Why do some pokemon have blue background

Though the mobile AR game has been out since 2016, those who aren't die-hard Pokémon fans are still getting into Pokémon GO. The game, which has brought together all eight of the currently available generations of Pokémon to one game, offers players countless ways to grow their Pokémon collection.

Through raids, special events, and trading, players can obtain just about any Pokémon imaginable — yes, even Legendary and Mythical Pokémon.

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The game has truly been a way for lifelong trainers to take their Pokémon hunts into the real world, connecting with friends internationally while they play. But if you're still new to the game, there are some things that aren't explained to players right out of the gate, leaving some with questions.

For example, when scrolling through your collection of Pokémon, you may find that some of them have a blue background behind them, making them stand out from the others. What does the blue background mean?

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A blue background indicates a recently-caught Pokemon.

If you're looking at your current inventory of Pokémon, there are plenty of ways to sort them, depending on what you're looking for. You can organize them by CP (combat power), number in the National PokeDex, or by how recently it was caught.

As you're scrolling through your inventory, no matter how you organize it, some of the Pokémon have a blue aura behind them. This indicates that the Pokémon has been recently caught.

Though a newly-caught Pokémon offers no particular benefits, it's helpful to know which ones have been recently added to your person Dex, as you may want to have them appraised to see if they're worth keeping or trading in to the professor. If your new Pokémon has particularly high stats, no matter its CP, you'll want to save it and power it up to make it a strong member of your team

It may also help you to see what Pokémon have been recently spotted in your area and see what ones appear in more abundance than others.

The longer you've had a Pokémon, the more likely it is to become a Lucky Pokémon when trading — so think twice before selecting a recently-caught one when swapping Pokémon with your friends.


  • Updated Aug 15, 2016 at 1:41pm

In Pokemon Go, a blue glow appears around Pokemon you have captured in the past 24 hours. (Reddit/DBroddd)

New Pokemon Go players inevitably find themselves asking tons of questions, as the game does not explain many of its most important features. A minor one of these, but one still sure to pique a lot of gamers’ curiosity, is the faint blue glow that appears behind some Pokemon in your inventory but not around others. What does this mean?

All this blue glow signifies is that the Pokemon has been caught within the past 24 hours. It’s simply meant to be a helpful little visual to draw your eye to the most recent captures, distinguishing them from the Pokemon that were in your inventory already.

This can be helpful when you have many duplicates of the same species but want to transfer some of them to Professor Willow. Doing this gives the player more candy, and so transferring your low-leveled Pidgeys to the professor can be extremely lucrative. But once you transfer the Pokemon, there’s no way to get it back, and so you’ll want to make absolutely sure you’re only giving Willow the lower leveled ones. This blue glow, in addition to the CP icon, is a nice way of separating the multiple species.

After 24 hours have passed, the blue glow surrounding your Pokemon will disappear, indicating that it is no longer considered a new capture.

This is just one of many features the game doesn’t immediately explain. There’s also the green leaves, which appear around the map while you’re walking but which the game does not give you any information about. This, as it turns out, is merely an indication of where Pokemon generally spawn, but not necessarily a guarantee that there is a Pokemon there at the moment.

Thankfully, Pokemon Go players have gathered online to figure out all of these mysteries. In one Reddit thread, various users speculated about the blue glow as if they were forensic scientists. Some wondered if it had something to do with the Pokemon’s moves, while others thought it was merely an insignificant background image. Ultimately, though, the correct answer about the recent captures emerged.

  • Published Jul 21, 2016 at 12:21pm

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Why is there a blue background behind some Pokémon?

However, since then, it has been discovered that the blue aura represents a freshly caught Pokémon. The blue aura surrounds the icons of Pokémon in your Pokémon list that you have caught quite recently – like, within the last 24 hours.

Why do some Pokémon have a blue swirl around them?

Ever since weather became a factor in Pokémon Go, there are Pokémon that appear with a weather boost with each specific weather. Those Pokémon have a swirling blue circle around them, while other Pokémon, i.e., those that are not weather boosted, have regular, white circles around them.


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