Why do I get a headache when I wear a ponytail?

Source: Stocksy/Jayme Burrows

When you sign up for a HIIT class or bootcamp, you're expecting to feel the burn from your burpees and mountain climbers, but from your ponytail? Not so much.

Ponytail headaches are definitely a real thing. A 2004 study out of London found that fifty women out of a group of 93 experienced pain on their heads while wearing ponytails. These types of "extracranial headaches" usually come about because of scalp sensitivity, and are reportedly different than the sorts of brain-buster (or, "intracranial") headaches you might be used to.

"If someone is wearing a hairstyle that is particularly tight, when it's pulled back that tightly, the pain sensors in the scalp become constantly sensitized or activated," explains Wade Cooper, DO, a Michigan-based neurologist.  "So over time, that starts to generate a pain signal and the scalp becomes achey and sore just from that mechanical pulling of the hair."

This sensation is called Allodynia, which means that something that is usually comfortable—like pulling your hair back into a ponytail—can start to feel feel uncomfortable. If you're reading this and thinking, "this has never happened to me in my life," it's NBD. According to Dr. Cooper, the phenomenon is more common in people who have migraines or other pain disorders (like fibromyalgia) because their nervous systems are generally more sensitive to any kind of stimulus.

"The area of the scalp, neck, and face can all act as triggers for people who are susceptible to migraines, and so it is likely that tension due to a ponytail would act as a migraine trigger in certain people," says Paul Booton, a headache specialist at the National Migraine Centre in the UK. "It is also the case that a great deal of migraines remain undiagnosed particularly in people who have them less severely."

Meaning: You might get a headache from a ponytail and brush it off, but it actually could be a sign of a migraine.  After all research shows that 85% of chronic migraine sufferers are women (18% of women experience at some point, compared to only 6% of men).

According to the pros, the best way to deal with any sort pony-induced pain is to let your hair down. If you don't feel better within an hour or two, or if you start to feel other symptoms like light or sound sensitivity or nausea, it may be a sign of an untreated migraine, so you should check in with a doctor, stat.

Who says ponytails are the only way to keep your hair out of your face during a workout? Check out these three sweat-friendly hairstyles, or just commit to the trusty ol' "messy updo" and call it a day. 

Why do I get a headache when I wear a ponytail?

If you’ve ever had long hair, you are likely familiar with the pain that can be caused by a simple ponytail. All you wanted to do was tie your hair back to ward off the heat, but you ended up with an agonizing sensation on your scalp.

“Ponytail headaches are surprisingly common, but different than everyday intracranial headaches,” says Dr. Aaron Bubolz, a neurologist at Aurora BayCare Medical Center in Green Bay, Wis. Unlike intracranial headaches, ponytail headaches are caused by external stimuli like headbands, tight braids or ponytails.

Hair ties simultaneously pull every strand of hair from the scalp and aggravate the pain sensors along the hairline. After a long day, this can cause anyone to develop a headache or experience allodynia – the sensation of pain from something that typically wouldn’t be painful.

If you are prone to migraines, you are more likely to experience this type of headache. In fact, putting your hair up can even bring on migraine symptoms that were not otherwise present.

Follow these tips from Dr. Bubolz to fend off headaches caused by tight hairstyles:

Wash your hair

When the natural oils in your hair build up, the overproduction of yeast may lead to inflammation and sensitivity along your roots. “The best way to avoid this type of pain is to wash your hair as needed,” Dr. Bubolz explains. “Everyone’s hair is different, so do not be afraid to shampoo on days it feels greasier than usual.”

Keep your eye on the time

The longer your hair is up, the more likely you are to experience a headache. Let your hair down around every hour to relieve your nerves and release tension.

Massage your scalp

After your hair is down, take a few minutes to gently massage your scalp with your fingers. This can be done with your hair up or down and may help relieve tension.

Take an over-the-counter pain reliever

If you plan on wearing a tight hairstyle and have suffered ponytail headaches in the past, taking a pain reliever can help prevent the headache altogether. A headache that remains afterward could be a sign of a greater medical condition.

Get a good night’s rest

Other variables, such as your sleeping schedule, can also impact your susceptibility to headaches. Lack of sleep can “negatively impact your mood and increase your sensitivity to pain,” says Dr. Bubolz.

Find a different hairstyle

If you still experience headaches every time you put your hair up, you may need to consider a new hairstyle. Consider leaving your hair down for the day or peruse Pinterest boards for looser alternatives to ponytails.