Why do dispensaries scan your license in Arizona?

Dear Stoner: I’ve had retail dispensaries scan my ID and put my info in their computers or hold my ID until I speak to a budtender. One said that they had to confirm that my ID was up to date, but the majority of retail dispensaries give my ID a quick look and give it back. Seems shady.

Dear Christie: State law only requires visual inspection at dispensaries, the way a bouncer at a bar does it — but municipalities can come up with their own policies. In answer to a similar question in 2015, a spokeswoman for the City of Aurora said it forced dispensaries to scan IDs before entry because computers are “capable of quickly and reliably confirming the validity of an identification.” That requirement is uncommon, however, and doesn’t exist in Denver — though that doesn’t stop Denver pot shops from scanning IDs or holding them until you’re at the counter. The most common explanations we’ve heard from dispensaries is that they hold on to IDs to verify that they’re real and to ensure that no one goes over their daily ounce limit — but I’ve also heard of dispensaries creating customer profiles from your information. It’s a dispensary’s right to do either; it’s also your right to go somewhere else.

Have a question for our Stoner? E-mail [email protected] or call the potline at 303-­293­-2222.

Buying pot from a dispensary gives some people cause for concern. As they walk underneath cameras and hand over their ID, they’re certain Big Brother is watching, Orwell’s 1984 morphing into 1984:20. So, is that what’s happening? Is the government tracking marijuana purchases? The short answer: no.

The ID Factor

Typically, when you walk into a dispensary you’re asked to provide an ID by an employee the same way a bouncer at a bar asks for a driver’s license before he unclasps the red velvet rope. Some dispensaries have ID scanners – they scan your ID into a machine and your imagination runs wild. You picture your name going on a list, federal employees checking it like Santa in an attempt to find out who’s been naughty and high.

ID scanners only serve to do one thing: verify your age

An ID scanner works by reading the electronic data stored in the strip on the back of your driver’s license (and some other IDs). It clearly displays the customer’s age, allowing the person scanning to know if you’re 21 like you say or really 18 (or 21 like you say and really 32). It weeds out fake IDs, something useful not only in the cannabis industry but inside bars, liquor stores, casinos, and police stations.

Not every pot shop will scan your ID – some states don’t require it, but the cities within those states might.

Why do dispensaries scan your license in Arizona?
And many business owners choose to as an extra precaution for anyone trying to catch them doing something wrong. They’re not being paranoid either.

Per Marijuana Venture, the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board cracked down on underage sales by submitting all pot shops to a compliance check. They sent in 18 to 21-year-old men and women who claimed to have forgotten their ID or they presented an ID with their actual age (an age under 21). Then they busted any dispensary willing to dispense cannabis to the too young.

Private, but….

Though your personal information isn’t entered into a federal database, not every visit to every pot shop is saturated in privacy. In Colorado, for example, the state does not require consumers to disclose any information other than their state ID in order to verify age. 

Amendment 64, the law that legalized weed for recreational use, speaks directly to this: "The department shall not require a consumer to provide a retail marijuana store with personal information other than government-issued identification to determine the consumer’s age, and a retail marijuana store shall not be required to acquire and record personal information about consumers other than information typically acquired in a financial transaction conducted at a retail liquor store."

Why do dispensaries scan your license in Arizona?

But, this doesn’t stop some stores from collecting more than they should. Some stores have policies where they collect your contact information. Their candidness varies as well: some are open about the information they amass; others cloak it in a bit of secrecy. Some stores also allow optional disclosure: you can enter your information as part of a rewards program.

Though buying weed with a credit card isn’t the norm, the rebellious dispensaries allow it. A 2015 investigation by Fox 31 in Denver found that 47 percent of licensed pot shops accepted MasterCard or Visa payments. They’re able to do this by skirting the system:

They conduct credit card transactions under holding companies that banks won’t balk at

If you buy a medicinal patch from a dispensary in Aspen, it might appear on your credit card as “alternative health” or even “gardening supplies.”

The dispensaries that allow you to pay with credit or debit cards generally collect much more personal information than those operating on a strict cash basis.

Smile, You’re on Camera

Of course, cameras are another factor in privacy and pot shops have them – lots of them. They’re not as plentiful as a casino, but they’re there. In Colorado, the law requires recreational marijuana stores to record people at the registers and those entering and exiting the building.

The law mandates that the footage must be kept for 40 days and that state officials may inspect it if they so please

Why do dispensaries scan your license in Arizona?

Some people view the cameras as an invasion of their privacy, but, in this day and age, there are cameras nearly everywhere. You’re on camera dozens and dozens of times a day without realizing and this footage largely goes unwatched; it’s filmed on a “just in case” basis.

Your Smoking Limit

In Oregon, state law allows adults to purchase up to seven grams a day. As a result, many people assume their purchases are being tracked in order to enforce these limits. Yet, there’s not enough manpower for that. Maybe not enough desire either.

Why do dispensaries scan your license in Arizona?

If you buy seven grams from one pot shop and return a few hours later to buy more, odds are you’ll be turned away. The dispensary may remember you or they may enter you into their own system to make sure they don’t sell anything illegal; they’re required to have written policies that make certain they don’t sell more to one individual than what’s allowed per day. But there’s nothing stopping you from going to another shop to buy seven more grams (and then another shop after that, and another shop after that). It’s a similar concept as restaurants that have a three-margarita maximum: they won’t sell you a fourth, but there’s little they can do if you decide to go down the street and pony up to that bar.

Buying marijuana isn’t as private as you may want it to be - neither is buying anything, wine or potatoes or condoms. But most of the information collected serves the purpose of either age verification or a marketing ploy: they want things like your email address not so they can send it to the government, but so they can reach out to you in an attempt to get more business. Federal agents won’t come knocking on your door, but your inbox will probably see more action than usual.

AuthorJenn Keeler

Jenn Keeler is a freelance writer and illustrator specializing in humorous lifestyle articles. She is one of the few people on earth actually using an English degree. Her heart belongs to the Denver Broncos and her husband. In that order.

Why do dispensaries scan your ID Arizona?

Note that your ID will be scanned or otherwise recorded whenever you make a purchase. This is both a medicinal and recreational marijuana law, and it's designed to ensure that you remain within your legal purchase limits and that the dispensary accurately tracks all of its cannabis sales.

Do dispensaries in Arizona share information with the government?

No. According to state law, the information that ADHS receives for the registry is confidential. It cannot be disclosed under the Arizona Open Records Law. "Employers and law enforcement cannot obtain information without the patient's registration number, which they can only get from the patient's card," Dean said.

Why do dispensaries have cameras?

Dispensary Security​ Dispensary security in California is key to protecting local cannabis businesses. Security cameras, burglar alarms, access control to important areas such as dispensary vaults, and point-of-sale security systems all help to prevent crime and inventory shrinkage in your business.

Do dispensaries take expired IDs in Arizona?

If you try to come in with an expired ID we will turn you away. We will not scold you, nor destroy your ID.