Why does my cat make snoring noises when awake

Do you wake up in the night to hear your cat snoring like a chainsaw on the pillow beside you? She’s not alone. About 90 million Americans snore. Humans and dogs are more likely to rattle the hinges than cats.

If your cat is a loud sleeper, you might feel a twinge of concern. So, let’s talk about cat snoring.

What is snoring?

If your partner, roommate, or pet snores, you probably think it’s either annoying or cute depending on the volume, butthe science of snoring is fascinating. The upper airway consists of cartilaginous structures, many of which lack significant muscular support. During the day, when mammals are upright and active, the pathway stays open. But at night when the muscles relax, those cartilaginous structures partially collapse and shrink the air passages.

Air turbulence in thehypotonic airways creates the snoring sound you hear.

Why does my cat snore?

The science of snoring is the same for cats as it is for humans. Thus, the reasons we snore are similar.

  • Weird sleeping positions can restrict the airways and lead to louder and more intense snoring. Since cats spend much of their time sleeping in awkward positions, this could be a reason your cat saws logs.
  • Obesity increases snoring because extra neck fat narrows the airways.
  • Cat allergies exacerbate snoring by making it difficult to breathe through the nose. Inhaling through the mouth can increase noisy turbulence when air collides with the soft palate.
  • Age is a factor in snoring since growing older brings a loss of muscle tone and an increase of fat, both of which narrow air passages. That’s why snoring may be normal in an elderly cat, but a kitten snoring could be a sign of trouble.
  • Medical reasons like sleep apnea may cause snoring. If your cat is gasping in its sleep, having spasms of the diaphragm, is overweight, or has a short muzzle, talk to your vet about sleep disorders.
  • Brachycephalic cat breeds such as Himalayans, Persians, and Scottish Folds snore more than others. If you intend to partner up with one of these flat-faced beauties, you’ll want to learn about their unique medical conditions.
  • Do cats snore while awake?

    Sometimes,cats make snoring noises when they are awake. Astertor is a low-pitched noise, and it can sound like a snore. Astridor is a high-pitched tone you sometimes hear during cat respiration. Andwheezing is the sound that occurs in the lungs while your cat is breathing.

    A cat’s loud daytime breathing may indicate asthma or another medical problem. If your cat makes peculiar noises while breathing, it might be time to consult your veterinarian.

    When is snoring a problem for your cat?

    If you have any concern about your cat’s breathing, ask the vet. For sure, you’ll want to keep an eye out for nasal discharge, coughing, sneezing, and sores. Often, it’s a respiratory infection that a course of antibiotics will clear up. Snoring could be a sign of something serious, however, like a polyp or a tumor in the nasal passages.

    Don’t ignore snoring, but don’t panic either since most cat snoring is normal.

    What can I do about feline snoring?

    Once your vet has ruled out a medical condition, enjoy all the cuteness. If your cat indulges in an occasional gentle snore, why not take a video?Cat snoring videos are popular on YouTube. Gentle snores can be one of the benefits of loving a cat.

    Shop the Modkat litter boxes and accessories to freshen up your cat litter area today!

    Cats like to sleep, and they can do so for an astounding 16 hours a day on average! But when you hear them snoring suddenly, you may wonder if this is a normal occurrence.

    Snoring is known to be less common in cats than dogs and humans, therefore this may indicate a deeper problem.

    Learn more about cat snoring, when it’s normal or abnormal, the accompanying symptoms and ways to treat it as advised by vets.

    *Disclaimer: The information in this article is not meant to replace the advice and expertise of vets. You should consult a vet on your cat’s health condition for an accurate diagnosis.

    When Is Cat Snoring Normal?

    Brachycephalic breeds (flat-face)

    Dr. Rebecca MacMillan (MRCVS) from We’re All About Pets mentions that cat breeds with flat faces, also known as Brachycephalic breeds, tend to snore more due to the structure of their face.

    This is because of features such as narrowed nostrils and over-long soft palates. Some common breeds of this kind include Persians and British Shorthairs.

    Sleep position

    With their sleeping habits and flexibility, you can sometimes find cats sleeping in the weirdest positions. Snoring usually ceases when your cat changes position.

    Dr. Rose (from Peaceful Waters Aquamation) states that cats can sometimes sleep with their head positioned in a way that’ll obstruct steady or easy air flow through their trachea.

    Sleep cycle

    Felines sleep for long periods. However, they’re actually light sleepers due to their hunting instincts. Unlike the stages of sleep humans have, a cat’s non-REM sleep cycle is the stage where they are in the deepest sleep.

    This is the phase where cats will snore and it typically lasts for about 5 minutes.

    When Is Cat Snoring Not Normal?

    Noisy breathing while awake

    According to Feltcave, when a cat starts making snoring-like noises while awake, this might be due to air passing through blockages or abnormally narrow nasal passages.

    There are two kinds of noisy breathing sounds:
    Stertor: Low-pitched, snoring-like sounds that occur during inhalation
    Stridor: High-pitched, wheezing sounds

    Dr. Oliveira (from NHV Natural Pet) mentions that it’s also abnormal if cats start to breathe with their mouths open or pant heavily.

    Progressively loud and frequent snoring

    As snoring in cats is less common, it may not be normal if it’s constant, very loud or has progressed over time. According to the CatVills advisory team, it is also unusual if snoring is new or comes on suddenly.

    Factors such as airway obstructions can lead to louder and more intensive snoring.

    Snoring accompanied by symptoms of illness

    If your cat has other symptoms on top of their snoring, it’s the most obvious sign that something is wrong.

    Dr. Ellen Marcinkiewicz (MRCVS) of Pet Food Sherpa states that some common symptoms include sneezing, coughing, discharges from the eye or nose, a swollen face, or behavioural or appetite changes. Sometimes, their tails may also move rapidly while they’re asleep as a sign of discomfort.

    Reasons For Abnormal Cat Snoring

    Illnesses can cause the cat’s nasal cavity to be blocked or congested, resulting in snoring. If there are accompanying symptoms along with snoring, it might indicate a medical condition or problem.

    Here are some possible health-related reasons that could cause snoring in cats. 


    If your cat is overweight, pressure may be placed on their nasal passages and cause snoring. If left untreated, it can lead to increased risks of issues such as cancer or arthritis.

    Snoring pattern: Increasingly frequent along with weight gain

    Accompanying symptoms:

    • Cannot feel bones under skin
    • Unhealthy eating habits
    • Excessive weight gain
    • No interest in physical activities


    • Exercise
    • Medication 
    • Diet plans

    Heart and lung conditions

    Problems such as heartworm and heart murmurs can lead to a buildup of fluid in the lungs. Lung ailments like pneumonia can also cause breathing difficulties for your cat.

    Snoring pattern: Sudden or acute instances

    Accompanying symptoms:

    • Coughing or retching
    • Pus, blood or mucus discharge 
    • Abdominal swelling 
    • Shortness of breath


    • Medication
    • Oxygen treatments
    • Fluid drainage procedure

    Upper respiratory tract infections

    Infections in the upper respiratory tract can cause congestion in the lungs which in turn may result in snoring.

    Dr. Joanna Woodnutt (MRCVS) of All About Cats says that one such infection is ‘cat flu’, which can often be triggered by stressful situations. If you find your cat snoring upon returning from the cattery, this may be why.

    Snoring pattern: Noisy and laboured with abnormal noises

    Accompanying symptoms:

    • Coughing and sneezing
    • Discharge from nose and eyes 
    • Sores on the nose
    • Lethargy


    • Medication
    • Fluid replacement therapy


    Asthma causes swelling of the tissues in the cat’s lung passages. It’s usually triggered by inhaling allergens or if they are stressed.

    Snoring pattern: Loud with wheezing sounds

    Accompanying symptoms:

    • Rapid or difficulty breathing
    • Coughing or gagging 
    • Squatting with shoulders hunched and neck extended
    • Bluish lips and gums


    • Medication
    • Inhalers or nasal sprays

    Foreign obstructions

    When a foreign body gets lodged in the cat’s nasal canals, it blocks the air passage and can result in snoring. In more severe cases, an ‘obstruction’ could be a tumour or polyp.

    Snoring pattern: Loud and congested

    Accompanying symptoms:

    • Bad breath
    • Coughing or gagging
    • Salivation
    • Nasal discharge


    • Endoscopy 
    • Surgery


    The 3 most common kinds of allergies that cats experience are environmental, food and flea allergies. If your cat gets triggered by allergens, their airways become inflamed and cause snoring.

    Snoring pattern: Loud and congested

    Accompanying symptoms:

    • Skin itch
    • Sneezing, coughing and wheezing 
    • Vomiting 
    • Diarrhoea and bloating


    • Food allergies:Medication, getting rid of the trigger food, hypoallergenic cat food
    • Environmental allergies: Medication, nasal sprays
    • Flea allergies: Medication, steroid injections

    Treatment tip!
    For cats with allergies and asthma, Dr. Murithi (from SpiritDog Training) advises the use of an air humidifier to moisten the air.

    This not only helps to reduce breathing problems and abnormal snoring, but also relaxes your cat.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is it okay for my cat to snore sometimes?

    Although snoring is less common for cats as compared to dogs and humans, it’s still a normal sleeping habit in most cases.

    If your cat starts displaying symptoms, physical or behavioural changes, a visit to the vet is advised.

    Is my cat snoring or purring?

    Purring is a soft vibration that occurs when a cat is being petted, displaying their happiness, comfort and content.

    On the other hand, snoring is loud and accompanied by heavy breathing. It generally happens during deep sleep and not when you pet your cat.

    Do cats snore as they get older?

    Yes, older cats are more predisposed to snoring as aging results in a loss of muscle tone and an increase in fat deposits around the body.

    This places more pressure on the nasal passages and makes them narrower.

    How do I stop my cat from snoring?

    Treatment for cat snoring depends on the reason. If it’s due to anatomical reasons such as the Brachycephalic breed, then there isn’t much you can do about it.

    If your cat displays other symptoms or breathes noisily while awake, bring your cat to a vet to address the underlying issue.

    Is it normal for cats to snore while they are awake?

    It’s not normal for a cat to make snoring noises while awake.

    If your cat starts making stertor or stridor noises in the day, it may indicate respiratory or other health issues.

    Manage Cat Snoring Habits

    While snoring is generally considered normal, it’s important that you monitor your cat for other signs of health issues.

    If you suspect an abnormal snoring habit, take your cat for a check-up immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment will help prevent more severe and irreversible conditions.

    Article by:

    Andrea-Sara Lim


    There's nothing Andrea loves more than dancing and playing the Sims 4. She is highly intrigued by astrology and enjoys fantasy novels of any sort. You can often find her obsessing over adorable animal videos.

    Why is my cat making weird breathing noises?

    Feline asthma — Just like in people, some cats' lower airways can become inflamed when triggered by allergens, resulting in wheezing and difficulty breathing. Laryngitis — Infectious processes, trauma, and even tumors can cause inflammation in the back of the throat, resulting in breathing changes.

    Is my cat snoring or having trouble breathing?

    What is more concerning than snoring is noisy breathing while your cat is awake and moving around. Cats should not have to work hard or make noise to breathe—especially not while resting. If your cat is panting, wheezing or breathing heavily, it may be suffering from a breathing issue.

    Why is my cat making weird noises with her throat?

    Hacking. Like gagging, hacking is another sound cats make as they cough up hairballs. Hacking can also be caused by Kennel Cough, allergies, asthma, upper respiratory infection, or heartworms. If your pet is hacking a lot, a visit to the veterinarian is in order to diagnose and treat the underlying issue.

    Why does my cat snore when relaxed?

    Cats also have a deeper, non-REM sleep phase during which they're fully relaxed. This is when you're more likely to hear them snore. If you notice your feline friend snoring every once and a while, it's probably nothing to be concerned about.


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