on that day

Why childhood life is better than adulthood?

Childhood is better than adulthood for numerous reasons, even though most children will disagree. In childhood, life is more enjoyable, it is easier to gain new knowledge, and there is less responsibility. In childhood, life was full of possibilities. All we thought about was the next fun thing to do.

Which phase is the best phase of life?

It is said that childhood is the best phase of our life, yet not for everyone. But throughout time, we learn how to live with every emptiness in life.


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