Why do my cheeks get red and hot Reddit

level 1

I flush so dark it's almost purple sometimes. Thought that's just how my skin worked, and then I saw a dermatologist and she casually referred to my rosacea, which apparently is what that is. You might want to check with a doctor, I don't think most people flush like that.

level 2

I have asked my dermatologist about it being rosacea and he said it wasn't

level 2

I'm sure the pointing it out is very helpful, maybe you should point out how insensitive they are being.

I also thought that at first, but maybe at least some of them worry that it's an allergy reaction? But yeah, people are inconsiderate cunts.

level 1

· 11 mo. ago

oily, acne prone, tretinoin user

Are you wearing a mask at work?

level 1

Not saying it's this but I'm a part of a dysautnomia group. Some members have MCAS and get this kind of flushing. Not saying it's MCAS but it could be something where it's not your skin that's the root cause

level 2

Yeah I have dysautonomia and flush like this (even though I’m darker Fitzpatrick). I have a line around nasolabial folds too

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This. I had bad, painful flushing like this when I was on Accutane, and my derm was a bit concerned that it might not be from the Accutane -- mast cell or a carcinoid tumor. Fortunately, it stopped completely when I went off Accutane. But those are the things we were starting to look in to.

OP have you been to a regular doctor, not a dermatologist, for a workup?

level 1

I do too. A kid I nanny once said it looked like there was a giant red bat on my face because mine has a sharp line where it stops under my eyes as well.

level 2

I don't mean to alarm you, but you might want to Google lupus face rash, and you might want to get checked out. A face rash that looks like a butterfly or bat is a tell-tale sign of lupus

level 1

I get the exact same thing! I hope someone can answer. I’ve been to dermatologist, allergists, and endocrinologists and they pretty much tell me it’s anxiety BUT it’s not. So I used to take adderall/vyvanse for 8 years and in the last year I stopped and so did my flushing. I dont think it is the CAUSE of the flushing but maybe something with increased cortisol or adrenaline? I also used to get it at the same time everyday, like 2-3pm. It was worse when I had coffee and worse when stressed out. My face would be hot to the touch by I wasn’t sweating or anything. My flushing has stopped 90% but I still don’t know the root cause. Oh and I think histamine might be a huge factor because I get flushing when I eat foods, spices, beverages that are high in histamine. I also get flushing episodes from being in direct sunlight. Seriously, if you find out please let me know. I’ve spent so much time and money but no one seems to take me seriously.

level 2

Are you on birth control or menopause? Hot flashes like these can also be caused by that

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Sounds like Type 1 rosacea ?

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I am having the same issue from vyvanse! I stopped it for a week and the flushing and red patches aren’t going away. Tried reintroducing it for one day and immediate burning, and today I look completely sunburnt. Also have rosacea, so it’s exacerbated it. I was having some success with vyvanse , so it’s really unfortunate to have to stop this medication

level 1

If you wear a mask at work, try changing to a new brand or wash the one you use now if it’s cloth. Only saying that because it’s literally the shape and location of one

level 2

Could also be the detergent brand or maybe the soap isn’t being fully rinsed out of the mask.

level 1

Could it be a food sensitivity? I had no idea I had food aversions until recently but my face going red is one of the signs I’ve learned to spot that I’ve eaten something I shouldn’t’ve

level 2

I had the same problem some years ago! I found out I couldn't eat dairy first and some years later gluten, and since then I've never had red face.

level 1

This happens to me at work except on my chest and when I’m even a tinyyyy bit nervous. It started when I came off of my anti anxiety medication. So I’m going to start taking rhodiola. Might help you :)


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